Linear Hashing calculation? - data-structures

I am currently studying for my exams and have came up against this question:
(5d) Suppose we are using linear hashing, and start with an empty table with 2 buckets (M = 2), split = 0 and a load factor of 0.9. Explain the steps we go through when the following hashes are added (in order):
The answer provided for this is:
*— —5— (0,1)
* — —5,7 —
split —*—5,7— — (0,1,2)
—12*—5,7— — —
split —12—5—*—7— (0,1,2,3)
split =M, M = 2*M, split = 0
*—12—5— —7—
*—12—5— —7,11—
split —*—5— —7,11—12— (0,1,2,3,4)
—*—5,9— —7,11—12—
split — —9*— —7,11—12—5— (0,1,2,3,4,5)
This answer doesn't make any sense to me and the lecturer did not go through this.
How do I tackle this question?

I edited your question because the answer looks like a list of descriptions of the hash table state as each operation is performed. Did your professor cover linear hashing at all? The Wikipedia description mention a load factor precisely, but it's in the original LH paper by Witold Litwin. it's integral to when a controlled split occurs. I also found these descriptions:
Let l denote the Linear Hashing scheme’s load factor, i.e., l = S/b where S is the total number of records and b is the number of buckets used.
Linear Hashing by Zhang, et al (PDF)
The linear hashing algorithm performs splits in a deterministic order, rather than splitting at a bucket that overflowed. The splits are performed in linear order (bucket 0 first, then bucket 1, then 2, ...), and a split is performed when any bucket overflows. If the bucket that overflows is not the bucket that is split (which is the common case), overflow techniques such as chaining are used, but the common case is that few overflow buckets are needed.
Instead of splitting on every collision, you can do a split when the "load" (which is bytes stored / (num buckets * bucket size), i.e. utilization of the data structure) crosses some watermark. This is called controlled splitting; the previously described is called uncontrolled splitting.
Linear Hashing: A new Tool for File and Table Addressing Witold Litwin, Summary by: Steve Gribble and Armando Fox, Online retrieved June 16
So basically, a load factor is a means of predictably controlling when a split will occur. One implementation of linear hashing appears to be called 'uncontrolled split' which adds a new bucket and performs a split whenever a collision occurs. Using a load factor of 0.9 only has a split occur when 90% of the tables buckets are full - or rather, would be full based on the prediction that the buckets are uniformly assigned to.
Based on this and the Wikipedia article I just read, the setup is this:
Table is initially empty with two buckets (N = 2) - - (numbered 0 and 1)
N for number of buckets makes so much more sense to me than M, so I'm using that in my answer.
Apparently N is never changed even as new buckets are added to the table.
Our growth factor (L for bucket level) is 0. It is incremented every time every bucket in the table has been split once, which coincides with when our table has doubled in size.
Step pointer S (also called a split pointer) points to 0th bucket. It indicates which bucket will have a split applied to it next.
This follows the wikipedia article description I linked to above. Now we need to cover the hash and bucket assignment.
A decent hash function for integers you expect to have a normal distribution is to just use the integer itself. So for an input integer I, our hash H(I) is just I. I think this follows the answer key, which is good because the question is unanswerable without knowing H.
To determine which bucket an integer I is added to, one of two function values will be used, depending on whether or not the assignment points to before or after S.
First, calculate H(I) mod (N x 2L), which is really just I mod (N x 2L). I'm going to call this B(I) below for brevity (also for bucket). Call this the assignment address A.
If A is greater than or equal to S, we assign input I to address A and move on.
If A (B(I)) is less than S, we actually use a different hash function, I'll call B'(I), which is calculated as I mod (N x 2L + 1), giving us an actual assignment address of A'.
I think the reasoning for this is to keep the assignment to buckets more even as buckets are split along the way, but I don't have the mathematical proof of its importance.
I think the * in the answer's notation above denotes the location of the split pointer S. In my notation for the rest of the question below:
Let - denote an empty bucket, i denote a bucket with the Integer i in it, and i,j denote a bucket with both i and j in it.
So the first step of your answer key "— —5— (0,1)" is saying bucket 0 is empty and bucket 1 has 5 in it. I would rewrite this as - 5 for clarity.
I'm thinking your answer breakdown reads like this:
Add 5 to the table.
The linear hashing algorithm puts it into the second bucket (index 1) because:
B(5) = 5 mod (2 x 20) = 5 mod (2 x 1) = 5 mod 2 = 1
1 is greater than S, which is still 0, so we use 1 as the address.
Table now has - 5 (0th bucket empty, 1st bucket with 5 in it.
N, L, and S are unchanged
Add 7 to the table.
B(7) = 7 mod 2 = 1, so 7 is added to the same bucket as 5. S still hasn't changed, so again 1 is used as the address.
Table now has - 5,7
A split occurs! Not because a bucket has overflowed, but because the load factor has been exceeded. 2 items added, 2 total buckets, 2/2 = 1.0 > 0.9 = do a split.
First a new bucket is added at the end of the table.
S is incremented to 1. N is not incremented. L is unchanged
The split is done on a bucket. A split means all the items in the bucket get their assignment recalculated based on the new hash table size. However, one key to linear hashing is that the actual buckets are split in order, so the 0th bucket is split even though the 1st bucket is the one thats full.
Post split, the table is now - 5,7 -, with buckets 0 and 2 empty, and 1 still with 5 and 7 in it.
Add 12 to the table.
B(12) = 12 mod (2 x 20) = 12 mod 2 = 0
S is 1 and B(12) is 0, so we calculate B'(12) instead for our address.
Coincidentally, this is 12 mod (2 x 20 + 1) = 12 mod 4, which is still 0, so 12 is added to the 0th bucket.
Table now has 12 5,7 -, only the 3rd, new bucket is empty.
A split occurs again, because 3/3 = 1.0 > 0.9. This split promises to be more interesting than the last!
A new bucket is added to the end of the table, giving us 12 5,7 - -
S = 1, so the bucket with 5,7 is split. That means new buckets are picked for 5 and 7.
Increment S to 2. This is done after the split target bucket is picked, but before the new buckets are assigned. This ensures the new table is more evenly distributed (again, my supposition, don't have proof).
5 mod 2 = 1, 1 < S, calculate 5 mod 2 x 21 = 5 mod 4 = 1. 5 is re-assigned to its same bucket.
7 mod 2 = 1, 1 < S, calculate 7 mod 2 x 21 = 7 mod 4 = 3. 7 is re-assigned to 3.
Table now has 12 5 - 7
S = 2, N still equals 2, and L still = 0. S has now reached N x 2L = 2 x 20 = 2, so S is reset to 0 and L is incremented to 1.
Add 11 to the table.
B(11) = 11 mod (2 x 21) = 11 mod 4 = 3. 11 is assigned to the 3rd bucket.
Table now has 12 5 - 7,11, 4 items and 4 buckets, so a split occurs again.
S is 0 again, so the 0th bucket with 12 is reassigned after a new bucket is added. S is incremented to 1 before choosing a new bucket for 12.
B(12) = 12 mod (2 x 21) = 12 mod 4 = 0. 0 < 1, so recalculate
B'(12) = 12 mod (2 x 21+1) = 12 mod 8 = 4. 12 is assigned to the 4th bucket.
Table now contains - 5 - 7,11 12
Add 9 to the table.
I'll leave the steps to the last one for you. There are a few nuances to the LH algorithm that I'm not quite grasping. I might ask additional questions about them. But hopefully that's enough for you to get going on. In the future, I would recommend asking the course instructor directly.


Best way to distribute a given resource (eg. budget) for optimal output

I am trying to find a solution in which a given resource (eg. budget) will be best distributed to different options which yields different results on the resource provided.
Let's say I have N = 1200 and some functions. (a, b, c, d are some unknown variables)
f1(x) = a * x
f2(x) = b * x^c
f3(x) = a*x + b*x^2 + c*x^3
f4(x) = d^x
f5(x) = log x^d
And also, let's say there n number of these functions that yield different results based on its input x, where x = 0 or x >= m, where m is a constant.
Although I am not able to find exact formula for the given functions, I am able to find the output. This means that I can do:
X = f1(N1) + f2(N2) + f3(N3) + ... + fn(Nn) where (N1 + ... Nn) = N as many times as there are ways of distributing N into n numbers, and find a specific case where X is the greatest.
How would I actually go about finding the best distribution of N with the least computation power, using whatever libraries currently available?
If you are happy with allocations constrained to be whole numbers then there is a dynamic programming solution of cost O(Nn) - so you can increase accuracy by scaling if you want, but this will increase cpu time.
For each i=1 to n maintain an array where element j gives the maximum yield using only the first i functions giving them a total allowance of j.
For i=1 this is simply the result of f1().
For i=k+1 consider when working out the result for j consider each possible way of splitting j units between f_{k+1}() and the table that tells you the best return from a distribution among the first k functions - so you can calculate the table for i=k+1 using the table created for k.
At the end you get the best possible return for n functions and N resources. It makes it easier to find out what that best answer is if you maintain of a set of arrays telling the best way to distribute k units among the first i functions, for all possible values of i and k. Then you can look up the best allocation for f100(), subtract off the value this allocated to f100() from N, look up the best allocation for f99() given the resulting resources, and carry on like this until you have worked out the best allocations for all f().
