KendoUI Grid Pager Icons out of alignment - kendo-ui

Implemented a Kendo Grid exactly as stated in the examples.
Here is the pager in the example:
Here is my pager:
Notice how the arrows are right at the top of the buttons.
Why is it like this? I thought if you install KendoUI that everything should work well out of the box?
I have tried this in Chrome, Firefox and IE and the same results.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
The worst part is the refresh on the right hand side, it's completely out of alignment to the item count next to it.
I have even tried a fresh install on a new solution and that did not fix the problem either.
Can someone please help me? Is there perhaps more steps to install Kendo UI properly?

I had this similar problem some time ago. After searching problem I found out that I didn't have doctype on my page.
<!DOCTYPE html>

My page had DOCTYPE html, however the declaration was set to transitional. I removed this and it worked. It also works if you set it to strict.

This misalignment issue is occurring due to kendo icon property which is set to super.
To resolve the issue, we need to set this to middle
vertical-align: middle;
Include above property in inline css of that page.Like we need to include this into <style> </style>tag.


Image not loading on Squarespace page

I made a simple change on my Squarespace site today, and for some reason my images on one specific page are not loading anymore. I've tried different browsers, and clearing my cache, but the image won't load and nothing has changed. Any idea what I can do to get to the bottom of this?
If you follow this link you will see what I'm talking about, and image will load for less than a second and then disappear. If you don't see it, try refreshing the page.
It appears that you are applying some custom CSS to the page in question, likely via per-page code injection. The following code is appearing on that page:
.sublogo {
.thumb-image.loaded {
display: none !important;
It is the second rule, .thumb-image.loaded {...} that is causing the image to disappear once it is fully loaded.
Removing that rule should solve the issue. Of course, you'd need to consider why the rule was added in the first place and what other issue it was put there to solve.

Unwanted Scrollbar error in Magento

I Installed Magento and a theme from envato . However it was working with out any issue and at some point of time it started giving an additional unwanted verical scrollbar in my template
Please check the URL : with 2 scrollbar on the right hand side .
Can any one point out the problem ?![enter image description here][1] Screen shot Link
I have tried to disable or comment
at line 4378
overflow-x: hidden;
which removes the scroller . But this gives out another bug .
There is unusual Gap below the footer and the footer of website do not stick to its place .
This is a screen shot after i try to edit css from firebug
Any one with a good advice ???
Thats a css issue. overflow property problem. I think they have set(theme providers) multiple time the same property. Anyway just open the below file,
at line 4378 remove or comment this css property
overflow-x: hidden;
That's it. If you have any doubt comment here.

Cannot make Scrollspy Bootstrap work

I am designing a single page website and want the fixed nav links to change colour whenever the user scrolls to the specified location. Seems pretty easy to do, I thought it was pretty easy to do, but I am having problems making it work.
I only downloaded the Scrollspy JS Plugin, as I am not using the Twitter Bootstrap CSS. I just require the Scrollspy Plugin.
Could you check this jsFiddle and provide some guidance? I have already checked out the documentation here, but I've had no luck. Any help is greatly appreciated :)
Ignoring the serious issues with your use of JSFiddle1, and the typographic errors2, the principle things wrong are
You need the .nav class on the <ul> in the navbar, and
The #welcome is not an existing element, causing a JS error.
Here's a fixed demo:
Oh, and you don't need both data-api and js to initialize the plugin; choose one.
1 Loading Bootstrap 2.0.2 + 2.0.4 at the same time; trying to include a <body> in the html panel
2 Using upperCamelCase on a function that doesn't need it: scrollSpy();
Key thing you are missing is you have to have a "nav" class on the ul element (or some other parent element) as that is used in the scrollspy code as part of a selector.
I couldn't get yours to work for some reason but here is a simplified example:
Your ul needs a nav class, but most important for scrollspy to work properly is that your target needs to be one level about the ul. Otherwise I've found that scrollspy doesn't work.

Building an add-on to hide a <div> block on an HTML page

There's a webpage with something annoying on it which I'd like to hide every time I visit it. I thought a good way to do this would be to make an add-on for Firefox.
I've never done this before, and came across the web-based Firefox add-on builder. I'm not too sure where to go from here though. I know it should be quite easy to do this though. I suppose all I need to do is check if a block with a certain id is used on a website, and if it is, then delete/hide it from my view.
Is that the best way to do about this? If not, what do you suggest? If so, can you give me any tips to help me accomplish this?
Right, I got it:
Using just a standalone Firefox Add-On use the following code:
exports.main = function() {
var pageMod = require("page-mod");
include: "*.ca",
contentScriptWhen: 'end',
contentScript: 'document.getElementById("DIVID").style.visibility="hidden";'
Just replace DIVID with whatever you want.
Similarly, in Greasemonkey, just add this to the script:
The only reason I didn't want to use Greasemonkey is that it isn't as easy to share. But it's convenience can't be beat!
Install the latest FF
Install the latest AdBlock Plus
Go to the website right click on specific element and then Inspect Element(Q)
Right bottom corner there is Hide with ABP(AdBlock Plus) button, click on it, then Add Element Hiding Rule
You can just use GreaseMonkey which is a very useful plugin for firefox. You can write your own script in JavaScript which operates on the page.
However, chances are that someone might have already written a script for the site in question that you can install from the repository.
In well-formed HTML, any particular value for the id attribute should occur at most once in a document. If your mission is to seek and destroy a recurring phenomenon, it might be labeled (if at all) with a class. This is the case with Twitter's "promoted tweets", for example.
var promotedTweets = document.getElementsByClassName("promoted-tweet");
for (k=0; k<promotedTweets.length; k++) {
Wouldn't Adblock Plus do the trick here? You can feed it an element hiding rule (based on the class or ID attribute) on any given website, if I recall correctly.
I used the up-and-coming jpm tool to write this, and incorporated the suggestions here. It is specifically for filtering certain div tags here on StackOverflow—how fitting. The code and the xpi add-on file is at Github.
An alternative in Firefox is to create a userContent.css file and add css which hides the div.
See and note the comment which points out that "Starting with Firefox 69, you need to set the toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets preference to true".

In smarty div position fixed is not working

In smarty div position fixed is not working. While this one is working in simple php.
This will hardly be a Smarty problem. Just save both HTML pages and locally and compare. What's the difference? Maybe you could even use a diff tool for this. Have you tried to validate the HTML and the CSS? It might also give you some hints.
This is a CSS problem - not a Smarty one. You should consider adding more information to the question and tag it with HTML/CSS.
you can see what's wrong using FireBug with Firefox.
