Additional parameters for grid - jquery-bootgrid

I am using the jquery-bootgrid to render a couple of grinds. It works brilliant.
I want to send some additional parameters for the grid to my MVC controller.
How can i pass those parameters ?
I have tried :
ajaxSettings: {
url: testResultsListUrl,
data: { testSubject: '2', another : '3' }
But it does not seem to work. If i put all the properties for the ajax object inside the ajaxSettings, the un set ulr error is thrown.
Can you please help ?

I managed to do it, i saw a discussion on git for this project. What I had to do to be able to send additional params to my controller was :
ajax: true,
url: testResultsListUrl,
requestHandler: function (request) {
if (testSubject != "") {
request.testSubject = testSubject;
if (medicalDevice != "") {
request.medicalDevice = medicalDevice;
return request;
The requestHandler is the object that is sent with all the parameters, for the grid. You can add all your parameters inside of it.


Django - Making an Ajax request

Im having a hard time figuring out how to integrate this ajax request into my view. I'm still learning how to integrate django with ajax requests.
My first question would be: Does the ajax request need to have its own dedicated URL?
In my case I am trying to call it on a button to preform a filter(Preforms a query dependent on what is selected in the template). I have implemented this using just django but it needs to make new request everytime the user preforms a filter which I know is not efficient.
I wrote the most basic function using JQuery to make sure the communication is there. Whenever the user changed the option in the select box it would print the value to the console. As you will see below in the view, I would to call the ajax request inside this view function, if this is possible or the correct way of doing it.
JQuery - Updated
$("#temp").change( function(event) {
var filtered = $(this).val();
url : "",
type : "GET",
data : {
'filtered': filtered
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data){
error: function(xhr, errmsg, err){
def pending_action(request):
requisition_status = ['All', 'Created', 'For Assistance', 'Assistance Complete', 'Assistance Rejected']
FA_status = RequisitionStatus.objects.get(status='For Assistance')
current_status = 'All'
status_list = []
all_status = RequisitionStatus.objects.all()
status_list = [status.status for status in all_status]
# This is where I am handling the filtering currently
if request.GET.get('Filter') in status_list:
user_req_lines_incomplete = RequisitionLine.objects.filter(Q(parent_req__username=request.user) & Q(status__status=request.GET.get('Filter')))
current_status = request.GET.get('Filter')
user_req_lines_incomplete = RequisitionLine.objects.filter(parent_req__username=request.user).exclude(status__status='Completed')
user_reqs = Requisition.objects.filter(par_req_line__in=user_req_lines_incomplete).annotate(aggregated_price=Sum('par_req_line__total_price'),
return render(request, 'req/pending_action.html', { 'user_reqs':user_reqs,
def filter_status(request):
status = request.GET.get('Filter')
data = {
'filtered': RequisitionLine.objects.filter(Q(parent_req__username=request.user) & Q(status__status=status)),
'current_status': status
return JsonResponse(data)
path('pending/', views.pending_action, name='pending_action')
First: you have to divide your template to unchangeable part and the part that you want to modify with your filter.
Second: for your goal you can use render_to_string. See the followning link
code example (
cont = {
'request': request, #important key-value
'your_models_instances': your_models_instances
html = render_to_string('your_filter_template.html', cont)
return_dict = {'html': html}
return JsonResponse(return_dict)
In your js file you need to determine relative url "{% url 'name in yours url file'%}"
And in success you need to add next line:
success: function(data){
i hope it will help you! Good luck!

