How to create the SAMLAuthenticationToken and send it to the SAML authentication provider - spring

I've configured the SAML extension in my application, and I want to authenticate an user. The flow that I implemented is the following:
Getting the user credentials (username and password) from a rest service.
Configuring application to use SAMLAuthenticationProvider.
Building a SAMLAuthenticationToken object to be sent to the SAMLAuthenticationProvider.
Building the SAMLMessageContext which will be inyected to SAMLAuthenticationToken.
But I've not been able to build the SAMLMessageContext object which I guess that will wrap the user credentials (among other data) that I got from the rest service.
Does anybody know how to build this object?. or if is the flow correct?

You do not provide credentials to your SP when using SAML authentication. Credentials are only presented to the IDP during authentication. So the flow is incorrect.
Good starting points to learn more are SAML 2.0 wiki page, SAML 2.0 standard itself and the Spring SAML manual. This issue has also been discussed couple of times here on Stackoverflow, so you can find more in old questions.


Authorization Server Endpoints

As we know the Spring Security OAuth 2.0 project has bee depreciated and now it's Spring Security 5.
My question is related with Authorisation Server for grant_type: authorization_code. Spring team is also working on standalone project for Authorization Server. So most of the codebase in Spring Security project is depreciated for Authorization Server.
Still, I've couple of questions for endpoints with authorization_code flow in Spring Security 2.0/5.
OAuth 2.0:
Can you please let me know, which endpoints are supported for below use cases in Authorization Flow:
Login Button: ask the customised authorization url from Authorization Server.
User logged-in: once end-user logged-in (authenticate), need to authorise with registered client application and provide the code in the callback URI.
Request For Access Token: once the code has been received in previous step, it should use the code to get the access token.
Please let me know which endpoints are meant to be used in Spring Security OAuth 2.0/5 for above use cases. Based on my research, I've found these endpoints:
/oauth/token: get the access token
/oauth/token_key: produces JWT encoded token values
/oauth/check_token: validate the access token
Can you please let me know which endpoint dedicated for authorisation before end-user authenticate in use case #1. And after end-user authentication in use case #2.
Any help would be appreciated.
Many Thanks,

Ouath2 + jwt and spring boot

I want to implement in backend rest safely in oauth2 + jwt.
I want to implement the following authentication flow in spring boot, but I am not sure how to do it:
1. The user is authenticated.
2. That request is received and with that login and password a ws that validates the credentials is attacked.
3. If it is correct, a series of data and permissions are searched in the database
4. If it is correct, access is granted and the jwt token is generated
I'm lost with this and as much as I read I can't know how I can do it.
Any manual or post I can follow?
Are you running your own (a custom) Auth server or is the plan to allow users to authenticate via a provider such as Google, Facebook etc? If its the later, then you cannot expect to receive user / password credentials at all so you might have misunderstood the OAuth flow. You will typically receive an 'Authorization code' from the provider (e.g. Google).
Also, what do you mean by "a ws that validates the credentials is attacked"?
This Google use-case diagram depicts a common flow. It's part of this guide.
Either way, Spring Boot does not itself deal with OAuth / security, but it has a tight
integration with Spring Security which is a good security framework to use, especially as you're already using Spring. Spring Security can handle OAuth, JWT etc.
A couple of guides that may help to get you started:

Resource Owner Password Credentials with Spring Boot

I have a legacy desktop application that communicates with a Spring Boot server (latest version 2.2.2.RELEASE). I'm using OAuth2 for authentication (provided by spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client). I want to avoid changing the client because is a legacy application. It is capable of collecting the credentials and start the session via HTTP Basic Authentication, and then keep the cookies for the session in the following requests.
Given this scenario, I think best option is to make use the OAuth2 Resource Owner Password Credentials grant. With this, we can exchange the collected credentials by the OAuth2 Tokens. We have two options:
Option 1:
Modify the client application to use the access tokens via the Authorization header. This will require to make an initial call to the Authorization Provider to exchange the collected credentials by the tokens.
Option 2:
Keep using the Spring session and store the information about the OAuth client in the server.
I found this project ALMOST does that: It has a client (messaging-client-password) defined with authorization-grant-type: password which will activate the OAuth2 Resource Owner Password Credentials grant in Spring Boot.
It creates an OAuth2 client and stores its information in the session, then Spring is able to use that client in further requests. The problem with this project is it seems to only work as when the OAuth client is used to make HTTP requests (e. g. an endpoint that makes a call to another service) and not provide authentication to the controller. You can find more information about this in here:
Spring Security 5.2 Password Flow
Github related issues: link1, link2, link3
Exception thrown when we try to use the password client as authentication
The natural idea to overcome this is to implement a proxy and use the OAuth2 client in the requests. Well, Spring already offers a proxy solution, the Spring Cloud Gateway. But I don't know to accomplish that with this setup.
Any insights? Am I thinking correctly or should I follow a different approach?

Can Spring security SAML be used to configure IDPs at Runtime

I'ld like to implement SSO using SAML 2.0 in my web applications. I have seen spring-security-saml and example of spring boot application. There are a couple of things I wanted to know after I went through the sample:
Is it possible to take Idp Url and certificates at run time and use spring saml to validate against that Idp? (So essentially I do not want to predefine any of the Idp related details and take an input from admin user to configure Idp)
Is metadata of Idp a necessary field or Is it possible that if IDP is not reachable directly from the SP then also it can just create a SAMLRequest to the Idp Url provided?

Where is the saml authentication request is getting generated in Spring Security Saml Sample

I am learning to implement Saml, so far i have downloaded a sample of spring security with saml from this link , went through the reference guide and various other SAML links.
One thing which i need to ask is, as the Service Provider has to send the Saml AuthRequest where do we define it in the program.
I have tried to implement the sample and created dummy projects to work it with OpenAM, which is working fine for SSO, but I didn't understand from where the Saml Auth Request is getting generated.
I got to know that the SP's system itself is going to generate authentication request and send it to IDP using SAML 2.0 protocol. I need help about the parameters i need to pass so that i can customize my own saml authentication request
Any Help is Highly Appreciated!. Thanks in Advance. (I know its a stupid question to ask, but couldn't help it as I am failing to get any idea.)
The authentication request is performed according to the authentication provider selected and the configuration of your filter chain. Some details of those aspects are transparent while using an high-level framework like Spring.
Spring SAML is based on the OpenSAML library, providing a set of facilities in order to easily handle the whole AuthN process for Spring applications.
Indeed, to properly complete this process, you need to setup your application endpoint (entityID), the certificates to verify the parties' identity, secure your application paths, configure the binding protocols, establish a trust relationship between an IdP and your application exchanging some metadata.
For instance, consider the code stub as follows, taken from vdenotaris/spring-boot-security-saml-sample:
public MetadataGenerator metadataGenerator() {
MetadataGenerator metadataGenerator = new MetadataGenerator();
return metadataGenerator;
You can check my custom parameters for the metadata generation, customizing my application settings for the SAML-based SSO.
The AuthN request is typically performed by redirecting the user on a third-party resource (i.e. a website), where provide the credentials. After the verification, the IdP sends a SAML envelope to the requester application (Service Provider), containing user information.
