STM32Cube CMSIS layer for eCos - ecos

Does anyone know if there is an existing CMSIS layer to use STM32Cube with eCos? If one doesn't exist, how complicated is it to integrate eCos into the STM32Cube libraries?


cmake, boost locale and a static library

I have two applications and a static library used by both.
All three using CMake as build system.
I want to localize my applications.
I more or less understand how to localize applications but I'm not
sure how I should localize my static library.
If it would be a dynamic library I could install the compiled
translations alongside with the binary and access them.
But a static library is only relevant for the developer. There is no longer a
library in the final product. I would somehow need to transfer the compiled
translations of the library to the applications.
When calling make install for one of my applications the translatons of my
static library needs to be installed, too.
How can I achieve something like this using CMake?

OpenCV Deploying a partial project as static or dynamic library or something else?

I'm fairly new to OpenCV and Visual Studio as well. My question is not so much technical but theoretically anyways:
I'm working on a bigger project but do not have access to all its subcomponents etc. I wrote a few classes and functions that other members want to use. However, I'm using some OpenCV specific things (because I'm lazy and dont want to implement everything all by myself) but the other members dont use it and they want to keep the project size relatively small.
My question is: How can I provide my code as a library or something similar that includes all my opencv dependencies? Can I create a dll of my code and just ship the opencv dlls with it? Is there a way to bundle everything into one file with only one header?
How would you solve this problem?
Summarizing: I want my functions in a library and shipped as small as possible (with opencv dependencies)
Put all your code in a DLL, and then ship OpenCV DLLs along with yours.
Or: put all your code in a DLL, and perform static linking with OpenCV.

What are the advantages/disadvantages of Cocoa frameworks, libraries, and bundles?

I have the following requirement.
I need to implement dll kind of thing on mac.I need to create a backend library which can be loaded dynamically.This backend library will contain the cocoa classes and c++ classes.
What is advantage/disadvantage of cocoa framework,I was googling so far,I was not able to figure out the best one.Please give me some suggestion.Is cocoa framework also loaded dynamically?
The main difference between a dynamic library and a framework is that a framework can contain resources (images, sound files, nibs, etcetera) and header files. When you use a dynamic library, these are separate.
Both a framework and a dynamic library are loaded at runtime. If your library will only be used on Mac OS X, I recommend creating a framework because it is easier to manage since everything is in one folder.
Bundles (the white LEGO bricks) are almost exclusively used as plug-ins. If you want to create a plug-in interface you should accept bundles and you should provide a framework the bundles can link against. Bundles are also loaded at runtime.
Here's a decent tutorial (PDF form) that goes a little more in depth explaining the differences between ordinary libraries and frameworks.

How do I add a library compiled in XCode into Monotouch so that it works for both simulator and device?

There are appear to be methods of creating a fat static library ala "". Is this recommended? Any special steps (i.e., disabling thumb)
Also, if I do use the fat static library, will monotouch/xcode clear out any unused code in the final product?
You definitely need to turn Thumb code off so you can link properly against the library. As far as creating the fat static library goes, I can only say that anecdotally I've done this for a few third-party libraries that I've used and haven't run into issues.
I assume you already know that you need to create the bindings necessary to make calls to the objective-c library from your MonoTouch code and add extra gcc flags in the project properties to link in the static lib. If not, you can get that information on how to do that from the MonoTouch website.

How to use Windows Forms in a C/C++ application?

I have an existing project created using C/C++ under a development environment.
Currently we want to facelift the existing form using a Window Forms application but the problem is the existing project is using Common Runtime Library = No /CLR and Runtime Library = /MTd.
But the a Windows Forms application is using Common Runtime Library = /CLR and Runtime Library = /MDd.
Please advise if it possible to use a Windows Forms application to create a form in the existing project?
Is there any tutorial regarding this?
The comment from MSDN was:-
Caution Do not mix static and
dynamic versions of the run-time
libraries. Having more than one copy
of the run-time libraries in a process
can cause problems, because static
data in one copy is not shared with
the other copy. The linker prevents
you from linking with both static and
dynamic versions within one .exe file,
but you can still end up with two (or
more) copies of the run-time
libraries. For example, a dynamic-link
library linked with the static
(non-DLL) versions of the run-time
libraries can cause problems when used
with an .exe file that was linked with
the dynamic (DLL) version of the
run-time libraries. (You should also
avoid mixing the debug and non-debug
versions of the libraries in one
The simple answer is no. A more accurate answer is kind of, but you probably wouldn't want to.
It is possible to use Windows Forms (i.e. managed code) for your user interface and something else (e.g. non .NET/unmanaged code) for your domain logic. However I'd guess that if you're asking this question then that is going to be a bit much for you to do at the moment.
I suggest that you create a user interface with Windows Forms and then have that user interface call a native C/C++ DLL. Google for PInvoke on how to call an unmanaged dll (C/C++) from managed (.NET) code.
If you did that then you would be much better positioned to answer this question.
My company software often has to have modules which mix managed and unmanaged code and user interfaces. What we do is to separate the modules into their own executables and expose the functionality as COM localserver objects. This way, the unmanaged code can have a user interface written in managed code.
However, you need to do alot of plumbing to get it to work. We do it this way because our applications have been deployed in the field for years and it will take years to give the entire program a makeover into .NET