As an example suppose f1(x) = 2x, f2(x) = x^2 and f3(x) = 3 if x>0 and 0 otherwise. Suppose we have 3 units of resource.
The first table is just f1(x) which is 0, 2, 4, 6 for 0,1,2,3 units.
The second table is the best you can do using f1(x) and f2(x) for 0,1,2,3 units and is 0, 2, 4, 9, switching from f1 to f2 at x=2.
The third table is 0, 3, 5, 9. I can get 3 and 5 by using 1 unit for f3() and the rest for the best solution in the second table. 9 is simply the best solution in the second table - there is no better solution using 3 resources that gives any of them to f(3)
So 9 is the best answer here. One way to work out how to get there is to keep the tables around and recalculate that answer. 9 comes from f3(0) + 9 from the second table so all 3 units are available to f2() + f1(). The second table 9 comes from f2(3) so there are no units left for f(1) and we get f1(0) + f2(3) + f3(0).
When you are working the resources to use at stage i=k+1 you have a table form i=k that tells you exactly the result to expect from the resources you have left over after you have decided to use some at stage i=k+1. The best distribution does not become incorrect because that stage i=k you have worked out the result for the best distribution given every possible number of remaining resources.

Given an integer array (of size N) and a number M, find product of N-1 elements of the array modulo M

Let's say you are given an array A of N integers and another integer M. For any given index i where 0 <= i < N, hide the ith index of A and return the product of all other elements of A modulo M.
For example, say A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and M=100 then for i=1, the result would be (1x3x4x5) mod 100. Hence the result is 60.
Assume that all integers are 32 bit unsigned integers.
Now an obvious approach to do this is to calculate the result for any given value of i. That would mean N-1 multiplications for every given value of i. Is there a more optimal way to do this?
First idea would be to store the product of all numbers in A (let's call this total). Now for every given value of i, we can just divide total by A[i] and return the result after taking the modulo. However, the total would cause an overflow so this cannot be done.
for(int i=1;i<=n-1;i++)
for(int i=n-2;i>=0;i--)
for query q
return right[1]%M;
return left[n-2]%M;
return (left[q-1]*right[q+1])%M;
Suppose there is an array of 5 elements.
index: 1 2 3 4 5
1 5 2 10 4
Now for query q=3
answer is = ((1*5) * (10*4))%M
for query q=4
answer is = ((1*5*2)*(4))%M
We are basically pre computing all the left and right multiplication
index: 1 2 3 4 5
1 5 2 10 4
left: 1 5 10 100 400
right: 400 400 80 40 4
For q=3 answer is left[2]*right[4]= (5*40)%M= 200%M
For q=4 answer is left[3]*right[5]= (10*4)%M= 40%M
For this answer, I'm assuming that this is not a ONE-TIME calculation, but it is something that can take place many times with different values of i.
First, define a non-volatile array to hold calculated products.
Then, whenever the function is invoked with a given pair of parameters (M and i):
Check in the array (of above) if the product was calculated,
If yes, simply use the stored value, calculate the MOD and return the result,
If not, calculate the product, store it, calculate the MOD and return the value.
This method spares you from having a (potentially long) initialization which might calculate products that would not be needed.

Combining permutation groups

I am developing a probability analysis program for a board game. As part of an algorithm* I need to calculate the possible permutations of partitions of a number (plus some padding), such that all partition components cannot occupy any position that is lower than the total length of the permutation, in digits, minus the value of the component.
(It is extremely unlikely, however, that the number that will be partitioned will ever be higher than 8, and the length of the permutations will never be higher than 7.)
For instance, say I have the partition of 4, "211", and I want to find the permutations when there is a padding of 2, i.e. length of 5:
0 1 2 3 4 (array indexes)
5 4 3 2 1 (maximum value of partition component that can be allocated to each index)
2 1 1 _ _ (the partition plus 2 empty indexes)
This is represented as an array like so {2,1,1,0,0}
There are 6 permutations when 2 is in the 0 index (4! / 2! 2!), and there are 4 indexes that 2 can occupy (2 cannot be placed into the last index) so overall there are 24 permutations for this case (a 1 can occupy any index).
The output for input "21100":
21100, 21010, 21001, 20110, 20101, 20011
02110, 02101, 02011, 12100, 12010, 12001
00211, 10210, 11200, 10201, 01210, 01201
10021, 01021, 00121, 11020, 10120
Note that this is simply the set of all permutations of "21100" minus those where 2 is in the 4th index. This is a relatively simple case.