Spring MVC, Rest Ajax Call and Session Scope Objects

I want to solve following issue. I have a Spring-MVC Application with Thymeleaf, with a post request (sent by a form) I trigger a simulation task, what could take several minutes. The task process big number of data and we would like to have a progress bar via JavaScript. If there are two sessions, the simulation should be triggered independently and each browser shows its progress status.
Currently we have a solution, what is not really working well all the time.
The MVC Controller gets the Post request:
#Autowired SimulatorView view; // SESSION SCOPE
public String run(#ModelAttribute(CHECKS) ChecksDto checksWrapper, Model model) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
view.setStatisticDto(simulate(checksWrapper)); // Can take several minutes
return "simulation/result :: simulated";
When I trigger the simulation on my WebGUI, a progress bar has been displayed and via JavaScript I am calling Rest Methods frequently to ask for the status of the progress.
public class SimulatorApi {
#Autowired SimulatorView view; // SESSION SCOPE
public double progressStream() {
return view.getProgress().progressStream();
public double progressInvoice() {
return view.getProgress().progressInvoice();
My JavaScript code snippet looks like:
function registerSimulationRunEvent() {
// this is the id of the form
$("#simulatorForm").submit(function(e) {
var url = location.protocol + "//" + + "/fdsclient/simulation/view";
type: "POST",
url: url,
data: $("#simulatorForm").serialize(), // serializes the form's elements.
success: function(data) { handleSimulationFinished(); },
error: function(xhr, error) { handleSimulationError(); }
e.preventDefault(); // avoid to execute the actual submit of the form.
function handleSimulationStarted() {
replaceResultPanelRunning(); // THYMELEAF FRAGMENT EXCHANGE
function handleSimulationFinished() {
stopResultPanelAnimation(); // STOP PROGRESS BAR ANIMATION
replaceResultPanelSimulated(); // EXCHANGE THYMELEAF FRAGMENT
function handleSimulationError() {
function replaceResultPanelRunning() {
var url = // URL;
var animationInterval = null;
function startResultPanelAnimation() {
animationInterval = setInterval(animateResultPanel,4000);
function stopResultPanelAnimation() {
clearInterval(animationInterval); // stop the interval
function animateResultPanel() {
$("#simulatorProgressLabel").animate({opacity: '0.4'}, "slow");
$("#simulatorProgressLabel").animate({opacity: '1.0'}, "slow");
I know using session scope for rest services is a bad thing, but I didn`t know yet what is a good and easy solution. On the other hand currently different browser can simulate independently, but not always the progress bar works (especially when trigger first time mostly doesnt work). The IE11 only works when the Developer Tools are activated. When deactivating the tool while progress, the progress bar stops to grow.
What I would like to know is, how a good solution looks like when using template engine with Spring-MVC and Thymeleaf for triggering the process and displaying the status of progress via Javascript (as JQUery). Thank you in advance.
I have done a similar thing using Jquery AJAX POST submission. You can do something like this. This will submit POST request as a JSON format to the controller and wait for a response. A progress UI component can be shown during this waiting period.
//Start Progress display
function setStatistic(){
var data = JSON.stringify(//build your ChecksDto)
if (data) {
url : '/view',
headers : {
'Content-Type' : 'application/json'
method : 'POST',
dataType : 'json',
data : data,
success : function(data) {
if (data.status == 200) {
// Stop Progress display
// Handle success status
error : function(xhr, status, error) {
// Stop Progress display
// Handle errors here
You also need to change Controller method to retrieve ajax requests as follows,
public String run(#RequestBody ChecksDto checksWrapper, Model model) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException
At least I found the solution in another Stackoverflow Page. The magic word is setting ajax cache to false.
$.ajaxSetup ({
// Disable caching of AJAX responses */
cache: false

Cakephp 2.0 Ajax post data not showing in the controller?

I'm working cakephp web application, I have created a small Ajax function in default ctp file. setup file now I want to send value data to another controller function, in the chrome browser network showing that Ajax posting to desire url but in controller post value didn't show up when I try to echo $_post ['selectedlocation']??
Ajax Default File
var DisplayLocationName = $('#ListingLocation option:selected').val();
type: "POST",
url: '/listings/home',
data: {selectedlocation:DisplayLocationName },
success: function(result) {
Listing Controller Function
function home()
if(!isset($this->params['requested']) || $this->params['requested'] != true)
$this->actionId = 'home';
$this->viewFile = null;
if($this->params['isAjax'] && isset($_POST['selectedlocation']))
echo "erreerreer";
echo $selectloc= $_POST['selectedlocation'];
how do I display Ajax post value in default for testing purposes that, make sure me that Ajax is posting proper values to the controller
You will need to use the logging files to read the post data. This will write the data to the error log and you can view it there.
function home()
if(!isset($this->params['requested']) || $this->params['requested'] != true)
$this->actionId = 'home';
$this->viewFile = null;
if($this->params['isAjax'] && isset($_POST['selectedlocation']))
echo "erreerreer";
CakeLog::write('error', $this->request->data('selectedlocation));
echo $selectloc= $_POST['selectedlocation'];
When you want to $_POST a data from an ajax request, you should use:
$form_data = $this->request->data; (cakephp 2.x)
$form_data = $this->params['form'] (cakephp 1.3)
Now you got an array with your $_POSTed data, try to var_dump() it to understand its sctructure if you want.

