Extjs 5 ajax PUT and DELETE methods throw 403 errors (csrf token included) - ajax

I am building a web application with django-rest-framework and extjs5.
Obviously i faced problems with django's csrf token, which i had to inlude in Extjs's Ajax requests.
But while i implemented POST method successfully, it seems that my implementation doesn't work for PUT and DELETE method.
My POST method code:
onSaveRecordBtnClick: function(){
Job_Name = this.lookupReference('Job_Name').getValue();
var csrf = Ext.util.Cookies.get('csrftoken');
url: '/jobs_api/job/',
method: "POST",
params: {
Job_Name: Job_Name,
'csrfmiddlewaretoken': csrf
success: function(conn, response, options, eOpts) {
var result = MyApp.util.Util.decodeJSON(conn.responseText);
if (result.success) {
alert('Job Submission Successfull');
else {
failure: function(conn, response, options, eOpts) {
This works perfectly, but when i try PUT or DELETE method i keep getting:
Request Method:DELETE
Status Code:403 FORBIDDEN
{"detail":"CSRF Failed: CSRF token missing or incorrect."}
My DELETE method:
onJobDblClick : function(grid, record, index, eOpts) {
var job_id = record.id;
var csrf = Ext.util.Cookies.get('csrftoken');
url: '/jobs_api/job/' + job_id + '/',
method: "DELETE",
params: {
'id': job_id,
'csrfmiddlewaretoken': csrf
success: function(conn, response, options, eOpts) {
var result = MyApp.util.Util.decodeJSON(conn.responseText);
if (result.success) {
alert('Job Deleted Successfully');
else {
failure: function(conn, response, options, eOpts) {
My job model is:
Ext.define('MyApp.model.Job', {
extend: 'MyApp.model.Base',
fields: [
{ name: 'id', type: 'int' },
{ name: 'Job_Name', type: 'string' },
proxy: {
type: 'rest',
url: '/jobs_api/job/',
reader: {
type: 'json',
rootProperty: 'data'
I don't know why this is happening. Please help!!


How to write unit test to embeded ajax requests?

I have the handleDownload method which starts a file download. The function posts to the backend, which gives back a response, based on that a new request posts to the server where the files are. I saw that I can use mockjax to mock the requests, but how to handle the different paths like success, error, etc. How should I know which response triggers which path (success,error, complete, ...). What would be a great startegy to test the handleDownload function, and how? For mocking I use Sinon.js I don't have a really deep understanding yet. I should also check either the handleDownloadFinal function is called.
handleDownload: function(data, url) {
type: "POST",
url: url,
data: {},
success: function(response) {
if (response.success) {
var start_token = response.token;
type: start_token.method,
url: start_token.url,
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', start_token.header);
success: function(start_response) {
error: function(start_response) {
type: "POST",
url: url + 'proxy/',
success: function(fallback_response) {
if (fallback_response.success) {
handleDownloadFinal(fallback_response.status_token, true, fallback_response.job_uuid);
} else {
error: function(fallback_response) {
// Now this is some real error
dataType: 'json'
dataType: 'json',
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true
} else {
error: function(response) {
complete: function() {
dataType: "json"
You should use the fake server coming with sinon.
//create the server
this.server = sinon.fakeServer.create();
// let the server automatically respond for every request
server.autoRespond = true;
it('test something', function(){
//let the server respond for specific url with 200-ok
this.server.respondWith("POST", "/some/article/comments.json", [200, {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
}, '[{ "id": 12, "comment": "Hey there" }]']);
As you have a bunch of requests and you have to check all combinations I would suggest to have helper function for every request fail success so you could test the cases like this:
function letFirstRequestSucceed() {
this.server.respondWith("POST", "urlForFirstRequest", [200, {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
}, '[{ "id": 12, "comment": "Hey there" }]']);
function letSecondRequestFail() {
this.server.respondWith("POST", "urlForSecondRequest", [404, {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
}, '{error: "some error message"}');
function letThirdRequestFail() {
this.server.respondWith("POST", "urlForThirdRequest", [404, {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
}, '{error: "some error message"}');
it("should to something when the second and third request fails", function () {
sinon.spy(window, 'generalErrorDownload');
handleDownload('someDate', 'aUrl');
Btw you should think about to refactor you code using jquerys deferred which is supported by api ajax calls, this would make your could much more readable.