The problem can be described as combining n different permutation groups, as the above case can be expressed as the combining of the permutations of x=1 n=4 and those of x=2 n=5, where x is the value count and n is the "space" count.
My difficulty is formulating a method that can obtain all possibilities computationally, and any advice would be greatly appreciated. -Please excuse any muddling of terminology in my question.
*The algorithm answers the following question:
There is a set of n units that are attacked k times. Each
attack has p chance to miss and q (1 - p) chance to damage
a random unit from the set. A unit that is damaged for a second time is destroyed
and is removed from the set.
What is the probability of there being
x undamaged units, y damaged units and z destroyed units after the attacks?
If anyone knows a more direct approach to this problem, please let me know.
I am going to use the algorithm to generate all permutations of the multiset as given in the answer to this question
How to generate all the permutations of a multiset?
and then filter to fit my criteria.

Getting the lowest possible sum from numbers' difference

I have to find the lowest possible sum from numbers' difference.
Let's say I have 4 numbers. 1515, 1520, 1500 and 1535. The lowest sum of difference is 30, because 1535 - 1520 = 15 && 1515 - 1500 = 15 and 15 + 15 = 30. If I would do like this: 1520 - 1515 = 5 && 1535 - 1500 = 35 it would be 40 in sum.
Hope you got it, if not, ask me.
Any ideas how to program this? I just found this online, tried to translate from my language to English. It sounds interesting. I can't do bruteforce, because it would take ages to compile. I don't need code, just ideas how to program or little fragment of code.
I didn't post everything... One more edition:
I have let's say 8 possible numbers. But I have to take only 6 of them to make the smallest sum. For instance, numbers 1731, 1572, 2041, 1561, 1682, 1572, 1609, 1731, the smallest sum will be 48, but here I have to take only 6 numbers from 8.
Taking the edit into account:
Start by sorting the list. Then use a dynamic programming solution, with state i, n representing the minimum sum of n differences when considering only the first i numbers in the sequence. Initial states: dp[*][0] = 0, everything else = infinity. Use two loops: outer loop looping through i from 1 to N, inner loop looping through n from 0 to R (3 in your example case in your edit - this uses 3 pairs of numbers which means 6 individual numbers). Your recurrence relation is dp[i][n] = min(dp[i-1][n], dp[i-2][n-1] + seq[i] - seq[i-1]).
You have to be aware of handling boundary cases which I've ignored, but the general idea should work and will run in O(N log N + NR) and use O(NR) space.
The solution by marcog is a correct, non-recursive, polynomial-time solution to the problem — it's a pretty standard DP problem — but, just for completeness, here's a proof that it works, and actual code for the problem. [#marcog: Feel free to copy any part of this answer into your own if you wish; I'll then delete this.]
Let the list be x1, …, xN. Assume wlog that the list is sorted. We're trying to find K (disjoint) pairs of elements from the list, such that the sum of their differences is minimised.
Claim: An optimal solution always consists of the differences of consecutive elements.
Proof: Suppose you fix the subset of elements whose differences are taken. Then by the proof given by Jonas Kölker, the optimal solution for just this subset consists of differences of consecutive elements from the list. Now suppose there is a solution corresponding to a subset that does not comprise pairs of consecutive elements, i.e. the solution involves a difference xj-xi where j>i+1. Then, we can replace xj with xi+1 to get a smaller difference, since
xi ≤ xi+1 ≤ xj ⇒ xi+1-xi ≤ xj-xi.
(Needless to say, if xi+1=xj, then taking xi+1 is indistinguishable from taking xj.) This proves the claim.
The rest is just routine dynamic programming stuff: the optimal solution using k pairs from the first n elements either doesn't use the nth element at all (in which case it's just the optimal solution using k pairs from the first n-1), or it uses the nth element in which case it's the difference xn-xn-1 plus the optimal solution using k-1 pairs from the first n-2.
The whole program runs in time O(N log N + NK), as marcog says. (Sorting + DP.)
Here's a complete program. I was lazy with initializing arrays and wrote Python code using dicts; this is a small log(N) factor over using actual arrays.
The minimum possible sum|x_i - x_j| using K pairs (2K numbers) from N numbers
import sys
def ints(): return [int(s) for s in sys.stdin.readline().split()]
N, K = ints()
num = sorted(ints())
best = {} #best[(k,n)] = minimum sum using k pairs out of 0 to n
def b(k,n):
if best.has_key((k,n)): return best[(k,n)]
if k==0: return 0
return float('inf')
for n in range(1,N):
for k in range(1,K+1):
best[(k,n)] = min([b(k,n-1), #Not using num[n]
b(k-1,n-2) + num[n]-num[n-1]]) #Using num[n]
print best[(K,N-1)]
Test it:
4 2
1515 1520 1500 1535
8 3
1731 1572 2041 1561 1682 1572 1609 1731
I assume the general problem is this: given a list of 2n integers, output a list of n pairs, such that the sum of |x - y| over all pairs (x, y) is as small as possible.
