Trim Jmeter variable value - jmeter

I need to Parameterize Mobile Number, which i am doing from CSV and in My next request i need to pass first 4 digit of my mobile number, so is it possible to trim variable value in jmeter so that i can pick value from csv and store that value in variable(pass in Mobile Number Field) and in next request i can trim the same variable (pick first 4 digit) and pass into next request?
Please find the attached snapshot for the request where i need to pass only first 4 digit

You can do it using u.e. __javaScript() function as follows:
If you use JMeter Plugins there is a __substring() function
Trim variable on-the-fly:
Trim variable and store the value into ${foo} variable:
Mind the following:
surround variable with quotation marks so JavaScript engine could consider it a string
escape commas in functions with backslash
if you want to store result into a variable - make it a last function parameter
JavaScript String substring() Method
How to Use JMeter Functions posts series


How to extract only a particular number from HTML response

This is how my HTML value looks like. Please note, there is a carriage return and space after q1. I only want to extract the number next to q as here it is 1.
<span id="sqa">q1
I am using Xpath extractor, and it gives me complete value as can be seen via debug sample. The name of my variable is answer_value. I only wanted 1 which is a dynamic number here, not q. As only this number is used in the subsequent request.
Xpath query I am using is //span[#id="sqa"] and it gives me below value. I am not sure how I can split this value in Xpath or need to use a split function of JMeter to do that?
answer_value=q1 ?
Just add a Regular Expression Extractor and configure it to extract a number from the answer_value JMeter Variable.
Place it below the XPath Extractor and configure like this:
You might also want to apply XPath normalize-space() function to remove eventual line breaks:

How to throw an Apache JMeter keyless token into a variable?

this works, but how can I ignore the quotation marks in the form of my token "token"
i don't want him to get the quotation marks
I would use Boundary Extractor
Put Left and Right Boundary as " and you will get the value
Allows the user to extract values from a server response using left and right boundaries. As a post-processor, this element will execute after each Sample request in its scope, testing the boundaries, extracting the requested values, generate the template string, and store the result into the given variable name
You need to provide the Template and specify the capturing group (in your case it will be 1)
More information:
JMeter: Regular Expressions
Using RegEx (Regular Expression Extractor) with JMeter
working in this way. maybe you will need it!

Jmeter Regular expression extractor and parsing into request

In Jmeter, I can able to extract the value using regular expression extractor, but while parsing the value I need some changes in the value as below.
Suppose If I extract this value in regular expression extractor (single Value in multiple lines),
I Need to replace + by %2B, need to add %OD%OA at the end of each line and multiple lines to a single line as below.
I need to parse this as a single parameter value.
I think you can use __javaScript() function which allows calling arbitrary JavaScript code and inside JMeter __javaScript() funciton you can call EcmaScript EncodeURIComponent() function
It will automatically convert all newline characters \r\n to %OD%OA and + to %2B and in fact any character except alphanumeric and these ones:
_ . ! ~ * ' ( )
See Using JMeter Functions guide for comprehensive information on how to deal with the functions in JMeter

Will jmeter function FileToString(path) takes dynamic values

Will jmeter function FileToString(path) takes dynamic values.
I need to use around 400 json files as a input. so planning to use FileToString($fileName}) in body data. By providing the filename column in csv. But it seems Jmeter is checking filename as file instead of getting value from csv.
You need to wrap your ${fileName} into __eval() function. As per documentation:
The eval function returns the result of evaluating a string expression.
This allows one to interpolate variable and function references in a string which is stored in a variable.
So you need to change your expression to look like:
For more information on JMeter functions see How to Use JMeter Functions post series.

JMETER a ${__RandomString function that is used for creating email addresses

I have tried:
${__ RandomString (qwerty,"#",".com") }
but it is not fine. I wonder how can I create this type of random email addresses?
I haven't added anything in the Random Variable because I am not sure that I need to use it.
As per Using JMeter Functions guide __RandomString() function takes 3 parameters:
Length of the desired random string
Source characters
If you need to store generated string into a JMeter variable you can provide variable name as 3rd argument.
So to get line of 10 alphabet characters you can use __RandomString function as follows:
mail format:
We can specify how many characters it should contain using function ${__Random(MIN,MAX,)}
So finaly it may look like:
