How create Surface from memory? [SDL] - sdl-2

I found interesting function
How I can using it? I need simple program. Read image from disc, creating in memory Surface, and storing it in file.
Next I can read it from file and create Texture.

If you use SDL_Image, the function IMG_Load() already returns you a SDL_Surface * which is ready to use.
Edit: if you want to read from memory instead than reading from a file, use SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom().
Then, use SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface() to bind the surface to a texture.


Can golang read the mpr written by imageMagick?

I need to use the webpage to display the thumbnail of the local image, golang as the server, call imageMagick to generate the thumbnail, can I do it directly in memory?
I only found the mpc parameter but don't know how to use
mpr:This format permits you to write to and read images from memory. The filename is the registry key. The image persists until you explicity delete it or the program exits.
Thanks for the reply, I already know this can't be done.
#Steffen Ullrich,thanks for the recommendation.
I tried imagick but it wasn't ideal, it took almost 30s to read a 20m image,it only takes less than 2s to use convert.exe.
So I decided to generate the thumbnail first and then read it

Do ASCII Point Clouds need R G B data?

I am trying to open NASA's Clementine LIDAR data of the Lunar surface (Link: The data is saved as a *.tab file which is really an ASCII file. When I look for the data I need (x,y,z,r,g,b) I can only find data points x,y,z but not r,g,b.
Main Question If my goal is to open this file in CloudCompare and develop a mesh/dem file from this, do I need r,g,b data?
Side Questions If so, how do you recommend I get it from data that is from the 90s? Or atleast, how would I go about opening this.
As far as I know, there is no need to have R,G,B in CloudCompare, but you definitely will have to prepare the data in the format that is readable by CloudCompare. That shouldn't be a problem using simple Python scripts. If you further help, let me know.
You do not need the RGB data to open it on CloudCompare, just the point coordinates. There is no way of retrieving the radiometric information of this point cloud unless you have some imagery of the same epoch. Then you could associate the RGB to the point cloud by using collinearity equations, for instance.

Minimize disc activity with rmagick or imagemagick

I'm generating animated GIF files from multiple source images using Ruby. I need to maximize throughput / minimize time spent to create each GIF. I'd prefer to keep the source images in memory (probably Memcached) rather than read them from disc every time I need them. I've been using convert in backticks to execute imagemagick commands directly from Ruby, e.g.
`convert -delay #{delay} -page #{w}x#{h}+0+0 src01.gif... etc`
I slightly prefer this over RMagick as I've found more examples, I can reference the ImageMagick docs directly. It seems that images passed to the convert command need to be paths to images on disc. Additionally it seems like the output of the convert commend is a file path so the generated image would be written to disc by ImageMagick and I'd need to read it back off disc using Ruby to access the resulting image data. It seems like I'm making ImageMagick read the source images from disc each time and write the generated GIF to disc each time. I think this is likely to be a bottleneck and unnecessary as I don't need to persist the generated images I just need to access their image data in Ruby momentarily.
I noticed that RMagick methods can take Magick::Images as parameters instead of filepaths. I could keep the source images in memory in this case. Additionally RMagick returns the generated image as data to Ruby which is what I need, I don't need it written to disc.
I'm thinking of using RMagick instead of
to reduce disc activity.
So question 1: Does this make sense though? Since RMagick presumably wraps ImageMagick, is RMagick actually reading and writing to disc under the hood or does it have some way of utilizing ImageMagick without disc activity?
And question 2: Is there any way to get image data in and out of ImageMagick's convert command without disc activity?
Hope this makes sense. Just trying to wrap my head around this and apologize if I'm unclear.
Does this make sense though?
Not really. We can argue about open fd's, and cost of shell environments over direct API, but there wouldn't be any disk I/O benefit between the convert utility & RMagick.
Is there any way to get image data in and out of ImageMagick's convert command without disc activity?
ImageMagick ships with stream utility. There's not much usage-documentation, but it could be leveraged to extract the image data to a blob that can be distributed via memcached.
There's also the mpr: protocol to handle label based memory access, but that might not be the distributed solution your looking for. Plus data is removed at time of process completion.
Personally, Marks comment about RAMdisk would be something I would recommend. A simple memory/tmpfs mount is easy to set-up on a system, and then it would just be a matter of updating policy.xml configuration to use said mount as a temporary directory.

