magento attributes,categories and layered navigation - magento

Attributes for a configurable product don't show in the layered navigation on a category page unless at least one simple product associated with that configurable product is assigned to that category. It seems to me that associated simple products for a configurable product should inherit the configurable products categories as well. As of now I have to go through all the simple products manually and assign categories.
Is this normal behavior in Magento? Do you always have to manually assign categories for simple products under configurable products so their attributes show up in the layered navigation?

You should not have to do this, when you create the child products they should automatically have the same category as the parent product.
Were they created using the quick create feature in the backend?


Why does Magento show the configurable products and its associated simple products as well?

On my online store, we sell jeans. The configurable products are the different types of jeans, and the associated simple products are the sizes for each (6,8,10,12,14). When i search for a product or just scroll on the feed it doesnt only show the configurable products and when i click it you can choose the size, but the individual simple products show up too eg:
Skinny Jeans
Skinny Jeans-6
Skinny Jeans-8 etc. How do i fix this?
For your simple products, you can set its Visibility. You can change it under
Product Information > General > Visibility > Not Visible Individually
This way they won't appear on front-end while still being associated with your configurable product.

how to create configurable products in category list of magento?

how to create configurable products in category list of magento?
I want to list down a combo box in category list of all products where user can select different sizes or weight?
Note---I want to create configurable items in category pages not in quick view
Hope this will help you
refer :

configurable virtual product magento

I want to have a configurable product in my shop where the "associated products" are virtual. I set up my configurable product with simple products before, but it is a "subscription" oriented product and I need the virtual product functionality.
The way I set it up before was to create the configurable product first and then add the simple products from the configurable product creation screen, but there is no option there for virtual products. I did not see any other way to add the "associated" products after quite a bit of searching.
This was fixed by first creating three virtual products using the attribute set that I wanted to use for the configurable product. I was then able to create a configurable product and find the virtual products at the bottom of the "Associated Products" section after clicking "Reset Filters." The virtual products then appeared in the Super Product Attributes section and I was able to set up the configurable product.

“Quick simple product creation” - Categories & Websites not configured

I’ve been creating simple associated products using the “Quick simple product creation” panel, in Associated Products tabs. I noticed today that the simple products created using this function, do not have any categories or websites assigned. As a result, the parent configurable product is displayed as out of stock.
I manually assigned some categories on these simple products (in Categories tab), and chacked the “Main Website” option (in Websites tab) and the parent conf product became available for sale.
Why is this happening? Do I have to manually set these parameters for all associated simple products? Isn’t there some way to inherit the parent configurable products categories and websites?
If you create simple products using “Quick simple product creation” then remember to assign any Websites and categories to the configurable product first. If websites are assigned to the Configurable product then the Associated product created this way will also get associated to the respective websites.

Layered Navigation in magento is not working with Configurable products

I am using this extension in my magento web store (Layered navigation)
This extension working fine for simple products.
But in my case, I have two attributes that would be used to create configurable products, i.e Size and Color. Now when I create my configurable products, and associate my simple products of different sizes and colors to that configurable product and browse the Category Landing page, In layered navigation I don't see any Color or Size from the associated products of configurable products, neither it searches for the selected color or size in the associated child products of a configurable products. This has become a serious problem for me and it seems like this extension doesn't work with configurable products, I have already them too, but no reply as yet.
Has anyone went through the same problem ?
Try to re-index all. That should solve your problem.
This issue is closed for noor. For the record the reason for misbehavior is in attribute setup he had and in general is not related to SEO Layered Navigation Plus. What should be avoided:
Attributes used both in Layered Navigation should be allowed to set either on Configurable Product label or on simple product level. If you have not done it from the beginning, disabling attribute usage in configurable products is not enough as to that moment values can already be stored in database. So after disabling you should additionally delete values of that attribute assigned to all configurable products in catalog_product_entity_int table.