In that case, the idea would be:
sort the numbers
emit (numbers[2k], numbers[2k+1]) for k = 0, ..., n - 1.
This works. Proof:
Suppose you have x_1 < x_2 < x_3 < x_4 (possibly with other values between them) and output (x_1, x_3) and (x_2, x_4). Then
|x_4 - x_2| + |x_3 - x_1| = |x_4 - x_3| + |x_3 - x_2| + |x_3 - x_2| + |x_2 - x_1| >= |x_4 - x_3| + |x_2 - x_1|.
In other words, it's always better to output (x_1, x_2) and (x_3, x_4) because you don't redundantly cover the space between x_2 and x_3 twice. By induction, the smallest number of the 2n must be paired with the second smallest number; by induction on the rest of the list, pairing up smallest neighbours is always optimal, so the algorithm sketch I proposed is correct.
Order the list, then do the difference calculation.
EDIT: hi #hey
You can solve the problem using dynamic programming.
Say you have a list L of N integers, you must form k pairs (with 2*k <= N)
Build a function that finds the smallest difference within a list (if the list is sorted, it will be faster ;) call it smallest(list l)
Build another one that finds the same for two pairs (can be tricky, but doable) and call it smallest2(list l)
Let's define best(int i, list l) the function that gives you the best result for i pairs within the list l
The algorithm goes as follows:
best(1, L) = smallest(L)
best(2, L) = smallest2(L)
for i from 1 to k:
compute min (
stored_best(i-2) - smallest2( stored_remainder(i-2) ),
stored_best(i-1) - smallest( stored_remainder(i-1)
) and store as best(i)
store the remainder as well for the chosen solution
Now, the problem is once you have chosen a pair, the two ints that form the boundaries are reserved and can't be used to form a better solution. But by looking two levels back you can guaranty you have allowed switching candidates.
(The switching work is done by smallest2)
Step 1: Calculate pair differences
I think it is fairly obvious that the right approach is to sort the numbers and then take differences between each
adjacent pair of numbers. These differences are the "candidate" differences contributing to the
minimal difference sum. Using the numbers from your example would lead to:
Number Diff
====== ====
Save the differences into an array or table or some other data structure where you can maintain the
differences and the two numbers that contributed to each difference. Call this the DiffTable. It
should look something like:
Index Diff Number1 Number2
===== ==== ======= =======
1 11 1561 1572
2 0 1572 1572
3 37 1572 1609
4 73 1609 1682
5 49 1682 1731
6 0 1731 1731
7 310 1731 2041
Step 2: Choose minimal Differences
If all numbers had to be chosen, we could have stopped at step 1 by choosing the number pair for odd numbered
indices: 1, 3, 5, 7. This is the correct answer. However,
the problem states that a subset of pairs are chosen and this complicates the problem quite a bit.
In your example 3 differences (6 numbers = 3 pairs = 3 differences) need to be chosen such that:
The sum of the differences is minimal
The numbers participating in any chosen difference are removed from the list.
The second point means that if we chose Diff 11 (Index = 1 above), the numbers 1561 and 1572 are
removed from the list, and consequently, the next Diff of 0 at index 2 cannot be used because only 1 instance
of 1572 is left. Whenever a
Diff is chosen the adjacent Diff values are removed. This is why there is only one way to choose 4 pairs of
numbers from a list containing eight numbers.
About the only method I can think of to minimize the sum of the Diff above is to generate and test.
The following pseudo code outlines a process to generate
all 'legal' sets of index values for a DiffTable of arbitrary size
where an arbitrary number of number pairs are chosen. One (or more) of the
generated index sets will contain the indices into the DiffTable yielding a minimum Diff sum.
/* Global Variables */
M = 7 /* Number of candidate pair differences in DiffTable */
N = 3 /* Number of indices in each candidate pair set (3 pairs of numbers) */
AllSets = [] /* Set of candidate index sets (set of sets) */
call GenIdxSet(1, []) /* Call generator with seed values */
/* AllSets now contains candidate index sets to perform min sum tests on */
procedure: GenIdxSet(i, IdxSet)
/* Generate all the valid index values for current level */
/* and subsequent levels until a complete index set is generated */
do while i <= M
if CountMembers(IdxSet) = N - 1 then /* Set is complete */
AllSets = AppendToSet(AllSets, AppendToSet(IdxSet, i))
else /* Add another index */
call GenIdxSet(i + 2, AppendToSet(IdxSet, i))
i = i + 1
Function CountMembers returns the number of members in the given set, function AppendToSet returns a new set
where the arguments are appended into a single ordered set. For example
AppendToSet([a, b, c], d) returns the set: [a, b, c, d].
