virtuemart child products in select? - joomla

i want to setup a product sub product structure on a VM site - can you tell me if its possible
at the moment i have products and sub products setup but in this instance VM shows all the products in the related category - this i do not want - i would like to see only the parent products and then have all the children in a select element on the parent product page just like this :
can this be done in VIRTUEMART ?
thanks !

Don't know about virtuemart can do it but you can use redSHOP

Remove the child products from the categories. Only the parent product should have a category.


How to display Category list at search result page in magento..?

I want to display categories instead of product result. if anyone search product name, then result should be category which contains that product.
Is it possible in magento?
Magento does not have this feature.
Magento search depends on product and it Eav Attributes.
If you want then you need create custom extension and custom module

How do I switch off products display on Category pages

I am new to CS-cart and trying to set this up for my multi-vendor e-commerce shop.(and I am not a programmer)
So here's my problem, I don't want products to be displayed on any category pages.
This is the flow I am looking to have
Grid of main categories (on homepage)> List of sub category> Associated Sub category> and then products.
I'll assume you are on the latest release of Cs-cart (v.4.x.x), as you did not mention it.
You can control wether you want to show products from subcategories or not through the global setting option "Show products from subcategories of the selected category" that you'll find on the Settings/General menu of your admin area. See the screenshot:
I hope that helps you!

how to create configurable products in category list of magento?

how to create configurable products in category list of magento?
I want to list down a combo box in category list of all products where user can select different sizes or weight?
Note---I want to create configurable items in category pages not in quick view
Hope this will help you
refer :

magento attributes,categories and layered navigation

Attributes for a configurable product don't show in the layered navigation on a category page unless at least one simple product associated with that configurable product is assigned to that category. It seems to me that associated simple products for a configurable product should inherit the configurable products categories as well. As of now I have to go through all the simple products manually and assign categories.
Is this normal behavior in Magento? Do you always have to manually assign categories for simple products under configurable products so their attributes show up in the layered navigation?
You should not have to do this, when you create the child products they should automatically have the same category as the parent product.
Were they created using the quick create feature in the backend?

Magento product categories disappear when trying to add new products

This is an odd issue. All of our categories are showing up in the Magento admin category area but when we try and add new products we cannot assign them to specific categories because they don't show up. I have tried manually adding a simple product and a configurable product but the only category that I have available is the default category, none of my other categories show up. I have attached a screenshot of the product page and category page listing all our categories. Anyone else have this issue or might be able to point me in the right direction? I have tried flushing the all the cache, nothing seems to work... We are running 1.5.
Thanks for the help.
Photo of adding a product with no categories available.
All of our available categories.
Try this:
UPDATE catalog_category_entity SET children_count = "1" WHERE children_count < 1;
I had some issues with the children_count being a negative value, and this fixed it for me.
