I have tried:
${__ RandomString (qwerty,"#",".com") }
but it is not fine. I wonder how can I create this type of random email addresses?
I haven't added anything in the Random Variable because I am not sure that I need to use it.
As per Using JMeter Functions guide __RandomString() function takes 3 parameters:
Length of the desired random string
Source characters
If you need to store generated string into a JMeter variable you can provide variable name as 3rd argument.
So to get line of 10 alphabet characters you can use __RandomString function as follows:
mail format:
We can specify how many characters it should contain using function ${__Random(MIN,MAX,)}
So finaly it may look like:
I am trying to get organizations resource for Name = 'G&A' using the following API
But getting an error "URL request parameter A' cannot be used in this context."
Thank you for the help in advance
The ampersand & character is used as a separator between query parameters. If you want to pass an ampersand as part of a query parameter's value then use the equivalent hexidecimal code %26 instead of &:
However, that is still invalid as you have too many equals = characters in that string; so did you intend to have three parameters named onlyData, q and Name? Then you would encode them like this:
Or, if you really had intended to have two parameters named onlyData, q=Name then you would need to encode the equals = character in the parameter name as well:
Or, if Name= is part of the value not the key then:
From a csv file, I need to pass
as a single value to one of the parameter in HTTP request.
I have parameterized using CSV data config. But, only 224 is getting passed.
I want 224,329,429 to be treated as a single value.
Please let me know how do I achieve this. Should I change anything in CSV config or CSV file to make this work?
Just use __StringFromFile() function instead of using CSV Data Set Config.
The __StringFromFile() function reads next line from the file each time it's being called so it seems to be a lot easier to stick to it for particular your scenario.
The syntax is as simple as ${__StringFromFile(/path/to/your/file.csv,,,)} and the function can be used anywhere in the script, i.e. directly in the request parameter section.
See Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction to get started with the JMeter Functions concept and comprehensive information on the above and other JMeter functions.
You should change your delimiter to a not used character e.g. #
In that way you will be able to get full line for every request
Use ${__FileToString(dummy.csv,,payloadvar)} function. It makes the file independent that mean you can use any file extension example: .txt, .csv, .excel etc..
Just keep the string in dummy.csv and it will fetch the whole string.
benefit of using this function is, it will not consider comma's so in case your string has comma separated values then this is the best option.
Just use %2C in the place of comma.
In Jmeter, I can able to extract the value using regular expression extractor, but while parsing the value I need some changes in the value as below.
Suppose If I extract this value in regular expression extractor (single Value in multiple lines),
I Need to replace + by %2B, need to add %OD%OA at the end of each line and multiple lines to a single line as below.
I need to parse this as a single parameter value.
I think you can use __javaScript() function which allows calling arbitrary JavaScript code and inside JMeter __javaScript() funciton you can call EcmaScript EncodeURIComponent() function
It will automatically convert all newline characters \r\n to %OD%OA and + to %2B and in fact any character except alphanumeric and these ones:
_ . ! ~ * ' ( )
See Using JMeter Functions guide for comprehensive information on how to deal with the functions in JMeter
I need to Parameterize Mobile Number, which i am doing from CSV and in My next request i need to pass first 4 digit of my mobile number, so is it possible to trim variable value in jmeter so that i can pick value from csv and store that value in variable(pass in Mobile Number Field) and in next request i can trim the same variable (pick first 4 digit) and pass into next request?
Please find the attached snapshot for the request where i need to pass only first 4 digit
You can do it using u.e. __javaScript() function as follows:
If you use JMeter Plugins there is a __substring() function
Trim variable on-the-fly:
Trim variable and store the value into ${foo} variable:
Mind the following:
surround variable with quotation marks so JavaScript engine could consider it a string
escape commas in functions with backslash
if you want to store result into a variable - make it a last function parameter
JavaScript String substring() Method
How to Use JMeter Functions posts series
I'm trying to create a script that will take a URL out of a response and send it out again.
Using the regular expression extractor I've succeeded in taking the wanted URL, but it holds "&" so naturally when sending it out the request fails.
GET http://[ia-test01.inner-active.mobi:8080/simpleM2M/ClientUpdateStatus?cn=WS2006&v=2_1_0-iOS-2_0_3_7&ci=99999&s=3852719769860497476&cip=113-170-93-111&po=642&re=1<=0&cc=VN&acp=&pcp=]/
I'm trying to replace the "&" with a "&".
I've tried: ${__javaScript(${url}.replace("&","&"))}
But it did not work. I've tried the regex function as well- the same.
I'm not sure the IP field in the request supports the us e of functions.
I'm currently trying to use the beanshell post-processor. But I'm pretty sure there is a simpler solution I'm missing.
Not sure what you're trying to get by replacing & with & however will try to respond.
First of all: given multiple & instances you need to use replaceall function, not replace
Second: replace / replaceall functions take a RegEx as parameter, so you'll need to escape your &
If you're trying to substitute URL Path in realtime, you'll need Beanshell Pre Processor, not the Post Processor
Sample Beanshell Pre-Processor code
import java.net.URL;
URL myURL = sampler.getUrl();
String path = myURL.getPath();
String path_replaced = path.replaceAll("\\&", "&");
vars.put("NEW_PATH", path_replaced);
After that put ${NEW_PATH} to "Path:" section of your HTTP Request.
Hope this helps.
Solution with less code:
Install the Custom JMeter Functions plugin
Use the following syntax
‘ImAGoodBoy’ is a string in which replacement will take place
‘Good’ is a substring to be replaced
‘Bad’ is the replacement string
‘replaceVar’ is a variable to save result string
Refer this URL for more info!
Thank a lot. However, i see from a recent experience that to replace a character that is actually a RegExp special character, like \ " ( ) etc, you need to put 3 backslashes and not 1, not 2. This is weird.
so you write
var res = str.replaceAll("\\\\u003c", "<");
to replace \u003c with <