For the given parameters, M = 7 and N = 3, AllSets becomes:
[[1 3 5]
[1 3 6] <= Diffs = (11 + 37 + 0) = 48
[1 3 7]
[1 4 6]
[1 4 7]
[1 5 7]
[2 4 6]
[2 4 7]
[2 5 7]
[3 5 7]]
Calculate the sums using each set of indices, the one that is minimum identifies the
required number pairs in DiffTable. Above I show that the second set of indices gives
the minimum you are looking for.
This is a simple brute force technique and it does not scale very well. If you had a list of
50 number pairs and wanted to choose the 5 pairs, AllSets would contain 1,221,759 sets of
number pairs to test.
I know you said you did not need code but it is the best way for me to describe a set based solution. The solution runs under SQL Server 2008. Included in the code is the data for the two examples you give. The sql solution could be done with a single self joining table but I find it easier to explain when there are multiple tables.
--table 1 holds the values
declare #Table1 table (T1_Val int)
Insert #Table1
--this data is test 1
--Select (1515) Union ALL
--Select (1520) Union ALL
--Select (1500) Union ALL
--Select (1535)
--this data is test 2
Select (1731) Union ALL
Select (1572) Union ALL
Select (2041) Union ALL
Select (1561) Union ALL
Select (1682) Union ALL
Select (1572) Union ALL
Select (1609) Union ALL
Select (1731)
--Select * from #Table1
--table 2 holds the sorted numbered list
Declare #Table2 table (T2_id int identity(1,1), T1_Val int)
Insert #Table2 Select T1_Val from #Table1 order by T1_Val
--table 3 will hold the sorted pairs
Declare #Table3 table (T3_id int identity(1,1), T21_id int, T21_Val int, T22_id int, T22_val int)
Insert #Table3
Select T2_1.T2_id, T2_1.T1_Val,T2_2.T2_id, T2_2.T1_Val from #Table2 AS T2_1
LEFT Outer join #Table2 AS T2_2 on T2_1.T2_id = T2_2.T2_id +1
--select * from #Table3
--remove odd numbered rows
delete from #Table3 where T3_id % 2 > 0
--select * from #Table3
--show the diff values
--select *, ABS(T21_Val - T22_val) from #Table3
--show the diff values in order
--select *, ABS(T21_Val - T22_val) from #Table3 order by ABS(T21_Val - T22_val)
--display the two lowest
select TOP 2 CAST(T22_val as varchar(24)) + ' and ' + CAST(T21_val as varchar(24)) as 'The minimum difference pairs are'
, ABS(T21_Val - T22_val) as 'Difference'
from #Table3
ORDER by ABS(T21_Val - T22_val)
I think #marcog's approach can be simplified further.
Take the basic approach that #jonas-kolker proved for finding the smallest differences. Take the resulting list and sort it. Take the R smallest entries from this list and use them as your differences. Proving that this is the smallest sum is trivial.
#marcog's approach is effectively O(N^2) because R == N is a legit option. This approach should be (2*(N log N))+N aka O(N log N).
This requires a small data structure to hold a difference and the values it was derived from. But, that is constant per entry. Thus, space is O(N).
I would go with answer of marcog, you can sort using any of the sorting algoriothms. But there is little thing to analyze now.
If you have to choose R numbers out N numbers so that the sum of their differences is minimum then the numbers be chosen in a sequence without missing any numbers in between.
Hence after sorting the array you should run an outer loop from 0 to N-R and an inner loop from 0 to R-1 times to calculate the sum of differnces.
If needed, you should try with some examples.
I've taken an approach which uses a recursive algorithm, but it does take some of what other people have contributed.
First of all we sort the numbers:
Then we compute the differences, keeping track of which the indices of the numbers that contributed to each difference:
So we got 11 by getting the difference between number at index 0 and number at index 1, 37 from the numbers at indices 2 & 3.
I then sorted this list, so it tells me which pairs give me the smallest difference:
What we can see here is that, given that we want to select n numbers, a naive solution might be to select the first n / 2 items of this list. The trouble is, in this list the third item shares an index with the first, so we'd only actually get 5 numbers, not 6. In this case you need to select the fourth pair as well to get a set of 6 numbers.
