Spring integration with ElasticSearch vs Elasticsearch Template - spring

Right now i´m developing an app that should connect with elacticsearch, however there are some different`s points of view to get solution, so i´m wondering witch could be a better use Spring integration(int-http:outbound-gateway) or Spring-Data-ElasticSearch(ElasticsearchTemplate), please feel free to write about it, thanks


Making a simple invoice web app with Spring but which technologies is advisable?

I am going to teach myself some Java EE and making a simple web portal where people can generate their own invoices(pdf lib is needed). Not asking about any code but can you give advice (examples) which technologies I can make use of through the process? I have decided to use "Spring MVC" as the framework + java/Kotlin as a compiler. Some database + server + email+ some micro services?, are needed but which can it be? Thank you!
If you are trying to implement microservices, i prefer spring boot which has embedded tomcat with additional services, and for database you can use open source mysql
if you are also planning for UI stuff and new to it prefer basic Html,css and Bootstrap
If I am there here are my choices. All these choices are based on my past 4 complete end to end web application project experience.
Spring Boot
Using spring boot create micro services. As it has in built tomcat it will be easy to deploy any environment, either local laptop or on premise server or cloud server.
JPA with Hibernate
If you are looking for free you can choose MYSQL. As it has strong community support
almost all the issues you are going to face would have been asked and answered already under stack overflow or somewhere else in the internet. Another think is as you chose JPA you can switch to any database easily.
As of now the simplest and one of the fastest ui framework. Also it has strong user support. You can find answer to almost all questions you will have on internet.
Apart from all, you can extend any of these technologies. Happy Coding!!!
You may want to consider using Jaspersoft for generating your pdf files:
There may undoubtedly be other solutions out there, but this is the one I'm most used to.

BIRT spring Integration

New to BIRT, started 3 days back.
Will have REPORTING menu in the existing web application, which will give option to choose the type of report(pdf and chart(drilled down also))
and generate the selected chart with the mentioned date.
What I had done so far
Tried stand-alone report application using sample database.
created a birt rest service, but not sure how to feed data to that.
Calrification required
Do I need to create a template using report design eclipse plugin and an application which is a spring boot where I can connect to
database using hibernate and feed the template with data or is there any better approach in this?
My application consists of REST API and the client will consume it. So what will be the return type of the birt web service? Is it a byte stream?
To run BIRT on existing tomcat server, Do I need any other libraries.
Has been referred a lot of articles regarding BIRT, really stuck at integrating with an existing application. Thanks in advance

Spring boot , Elasticsearch

Searched over the net but unable to find the satisfying approach.
I am new to spring boot and aware of starter dependancies,
I want to develop a springboot app using elastic search as a storage system.
Wherever i searched i found that somewhere my service class will have to implement some interface from springframework for ES crud operations.
Is there any other way without implementing or extending the components.
I myself want to create transport client and want to query ES by my code or methods not by overidden ones.
Please if you ahve ever seen any projects you can redirect me to that link .
Assuming I understand you correctly, you can use the Elasticsearch REST client: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/java-rest/current/java-rest-low.html
You supply the JSON entities for the queries and parse the responses yourself. Its pretty basic in what it does, so you're not dependent on a lot of third party stuff to perform operations.

How to get values on server side in Spring ROO?

I am having a question regarding Spring ROO. Although this is not a good question to ask still as i am facing some issue.
I have created Spring ROO application using below link in Eclipse
After putting some efforts i was able to see the application output as desired then a doubt came to mind that how i will print value from browser to Controller i.e. client to server side (System.out.println("")).
I have tried many solution but nothing seems to be working. So can some one tell me how will i do it.
Just to summarize the thing i want value from textfield etc in my .java file using above Spring ROO project.
Spring Roo just creates a Spring Web MVC application.
In your question I found that you need some architectural concepts about Spring Web MVC and Web applications that you must know to start developing application.
Try to read some tutorials and post (this looks good) before start to develop your application.
Good luck!

GWT/GAE Spring IoC powered

I'm trying to put together Google App Engine and Google Web Toolkit for one of my projects.
I think I'm going to use Objectify for data persistence, too.
The guys of Springsource says that integrate those technology with Spring is possible.
Do you know where can I find some sort of tutorial about that?
Spring + GAE == slow start up for every instance.
You will face performance problems.
In my project I had to get get rid of Spring once we had everything implemented :(
I wont use Spring + gae anymore
There is no any extra stuff required, no special configurations, tricks, etc. If you know both Spring and GAE - just use it, it's pretty standard.
I've few project based on Spring+GAE+Objectify+Java/Groovy - everything working fine together.
Spring is good only for server-side part. As you want to use IoC on client side (in GWT part), you can use Google GIN instead. It's Google Guice framework (IoC from Google) designed for using with GWT.
See http://code.google.com/p/google-gin/
