Read image from middle of file in ImageMagick / GraphicsMagick - image

I have a binary file that starts off with some data. After this data, the file has a JPEG image embedded in it. After the image, the file continues with some other data. I wish to use the image as an OpenGL texture.
At the moment, the only method I know of creating an OpenGL texture with Magick is to read the image file with Magick, write it into a blob, and upload the to opengl (from this link:
I am trying to use Magick++, but it only allows me to specify a filename, not a C-style filehandle or filestream...Are my only options the following? :
Save the JPEG image portion in the binary file as a separate temporary file and get Magick++ to read that image. I don't wish to do this as writing to disk will slow my program down.
Read the image portion into an array, create a Blob with the array as its data, and then read the Blob to obtain an image. I don't wish to do this either because after I get the image, I will need to again write the image data to another blob, and the entire code becomes unnecessarily long.
Switch to another library like DevIL, which offers support for what I want. Unfortunately, DevIL is not as feature rich as Magick.
I also looked into the core C API for Magick, where I can specify a filehandle, but the documentation says that the filehandle is closed by Magick after the image is read, which is definitely not good for my program (it is going to be pretty ugly to get the rest of my program to reopen the binary file to continue its processing...
If there is a way to provide Magick with custom I/O routines, or better still, a cleaner way of using Magick with OpenGL, please enlighten me!

The next release of GraphicsMagick does not close the input file handle after the image is read. You can try the latest development snapshot.
You could consider using mmap() (memory mapped file) to access the data and treat it as an in-memory BLOB using Magick++. The main issue with this is you might not know how long the data was in case you need to access data following the embedded JPEG image data.
It is trivial to add FILE* support to Magick++. The only reason I did not do so was for philosophical reasons (C++ vs C).


Can golang read the mpr written by imageMagick?

I need to use the webpage to display the thumbnail of the local image, golang as the server, call imageMagick to generate the thumbnail, can I do it directly in memory?
I only found the mpc parameter but don't know how to use
mpr:This format permits you to write to and read images from memory. The filename is the registry key. The image persists until you explicity delete it or the program exits.
Thanks for the reply, I already know this can't be done.
#Steffen Ullrich,thanks for the recommendation.
I tried imagick but it wasn't ideal, it took almost 30s to read a 20m image,it only takes less than 2s to use convert.exe.
So I decided to generate the thumbnail first and then read it

Minimize disc activity with rmagick or imagemagick

I'm generating animated GIF files from multiple source images using Ruby. I need to maximize throughput / minimize time spent to create each GIF. I'd prefer to keep the source images in memory (probably Memcached) rather than read them from disc every time I need them. I've been using convert in backticks to execute imagemagick commands directly from Ruby, e.g.
`convert -delay #{delay} -page #{w}x#{h}+0+0 src01.gif... etc`
I slightly prefer this over RMagick as I've found more examples, I can reference the ImageMagick docs directly. It seems that images passed to the convert command need to be paths to images on disc. Additionally it seems like the output of the convert commend is a file path so the generated image would be written to disc by ImageMagick and I'd need to read it back off disc using Ruby to access the resulting image data. It seems like I'm making ImageMagick read the source images from disc each time and write the generated GIF to disc each time. I think this is likely to be a bottleneck and unnecessary as I don't need to persist the generated images I just need to access their image data in Ruby momentarily.
I noticed that RMagick methods can take Magick::Images as parameters instead of filepaths. I could keep the source images in memory in this case. Additionally RMagick returns the generated image as data to Ruby which is what I need, I don't need it written to disc.
I'm thinking of using RMagick instead of
to reduce disc activity.
So question 1: Does this make sense though? Since RMagick presumably wraps ImageMagick, is RMagick actually reading and writing to disc under the hood or does it have some way of utilizing ImageMagick without disc activity?
And question 2: Is there any way to get image data in and out of ImageMagick's convert command without disc activity?
Hope this makes sense. Just trying to wrap my head around this and apologize if I'm unclear.
Does this make sense though?
Not really. We can argue about open fd's, and cost of shell environments over direct API, but there wouldn't be any disk I/O benefit between the convert utility & RMagick.
Is there any way to get image data in and out of ImageMagick's convert command without disc activity?
ImageMagick ships with stream utility. There's not much usage-documentation, but it could be leveraged to extract the image data to a blob that can be distributed via memcached.
There's also the mpr: protocol to handle label based memory access, but that might not be the distributed solution your looking for. Plus data is removed at time of process completion.
Personally, Marks comment about RAMdisk would be something I would recommend. A simple memory/tmpfs mount is easy to set-up on a system, and then it would just be a matter of updating policy.xml configuration to use said mount as a temporary directory.