From here, I came up with this algorithm. Throughout, there is a set of accepted indices which starts empty, and there's a number of numbers left to select n:
If n is 0, we're done.
if n is 1, and the first item will provide just 1 index which isn't in our set, we taken the first item, and we're done.
if n is 2 or more, and the first item will provide 2 indices which aren't in our set, we taken the first item, and we recurse (e.g. goto 1). This time looking for n - 2 numbers that make the smallest difference in the remainder of the list.
This is the basic routine, but life isn't that simple. There are cases we haven't covered yet, but make sure you get the idea before you move on.
Actually step 3 is wrong (found that just before I posted this :-/), as it may be unnecessary to include an early difference to cover indices which are covered by later, essential differences. The first example ([1515, 1520, 1500, 1535]) falls foul of this. Because of this I've thrown it away in the section below, and expanded step 4 to deal with it.
So, now we get to look at the special cases:
** as above **
** as above **
If n is 1, but the first item will provide two indices, we can't select it. We have to throw that item away and recurse. This time we're still looking for n indices, and there have been no changes to our accepted set.
If n is 2 or more, we have a choice. Either we can a) choose this item, and recurse looking for n - (1 or 2) indices, or b) skip this item, and recurse looking for n indices.
4 is where it gets tricky, and where this routine turns into a search rather than just a sorting exercise. How can we decide which branch (a or b) to take? Well, we're recursive, so let's call both, and see which one is better. How will we judge them?
We'll want to take whichever branch produces the lowest sum.
...but only if it will use up the right number of indices.
So step 4 becomes something like this (pseudocode):
x = numberOfIndicesProvidedBy(currentDifference)
branchA = findSmallestDifference (n-x, remainingDifferences) // recurse looking for **n-(1 or 2)**
branchB = findSmallestDifference (n , remainingDifferences) // recurse looking for **n**
sumA = currentDifference + sumOf(branchA)
sumB = sumOf(branchB)
validA = indicesAddedBy(branchA) == n
validB = indicesAddedBy(branchB) == n
if not validA && not validB then return an empty branch
if validA && not validB then return branchA
if validB && not validA then return branchB
// Here, both must be valid.
if sumA <= sumB then return branchA else return branchB
I coded this up in Haskell (because I'm trying to get good at it). I'm not sure about posting the whole thing, because it might be more confusing than useful, but here's the main part:
findSmallestDifference = findSmallestDifference' Set.empty
findSmallestDifference' _ _ [] = []
findSmallestDifference' taken n (d:ds)
| n == 0 = [] -- Case 1
| n == 1 && provides1 d = [d] -- Case 2
| n == 1 && provides2 d = findSmallestDifference' taken n ds -- Case 3
| provides0 d = findSmallestDifference' taken n ds -- Case 3a (See Edit)
| validA && not validB = branchA -- Case 4
| validB && not validA = branchB -- Case 4
| validA && validB && sumA <= sumB = branchA -- Case 4
| validA && validB && sumB <= sumA = branchB -- Case 4
| otherwise = [] -- Case 4
where branchA = d : findSmallestDifference' (newTaken d) (n - (provides taken d)) ds
branchB = findSmallestDifference' taken n ds
sumA = sumDifferences branchA
sumB = sumDifferences branchB
validA = n == (indicesTaken branchA)
validB = n == (indicesTaken branchA)
newTaken x = insertIndices x taken
Hopefully you can see all the cases there. That code(-ish), plus some wrapper produces this:
*Main> findLeastDiff 6 [1731, 1572, 2041, 1561, 1682, 1572, 1609, 1731]
Smallest Difference found is 48
1572 - 1572 = 0
1731 - 1731 = 0
1572 - 1561 = 11
1609 - 1572 = 37
*Main> findLeastDiff 4 [1515, 1520, 1500,1535]
Smallest Difference found is 30
1515 - 1500 = 15
1535 - 1520 = 15
This has become long, but I've tried to be explicit. Hopefully it was worth while.
Edit : There is a case 3a that can be added to avoid some unnecessary work. If the current difference provides no additional indices, it can be skipped. This is taken care of in step 4 above, but there's no point in evaluating both halves of the tree for no gain. I've added this to the Haskell.
Something like
Sort List
Find Duplicates
Make the duplicates a pair
remove duplicates from list
break rest of list into pairs
calculate differences of each pair
take lowest amounts
In your example you have 8 number and need the best 3 pairs. First sort the list which gives you
1561, 1572, 1572, 1609, 1682, 1731, 1731, 2041
If you have duplicates make them a pair and remove them from the list so you have
[1572, 1572] = 0
[1731, 1731] = 0
L = { 1561, 1609, 1682, 2041 }
Break the remaining list into pairs, giving you the 4 following pairs
[1572, 1572] = 0
[1731, 1731] = 0
[1561, 1609] = 48
[1682, 2041] = 359
Then drop the amount of numbers you need to.
