Google Hangout / Meet not working with ethernet cable on Macbook 2020 [closed] - macos

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Closed 2 years ago.
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When I joined Google Meet or Google Hangout with my new Macbook, I only saw the participants as black screens. Nobody could hear or see me. I tried Chrome, Safari, OSX Permissions, ...
Luckily a friend had the same problem and told me to unplug my ethernet cable and try wifi. That worked indeed.
Can anybody tell me how I can get this working with my ethernet cable?

Changing the IPv6 configuration to Link-local only under the settings of the network adapter seems to solve this issue.
I am connected using a cable with Wi-Fi turned off.

Under your Mac settings > Network > [choose your adapter from the list] > Advanced > TCP/IP > Configure IPv6: change this from automatic to link-local only. This solved the issue for me.


In windows 10 when I connect wifi it show no internet even I can use internet but can't be able to use in windows app [closed]

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Closed 8 days ago.
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Im using windows 10.
When I connect wifi it connect and show no internet even not show the wifi icon only shows glob icon.
But I can browse internet in browser.
Im not able to use internet in many windows application like in update , my phone application ect.
I tried all method that I know like changing dns to manual or auto.
Flush dns , running trouble shooter, ipconfig /renew ect
Please help me to sort out this problem.
I guese this problem come with windows update.
I tried all method that I know like changing dns to manual or auto.
Flush dns , running trouble shooter, ipconfig /renew ect
but these all step didn't solve my problem

Mac OSX Screen Sharing: Does the remote screen display my actions? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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During my work-from-home days, I use a Mac Mini at home to access my Mac workstation in my office through a VPN set up by my IT department at work.
When I use OSX's Screen Sharing at home to control my workstation, does my workstation in my office display what I'm seeing & doing on the screen share at home, or is the screen still blank? If someone is in my office, can they see what I'm doing?
Assuming your remote workstation's monitor is turned on, everything you do remotely is visible on that monitor and anyone physically present there will be able to see what you are doing.

usb internet option unavailable kitkat - reverse tethering [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have Micromax Canvas A1 (android one) with Kitkat 4.4.4 stock android OS.
Mine is an unrooted device & I want to use PC internet for downloading / surfing on my android device.
Going by internet posts and videos they say that one should have 'USB Internet' option available in Wireless & networks menu. But I cant find it on my phone.
Has this 'USB Internet' feature been taken out in kitkat ?
I dont want to root my device yet. Can you please tell me how to reverse tether using USB ?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks :)
It has not been taken out but in order to access it you must first access your developer options. This can vary from phone but if you Google "access developer options" and your phone make and model. Then you should get an explanation. From there you will want to enable developer options and then USB debugging. Once enabled, go to your wifi & networks option. Hit more, then hit tethering & portable hotspot. Then you should see USB tethering and you should be able to activate it. Best of luck!

Synergy 1.5.0 Windows 8 & 7 [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to connect two computers with Synergy v1.5.0: Windows 8 (as the server) and Windows 7 (as the client). When I start the server there's no problem, but on the client's screen Synergy says:
"WARNING: failed to connect to server: Timed out".
I configured it on the server's side by having one screen next to the other on the Configuration Panel.
I made sure is the same port on both computers: 24800.
I have taken the IP from the command line (cmd then ipconfig) and set it on each PC.
I have tried to turned off the firewall but didn't work out.
Don't know what else to do. Any ideas?
Posted on behalf of the OP.
I have solved this by installing Synergy 1.3.1 that can be found on Sourceforge: ( and following this tutorial (

Windows 7 ICS from ethernet, to ethernet [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have my desktop PC with 2 ethernet ports, onboard motherboard ethernet and PCI ethernet card.
I have connectivity to the internet from my router via the PCI card, and want to extend and share the internet from my PC to the onboard motherboard ethernet.
I have done the following steps:
Right clicked PCI ethernet card, properties, sharing tab, checked both boxes.
Plugged in my ethernet cable to my other PC to the onboard slot and failed to get a connection. The onboard card is configured for DHCP on both IPv4 and IPv6.
Anything obvious I have missed?
I believe you want to create a bridge.
The process is outlined here:
Basically, you need to select your two network connections and select the "Bridge" option. You will need to have admin rights.
