What are the advantages/disadvantages of Cocoa frameworks, libraries, and bundles? - macos

I have the following requirement.
I need to implement dll kind of thing on mac.I need to create a backend library which can be loaded dynamically.This backend library will contain the cocoa classes and c++ classes.
What is advantage/disadvantage of cocoa framework,I was googling so far,I was not able to figure out the best one.Please give me some suggestion.Is cocoa framework also loaded dynamically?

The main difference between a dynamic library and a framework is that a framework can contain resources (images, sound files, nibs, etcetera) and header files. When you use a dynamic library, these are separate.
Both a framework and a dynamic library are loaded at runtime. If your library will only be used on Mac OS X, I recommend creating a framework because it is easier to manage since everything is in one folder.
Bundles (the white LEGO bricks) are almost exclusively used as plug-ins. If you want to create a plug-in interface you should accept bundles and you should provide a framework the bundles can link against. Bundles are also loaded at runtime.

Here's a decent tutorial (PDF form) that goes a little more in depth explaining the differences between ordinary libraries and frameworks.


Xamarin portable library - how to share classes

I'm building a project that includes an MVC Web Api hosted in Azure and an iOS app. I'm trying to use Xamarin to build the app. As I understand it, I should use a portable class library in my Xamarin project to allow me to share the code between my Web Api project and the Xamarin app, as well as any future apps on other platforms like android.
So right off the bat I would want to put my models in the portable library. The app and the web api will pass those models back and forth. But the portable library doesn't have the Azure Table Storage library. It doesn't even have some very basic stuff. My models need to reference the Azure Storage Library so I can save instances to storage.
What is the best way to make this code shareable? Obviously I need to duplicate my model classes so they can exist in each location. But should those in the PCL inherit from those in the Web Api project? Vice versa? Should there be an interface that both inherit from (actually the Azure Table Storage library requires the classes to inherit from ITableEntity already...). Just looking for the best way to share these classes between the Web Api project and the PCL used by the Xamarin project.
Using a PCL - Portable Class Library is a great way to get started! There are a few quirks that you may want to understand prior to sharing your code.
The PCL Profile is a limited set of APIs available. Meaning that certain classes/assemblies might not be included. You can typically look up the class/assembly via MSDN and see if it has a PCL icon next to the class name.
If the library you are trying to use has assemblies not inside the current PCL Profile but can be found on the native platforms, you will want to use the IoC/DI pattern.
Hopefully the library you're using supports PCL. Otherwise, you will need a library that does support the PCL Profile. (You can check this by downloading the .nupkg, extracting, and looking at the libs folder). Note: You may want to check the Prerelease NuGet channel for PCL support. Sometimes you can find an open source project and remove/replace certain assemblies/code to make it Portable.
General Guidelines:
Keep your POCO classes simple in the PCL. If you have platform specific quirks you need to add to the models, make a Model layer on that platform that inherits from your simple PCL models. EX: Your Web API has a specific [Attribute] tag or interface that you need to apply to your model. You might already have a Model such as Person which is a simple POCO class in your PCL, and then you can create a PersonApiEntity model which might inherit Person and any platform-specific APIs you need to apply to it.
It seems ITableEntity/TableEntity is not supported in the PCL Profile.
Seeing the source at a quick glance(https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-net/blob/master/Lib/Common/Table/ITableEntity.cs)

Xamarin Shared Library and PCL

What is the exact difference between xamarin shared project and portable class library?
When to use shared library and when to use portable class library?
Is this possible to write native functionality in shared projects like showing alert,accessing camera and use it for both android and iOS?
Can anyone please explain me.
In shared projects each code file will be compiled for each destination (Android, iOS, Windows Phone etc). You are able to include platform specific code by using #if compiler directives.
When you want to access the camera you need to write the access code inside an #if block for all destinated platforms. This can mess up your code but it can be easier to find the different implementations.
Learn more: http://developer.xamarin.com/guides/cross-platform/application_fundamentals/shared_projects/
Protable Class Libraries (PCL) are compiled against a general .NET subset which is compatible to all platforms you want. So you can access System.Net.Http but you cannot access any platform specific code. If you want to access the camera inside the PCL code then you need to access it by a generalized interface via dependency injection. There are some pretty good frameworks helping you to archieve this goal. One of the most famous is MVVMCross (https://github.com/MvvmCross/MvvmCross/wiki). Learn more about PCL: http://developer.xamarin.com/guides/cross-platform/application_fundamentals/building_cross_platform_applications/sharing_code_options/#Portable_Class_Libraries
I personally perefer PCLs because the code is much easier to read without any compiler directives. Using MVVMCross you are able to use plenty of plugins via NuGet. So you don't need to write your own classes for camera access, showing alerts etc.