Dust and scratch removal with open source graphic libraries

I am trying to automate the cleanup process of a large amount of scanned films. I have all the images in 48-bit RGBI TIFF files (RGB + Infrared), and I can use the infrared channel to create masks for dust removal. I wonder if there is any decent open source implementation of in-painting that I can use to achieve this (all the other software I use for batch processing are open source libraries I access through Ruby interfaces).
My first choice was ImageMagick, but I couldn't find any advanced in-painting option in it (maybe I am wrong, though). I have heard this can be done with MagickWand libraries, but I haven't been able to find a concrete example yet.
I have also had a look at OpenCV, but it seems that OpenCV's in-paint method accept only 8-bit-per-channel images, while I must preserve the 16.
Is there any other library, or even an interesting code snippet I am not aware of? Any help is appreciated.
Full Picture
IR Channel
Dust and scratch mask
What I want to remove automatically
What I consider too large to remove with no user intervention
You can also download the original TIFF file here. It contains two alpha channels. One is the original IR channel, and the other one is the IR channel already prepared for dust removal.
I have had an attempt at this, and can go some way to achieving some of your objectives... I can read in your 16-bit image, detect the dust pixels using the IR channel data, and replace them, and write out the result without any alpha channel and all the while preserving your 16-bit data.
The part that is lacking is the replacement algorithm - I have just propagated the next pixel from above. You, or someone cleverer than me on Stack Overflow, may be able to implement a better algorithm but this may be a start.
It is in Perl, but I guess it could be readily converted to another language. Here is the code:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Image::Magick;
# Open the input image
my $image = Image::Magick->new;
my $v=0;
# Get its width and height
my ($width,$height)=$image->Get('width','height');
# Create output image of matching size
my $out= $image->Clone();
# Remove alpha channel from output image
# Load Red, Green, Blue and Alpha channels of input image into arrays, values normalised to 1.0
my (#R,#G,#B,#A);
for my $y (0..($height-1)){
my $j=0;
my #RGBA=$image->GetPixels(map=>'RGBA',height=>1,width=>$width,x=>0,y=>$y,normalize=>1);
for my $x (0..($width-1)){
# Now process image
my ($d,$r,$s,#colours);
for my $y (0..($height-1)){
for my $x (0..($width-1)){
# See if IR channel says this is dust, and if so, replace with pixel above
The result looks like this, but I had to make it a JPEG just to fit on SO:
I cannot comment, so I write an answer.
I suggest using G'Mic with the filter "inpaint".
You should load the image, take the IR image and convert it to b/w, then tell the filter inpaint to fill the areas marked in the IR image.
OpenCV has a good algorithm for image inpaiting, which is basically what you were searching for.
If that will not help then only Neural Networks algorithms

Read image from middle of file in ImageMagick / GraphicsMagick

I have a binary file that starts off with some data. After this data, the file has a JPEG image embedded in it. After the image, the file continues with some other data. I wish to use the image as an OpenGL texture.
At the moment, the only method I know of creating an OpenGL texture with Magick is to read the image file with Magick, write it into a blob, and upload the to opengl (from this link:
I am trying to use Magick++, but it only allows me to specify a filename, not a C-style filehandle or filestream...Are my only options the following? :
Save the JPEG image portion in the binary file as a separate temporary file and get Magick++ to read that image. I don't wish to do this as writing to disk will slow my program down.
Read the image portion into an array, create a Blob with the array as its data, and then read the Blob to obtain an image. I don't wish to do this either because after I get the image, I will need to again write the image data to another blob, and the entire code becomes unnecessarily long.
Switch to another library like DevIL, which offers support for what I want. Unfortunately, DevIL is not as feature rich as Magick.
I also looked into the core C API for Magick, where I can specify a filehandle, but the documentation says that the filehandle is closed by Magick after the image is read, which is definitely not good for my program (it is going to be pretty ugly to get the rest of my program to reopen the binary file to continue its processing...
If there is a way to provide Magick with custom I/O routines, or better still, a cleaner way of using Magick with OpenGL, please enlighten me!
The next release of GraphicsMagick does not close the input file handle after the image is read. You can try the latest development snapshot.
You could consider using mmap() (memory mapped file) to access the data and treat it as an in-memory BLOB using Magick++. The main issue with this is you might not know how long the data was in case you need to access data following the embedded JPEG image data.
It is trivial to add FILE* support to Magick++. The only reason I did not do so was for philosophical reasons (C++ vs C).