Knockout object passed to Controller as JSon MVC ASP.Net

I am trying to pass knockout object as below,
When i pass the data using // ko.utils.postJson only without any the AJAx the data is passed to my controller to the "task", but when i try to post by Ajax I get a null value for task
function TaskListViewModel() {
var self = this;
self.availableMeals = [
{ UserName: "Standard", UserId: 0 },
{ UserName: "Premium", UserId: 34 },
{ UserName: "Ultimate", UserId: 290 }
self.save = function () {
// ko.utils.postJson(location.href, { task: this.availableMeals });
data: ko.toJSON({ task: this.availableMeals });,
type: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function (result) { alert(result) }
ko.applyBindings(new TaskListViewModel());
To the Controller as below,
public ActionResult About([FromJson] IEnumerable<UserProfile> task)
return RedirectToAction("Login","Account");
I would try changing your code to call the stored self reference in your Ajax call as follows:
data: ko.toJSON({ task: self.availableMeals });,
type: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function (result) { alert(result) }
I'm guessing that you are having a scope issues where this is losing it's reference in your Ajax call.

401 (Unauthorized) error with ajax request (requires username and password)

I'm making an ajax request to retrieve json data from webtrends - a service that requires a login. I'm passing the username and password in my ajax request, but still gives me a 401 unauthorized error. I've tried 3 different methods - but no luck. Can someone pls help me find a solution?
1. $.getJSON('https://ws.webtrends.com/..?jsoncallback=?', { format: 'jsonp', suppress_error_codes: 'true', username: 'xxx', password: 'xxx', cache: 'false' }, function(json) {
2. $.ajax({
url: "https://ws.webtrends.com/../?callback=?",
type: 'GET',
cache: false,
dataType: 'jsonp',
processData: false,
data: 'get=login',
username: "xxx",
password: "xxx",
beforeSend: function (req) {
req.setRequestHeader('Authorization', "xxx:xxx");
success: function (response) {
error: function(error) {
3. window.onload=function() {
var url = "https://ws.webtrends.com/...?username=xxx&password=xxx&callback=?";
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.setAttribute('src', url);
function parseRequest(response) {
try {
catch(an_exception) {
Method 3 might work when you use a named callback function and use basic authentication in the url. Mind though that a lot of browsers don't accept url-authentication (or whatever the name is). If you want to try it, you can rewrite it like this:
window.onload = function() {
var url = "https://xxx:xxx#ws.webtrends.com/...?callback=parseRequest";
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.setAttribute('src', url);
function parseRequest(response) {
try {
catch(an_exception) {

How to make an AJAX request to jsFiddle's echo api using Ext.Ajax?

I'm trying to make a simple AJAX call to jsFiddle's JSON echo api using Ext.Ajax. It makes the request successfully, but the object returned is empty, not the JSON object I send (which it should be).
url: '/echo/json/',
jsonData: { foo: 'bar' },
success: function(resp) {
console.log(Ext.decode(resp.responseText)); //empty object..? why?
failure: function(resp) {
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/nANE7/
How come the response is just an empty object? Where's the foobar JSON information that it's meant to echo back?
Try this:
url: '/echo/json/',
params: {
json: Ext.encode(
success: function(resp) {
console.log( resp );
console.log(Ext.decode(resp.responseText)); //empty object..? why?
failure: function(resp) {

How to attach success handler to ajax proxy of Treestore in EXTJS 4?

Below is my ajax call to the server which loads the store:
function setUpStore(Id){
store = Ext.create('Ext.data.TreeStore', {
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: 'fetchData.action?ID='+Id,
reader: {
type: 'json'
success : function(resp){
which calls the below java method which returns a JSON object:
public String fetchJSONObj(){
HttpServletResponse res = ServletActionContext.getResponse();
HttpServletRequest req = ServletActionContext.getRequest();
ID = (String) req.getParameter("ID");
res.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
VendorVO root= ServiceHelper.getInstance().getService().getData(ID);
Data = new ExtJsTreeWrapper();
return SUCCESS;
After I get the response from the server, I do not get the alert mentioned in the success handler. Am I declaring it correctly?
proxy hasn't got a config option called success.
Given your code you can hook on the store's load event:
function setUpStore(Id){
store = Ext.create('Ext.data.TreeStore', {
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: 'fetchData.action?ID='+Id,
reader: {
type: 'json'
listeners: {
load: {
fn: function() {
// Do something here.
scope: this
If you do manual load, you can also pass a callback as a parameter to the load function.