Asynchronously populate Sammy.Storage cache

I'm having difficulty accessing requestJSON on a jQuery $.ajax object outside of the success callback. If I do:
var ajax_request = $.ajax({
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json'
// this results in `undefined`
How can I access the responseJSON without adding a .success() callback? If I inspect ajax_request in Firebug, I can see the responseJSON property, and the data I expect, but I can't access it via:
More specifically, I'm building an SPA using Sammy and Knockout. In some routes, I need to be able to get JSON from cache, and if it doesn't exist, get the value from a service call and then set it into cache:
var cached_json = storage.fetch('cached_json', function() {
// make service call
return $.getJSON(url);
event_context.render('template.tpl', {'json': cached_json}).appendTo('#my-target');
But, of course, calling storage.fetch doesn't cause the rest of the code to pause until $.getJSON is complete. This is the part I can't quite figure out how to structure.
here's how i would implement it
responseJSON = "";
responseJSON = jdata;
i like to see the ajax method at a glace, but in your case you can do the same by
success : function(jdata){ responseJSON = jdata; }
PS: i believe that initializing the blank responseJSON is not required since any variable without var is in global scope, but it would help for clarity
I ended up solving this by creating a deferred object that gets or creates the value I need:
function get_or_create_cache(storage, key, service_endpoint) {
return $.Deferred(function(deferred) {
var c = storage.get(key);
if (c === null || c === undefined) {
$.when(jsonp_service_request(service_endpoint)).done(function(json) {
storage.set(key, json);
else {
In this function, storage refers to a Sammy.Storage instance. jsonp_service_request is a local function that returns a jsonp response, taking into account the location.hostname for local development, where I'm pointing to local.json files, or a remote environment, where I'm calling into an actual API. jsonp_service_request returns an $.ajax function.
Then in my Sammy route, I can do:
this.get('#/', function(event_context) {
$.when(get_or_create_cache(storage, 'my-cache-key', 'service-endpoint'))
.then(function(json) {
event_context.render('my-template.template', {'value-name': json})

not getting response from ajax call in codeigniter

I am trying to check if the user name is available for use using ajax and codeigniter. I have problem to get the response from the codeingniter controller in my js. file but without success.
Here is the controller function, relevant to the question:
if ($username == 0) {
$this->output->set_output(json_encode(array("r" => true)));
} else {
$this->output->set_output(json_encode(array("r" => false, "error" => "Username already exits")));
Rest assured that I do get 1 if username already exists in thedatabase and 0 if it does not exist.
I have the following js.file
// list all variables used here...
regform = $('#reg-form'),
memberusername = $('#memberusername'),
memberpassword = $('#memberpassword'),
memberemail = $('#memberemail'),
memberconfirmpassword = $('#memberconfirmpassword');
regform.submit(function(e) {
console.log("I am on the beggining here"); // this is displayed in console
var memberusername = $(this).find("#memberusername").val();
var memberemail = $(this).find("#memberemail").val();
var memberpassword = $(this).find("#memberpassword").val();
var url = $(this).attr("action");
type: "POST",
url: $(this).attr("action"),
dataType: "json",
data: {memberusername: memberusername, memberemail: memberemail, memberpassword: memberpassword},
cache: false,
success: function(output) {
console.log('I am inside...'); // this is never displayed in console...
console.log(r); // is never shonw in console
console.log(output); is also never displayed in console
$.each(output, function(index, value) {
//process your data by index, in example
return false;
Can anyone help me to get the username value of r in the ajax, so I can take appropriate action?
Basically, you're saying that the success handler is never called - meaning that the request had an error in some way. You should add an error handler and maybe even a complete handler. This will at least show you what's going on with the request. (someone else mentioned about using Chrome Dev Tools -- YES, do that!)
As far as the parse error. Your request is expecting json data, but your data must not be returned as json (it's formatted as json, but without a content type header, the browser just treats it as text). Try changing your php code to this:
if ($username == 0) {
$this->output->set_content_type('application/json')->set_output(json_encode(array("r" => true)));
} else {
$this->output->set_content_type('application/json')->set_output(json_encode(array("r" => false, "error" => "Username already exits")));
