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Closed 7 years ago.
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I just received a pi 2 with sd card preloaded with NOOBS. I also have an hdmi cable and wifi dongle for it.
I wanted to begin using the pi 2 but do not have a spare monitor to connect it to. I was hoping to be able to connect to my macbook pro (Late 2013 - hence has HDMI) either via HDMI or wifi or ssh so that I could essentially use the macbook's display and keyboard to utilize the pi 2. How is this done, suggestions, recommended way of doing it?
Thank you
I guess that, for the first time, you will need to have a monitor, keyboard and mouse and a LAN connection in order to check everything is going fine.
After you set up everything, you can go on using SSH & SFTP. You should setup x11vnc and you can be really good without any peripheral after that, you will only a LAN connection. If you have a WiFi Dongle for the PI, you also can be unplugged from the Ethernet Cable.
If you want to try, just plug the RPi and try to make an SSH, by checking your LAN devices. If you can, then you dont need anything else.
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Closed 8 days ago.
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Im using windows 10.
When I connect wifi it connect and show no internet even not show the wifi icon only shows glob icon.
But I can browse internet in browser.
Im not able to use internet in many windows application like in update , my phone application ect.
I tried all method that I know like changing dns to manual or auto.
Flush dns , running trouble shooter, ipconfig /renew ect
Please help me to sort out this problem.
I guese this problem come with windows update.
I tried all method that I know like changing dns to manual or auto.
Flush dns , running trouble shooter, ipconfig /renew ect
but these all step didn't solve my problem
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Closed 1 year ago.
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My laptop used to come with windows 10, but then I decided to install ubuntu on it instead. Now I would like to install windows 10. Is there way to get windows 10 back?
First you will need a bootable USB - a USB flash drive that has at least 16GB of space (there are free programs that you will find available on internet to make the USB bootable), download Windows 10 ISO file and add to the USB.
Alter the BIOS sequence on your PC so your USB device is first. In most instances, the BIOS will usually not be automatically set to your device. If you skip this step, your computer will start regularly from your hard drive instead of getting boot information from your USB device, then follow the steps to install the windows OS.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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When I joined Google Meet or Google Hangout with my new Macbook, I only saw the participants as black screens. Nobody could hear or see me. I tried Chrome, Safari, OSX Permissions, ...
Luckily a friend had the same problem and told me to unplug my ethernet cable and try wifi. That worked indeed.
Can anybody tell me how I can get this working with my ethernet cable?
Changing the IPv6 configuration to Link-local only under the settings of the network adapter seems to solve this issue.
I am connected using a cable with Wi-Fi turned off.
Under your Mac settings > Network > [choose your adapter from the list] > Advanced > TCP/IP > Configure IPv6: change this from automatic to link-local only. This solved the issue for me.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have my desktop PC with 2 ethernet ports, onboard motherboard ethernet and PCI ethernet card.
I have connectivity to the internet from my router via the PCI card, and want to extend and share the internet from my PC to the onboard motherboard ethernet.
I have done the following steps:
Right clicked PCI ethernet card, properties, sharing tab, checked both boxes.
Plugged in my ethernet cable to my other PC to the onboard slot and failed to get a connection. The onboard card is configured for DHCP on both IPv4 and IPv6.
Anything obvious I have missed?
I believe you want to create a bridge.
The process is outlined here:
Basically, you need to select your two network connections and select the "Bridge" option. You will need to have admin rights.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am mostly interested in developing for windows (primary) and a mac.
I have a normal PC and a mac mini, and I want to be able to use a single keyboard, mouse and a monitor with both.
Which kvm software do you recommend?
I was looking for hardware kvms but I am using a 30" lcd which is only supported by 1 belkin kvm and people report it as not working.
Synergy is a software based KVM. It might take you some time to get it set up, but once you do, you'll love it.
In your case, I think the best software solution is to physically connect the Mac to the monitor, and using Remote Desktop to connect to the PC. You'll have very little display lag and almost zero input lag, compared to VNC.
As an added benefit, you can resize your Remote Desktop window to sit side-by-side with a window on your Mac, so you won't lose context when switching between Mac & Windows.
The only downside is that you'll have to crawl under the desk and swap the DVI cable if the Windows machine fails to boot when something goes wrong. That said, at my office we have a test machine that we've been using exclusively via Remote Desktop/VNC for about 3 or 4 years.
Every machine I use is running in a VM. I connect to the Windows machines via Remote Desktop, and I connect to the Linux machines via the VMware Remote Console.
I use VMWare in spaces, but if I had two boxes like you had I'd use a remote desktop connection.
If what you want is to have one monitor for two machines, then you probably need to either use a hardware DVI switch, or use a VNC/Remote Deskop client to pop in to the other desktop when you need to get there.
Personally, I have a 3 monitor, two machine setup. My main box has 2 monitors, the mouse, and the keyboard. The other box has the third monitor. As mentioned above, I use Synergy to share the keyboard and mouse between machines. In general it works very well.
Keyboard switching hotkey is Scroll Lock twice then up arrow.