What are Embedded Binaries in Xcode?

I'm using Alamofire in a Swift project, and part of their manual installation instructions are to add Alamofire under Embedded Binaries in the General tab for my application target.
What are Embedded Binaries?
Embedded binaries are binary files that are copied to your application bundle when you build the project. Use embedded binaries when your application relies on third-party frameworks so people can use your application without needing those frameworks installed on their machine. Embedded binaries keep users from having to manually install third-party frameworks. Your application uses the framework you embedded.
In your Alamofire example your application relies on Alamofire. If you didn't embed the Alamofire framework, nobody would be able to use your application unless they installed Alamofire manually. By embedding Alamofire with your application everyone can run your application.
"Binary" means: compiled code — as opposed to "source code", which is what you are working with when you write code as text.
They could have given you source code and let you compile it, but they didn't; they are keeping the source code secret, so they've given it all to you after compilation, so that you can't read it.
"Embedded" means: to be included inside your app bundle, by copying them into it at build time.
So, they are handing you some compiled code (frameworks) and telling you how to include them inside your app bundle. These frameworks, unlike Cocoa's frameworks, do not already exist on the device, so if you don't include them inside the app, they won't be present and your app would be unable to call into them.
Contrast this to Cocoa's frameworks. They, too, are compiled code. But they do already exist on the device. Therefore they are not embedded inside your app; they are merely linked (and, if they appeared, would appear in the next group, Linked Frameworks and Libraries).
Embedding binaries copies the entire framework to the target.
A framework is a hierarchical directory that encapsulates a dynamic
library, header files, and resources, such as storyboards, image
files, and localized strings, into a single package. Apps using
frameworks need to embed the framework in the app's bundle.
So, when you embed a framework in your app, it increases the size of your app because it is copied to you app bundle. In most of the scenarios we will be using this sections when we are using third party framework.
When we add a framework to Embedded Binaries it automatically adds that framework to Linked Frameworks and Libraries also.
Refer to apple documentation for more details: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/technotes/tn2435/_index.html

Frameworks vs. Bundles

I want to be able to add plugins for an application I am developing and as it is a development tool I want other people to be able to write their own plugins.
So my questions are what are the real differences between a framework and a loadable bundle? Which are more suited to being a plugin(accessing of headers, ect) ? And if I use loadable bundles how do I load them at runtime and access their functionality during development?
The plugins should not have to rely on other plugins.
Have you taken a look at NSBundle? It has all the methods you'll need to load the executable code at runtime. You'll want to define some sort of plugin interface to which any plugin will conform.
As for the difference between bundles and frameworks... Both bundles and frameworks are file structures that contain various resources that your app can use. A framework is like a library -- it's something your program links against when you build it. A bundle, on the other hand, is essentially a folder structure containing compiled code that you load at runtime.
Elaborating on the accepted answer, a bundle is more designed to be loaded and then potentially unloaded at a later time during program execution. Frameworks, once loaded are designed to stick around for the life of the process.
Frameworks are also designed to be self contained units of code where a caller calls into the APIs the frameworks exports. Bundles can be used when you want to have code call into the caller's public APIs. Check out ld64's man page. You can get hints for the intended usage of bundles with such options like -bundle_loader

What steps are involoved in loading a .Framework under MacOS X?

I am realtivly new to the concept of dynamic loading and shared libraries. While I fully understand how dlopen() could be used to reference symbols in a shared library I have yet to fullt grasp what MacOS does behind the scenes when I don't statically link against something. When adding a framework to Xcode I have the option to load it into my project or I can just provide some form of symlink to it(the actual implementation is obfuscated be the easy to use interface).
There after all I seem to need to do is import the header files that porvide and API to these frameworks and I can just invoke their symbols free of hassle. Can someone explain to me what I am actually doing, because it make no sense to me.
The sheet you're referring to has nothing to do with the actual linking of the framework. The copy vs. link choice refers to how you want to include the framework in your Xcode project, not your app binary.
For system frameworks there really isn't anything you need to do but import the headers.
For custom frameworks (your own or third-party) the framework must reside at the load path directory when your app launches. Typically the load path will point to your app bundle's Frameworks (sub)directory, so you must add a Copy Files build phase that copies the framework to your app bundle's Frameworks directory.
Remember to check out Apple's Framework Programming Guide, especially the section on frameworks embedded in your app bundle.