Writing a byte array of tags to tiff file using libTIFF

I was wondering, is there any way to write an array of bytes as a whole data block (a number of tags) to .tiff file using libTIFF?
As far as I know, .tiff file is not streamable due to random data block (IFD) location. But, as I may assume, data inside that block is being written in a predefined order. What I am trying to accomplish is to write the whole exif properties byte block from jpeg file to "Exif IFD" inside my tiff.
So, is there any function like TIFFSetField(), that populates the whole data block (IFD)?
You can write a TIFF data block of your own, and inside that block, data are formatted with a "private" format (it is the case, if memory serves, of RichTIFFIPTC). What you cannot do is send several tags to the TIFF object and expect them to end up in any particular order.
I believe that Photoshop, among others, always writes a fixed length data object as a single tag, and then rewrites its innards at leisure.
Due to the fact that EXIF collection and TIFF Tag collections overlap, you cannot do this and have your tags readable by libTIFF, though:
[tag1],[tag2],[tag3] ---> [privateTiffLongObject] --> not re-readable
[tag1],[tag2],[tag3] ---> [Tiff2],[Tiff3],[Tiff1] --> re-readable
That said, what is it that you're trying to accomplish? To simply shuttle tags from a JPEG file to a TIFF file, I'd venture that exiftool should be enough. I have often employed a workflow like the following:
(image) --> exiftool --> XML --> XML parsers -->
--> exiftool --> (new image)
Of course, if you need to do this for a large batch of images, performances may become a problem. That issue can be tackled more easily with RAM disks and SSD devices, though.
"Hacking" the TIFF format might leave you with files that are efficiently written and correctly handled by the software tools you now have, but won't be compatible with some other tool elsewhere -- and this might be discovered after you've done weeks of work.
Apparently not. The documentation states:
The TIFF specification requires that all information except an 8-byte
header can be placed anywhere in a file. In particular, it is
perfectly legitimate for directory information to be written after the
image data itself. Consequently TIFF is inherently not suitable for
passing through a stream-oriented mechanism such as UNIX pipes.
Software that require that data be organized in a file in a particular
order (e.g. directory information before image data) does not
correctly support TIFF. libtiff provides no mechanism for controlling
the placement of data in a file; image data is typically written
before directory information.

Delphi stream read error when loading image

My program loads a lot of images, but i have a problem with 1 image that used the print-screen button to copy it, from a game, however it is bmp, like all the rest. Whenever i run the program, it says project1.exe raised exception class Ereaderror with message 'stream read error' process stopped....
The code is this:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
var path, destination:string;
Which is correct. What do you suggest me?
The only explanation is that the file is not a valid Windows bitmap (maybe the file is truncated). Or perhaps the file uses some esoteric format not supported by Delphi. Is it using run-length encoding, for example.
If the file did not exist you'd get a different error, one that indicated that no such file exists. So, the file exists but cannot be loaded. Ergo, it's not a Windows bitmap.
Step 1 to diagnose this is to look at the format of the file. Load up the bitmap file header and check that the values make sense. Probably the easiest way to do this is to step through the VCL code when running your program under the debugger. Enable the Debug DCUs option so that you can do that. Set a breakpoint in TBitmap.ReadStream in the Graphics unit and take it from there.
Having said all that, it may just be easier for you to avoid trying to debug the problem at all. If you can load the image into an image editor, simply save a new copy of the image in a format that will be read by Delphi. For example a plain vanilla Windows bitmap, or, even better, a PNG file which will admit compression.

Read an image pixel by pixel in Ruby

I'm trying to open an image file and store a list of pixels by color in a variable/array so I can output them one by one.
Image type: Could be BMP, JPG, GIF or PNG. Any of them is fine and only one needs to be supported.
Color Output: RGB or Hex.
I've looked at a couple libraries (RMagick, Quick_Magick, Mini_Magick, etc) and they all seem like overkill. Heroku also has some sort of difficulties with ImageMagick and my tests don't run. My application is in Sinatra.
Any suggestions?
You can use Rmagick's each_pixel method for this. each_pixel receives a block. For each pixel, the block is passed the pixel, the column number and the row number of the pixel. It iterates over the pixels from left-to-right and top-to-bottom.
So something like:
pixels = []
img.each_pixel do |pixel, c, r|
# pixels now contains each individual pixel of img
I think Chunky PNG should do it for you. It's pure ruby, reasonably lightweight, memory efficient, and provides access to pixel data as well as image metadata.
If you are only opening the file to display the bytes, and don't need to manipulate it as an image, then it's a simple process of opening the file like any other, reading X number of bytes, then iterating over them. Something like:'path/to/image.file', 'rb') do |fi|
byte_block =
byte_block.each_byte do |b|
puts b.asc
That will merely output bytes as decimal. You'll want to look at the byte values and build up RGB values to determine colors, so maybe using each_slice(3) and reading in multiples of 3 bytes will help.
Various image formats contain differing header and trailing blocks used to store information about the image, data format and EXIF information for the capturing device, depending on the type. Probably going with a something that is uncompressed would be good if you are going to read a file and output the bytes directly, such as uncompressed TIFF. Once you've decided on that you can jump into the file to skip headers if you want, or just read those too to see or learn what's in them. Wikipedia's Image file formats page is a good jumping off place for more info on the various formats available.
If you only want to see the image data then one of the high-level libraries will help as they have interfaces to grab particular sections of the image. But, actually accessing the bytes isn't hard, nor is it to jump around.
If you want to learn more about the EXIF block, used to describe a lot of different vendor's Jpeg and TIFF formats ExifTool can be handy. It's written in Perl so you can look at how the code works. The docs nicely show the header blocks and fields, and you can read/write values using the app.
I'm in the process of testing a new router so I haven't had a chance to test that code, but it should be close. I'll check it in a bit and update the answer if that didn't work.