This gives you the following 3 pairs with the lowest pairs
[1572, 1572] = 0
[1731, 1731] = 0
[1561, 1609] = 48
0 + 0 + 48 = 48

Algorithm to count the number of valid blocks in a permutation [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Finding sorted sub-sequences in a permutation
Given an array A which holds a permutation of 1,2,...,n. A sub-block A[i..j]
of an array A is called a valid block if all the numbers appearing in A[i..j]
are consecutive numbers (may not be in order).
Given an array A= [ 7 3 4 1 2 6 5 8] the valid blocks are [3 4], [1,2], [6,5],
[3 4 1 2], [3 4 1 2 6 5], [7 3 4 1 2 6 5], [7 3 4 1 2 6 5 8]
So the count for above permutation is 7.
Give an O( n log n) algorithm to count the number of valid blocks.
Ok, I am down to 1 rep because I put 200 bounty on a related question: Finding sorted sub-sequences in a permutation
so I cannot leave comments for a while.
I have an idea:
1) Locate all permutation groups. They are: (78), (34), (12), (65). Unlike in group theory, their order and position, and whether they are adjacent matters. So, a group (78) can be represented as a structure (7, 8, false), while (34) would be (3,4,true). I am using Python's notation for tuples, but it is actually might be better to use a whole class for the group. Here true or false means contiguous or not. Two groups are "adjacent" if (max(gp1) == min(gp2) + 1 or max(gp2) == min(gp1) + 1) and contigous(gp1) and contiguos(gp2). This is not the only condition, for union(gp1, gp2) to be contiguous, because (14) and (23) combine into (14) nicely. This is a great question for algo class homework, but a terrible one for interview. I suspect this is homework.
Just some thoughts:
At first sight, this sounds impossible: a fully sorted array would have O(n2) valid sub-blocks.
So, you would need to count more than one valid sub-block at a time. Checking the validity of a sub-block is O(n). Checking whether a sub-block is fully sorted is O(n) as well. A fully sorted sub-block contains n·(n - 1)/2 valid sub-blocks, which you can count without further breaking this sub-block up.
Now, the entire array is obviously always valid. For a divide-and-conquer approach, you would need to break this up. There are two conceivable breaking points: the location of the highest element, and that of the lowest element. If you break the array into two at one of these points, including the extremum in the part that contains the second-to-extreme element, there cannot be a valid sub-block crossing this break-point.
By always choosing the extremum that produces a more even split, this should work quite well (average O(n log n)) for "random" arrays. However, I can see problems when your input is something like (1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8), which seems to produce O(n2) behaviour. (1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9) would be similar (I hope you see the pattern). I currently see no trick to catch this kind of worse case, but it seems that it requires other splitting techniques.
This question does involve a bit of a "math trick" but it's fairly straight forward once you get it. However, the rest of my solution won't fit the O(n log n) criteria.
The math portion:
For any two consecutive numbers their sum is 2k+1 where k is the smallest element. For three it is 3k+3, 4 : 4k+6 and for N such numbers it is Nk + sum(1,N-1). Hence, you need two steps which can be done simultaneously:
Create the sum of all the sub-arrays.
Determine the smallest element of a sub-array.
The dynamic programming portion
Build two tables using the results of the previous row's entries to build each successive row's entries. Unfortunately, I'm totally wrong as this would still necessitate n^2 sub-array checks. Ugh!
My proposition
STEP = 2 // amount of examed number
B [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
B [1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0]
VALID(A,B) - if not valid move one
B [0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0]
VALID(A,B) - if valid move one and step
B [0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0]
B [0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0]
STEP = 3
B [1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0] not ok
B [0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0] ok
B [0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0] not ok
STEP = 4
B [1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0] not ok
B [0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0] ok
CON <- 0
STEP <- 2
i <- 0
j <- 0
j <- STEP
CON <- CON + 1
i <- j + 1
j <- j + STEP
i <- i + 1
j <- j + 1
STEP <- STEP + 1
The valid method check that all elements are consecutive
Never tested but, might be ok
The original array doesn't contain duplicates so must itself be a consecutive block. Lets call this block (1 ~ n). We can test to see whether block (2 ~ n) is consecutive by checking if the first element is 1 or n which is O(1). Likewise we can test block (1 ~ n-1) by checking whether the last element is 1 or n.
I can't quite mould this into a solution that works but maybe it will help someone along...
Like everybody else, I'm just throwing this out ... it works for the single example below, but YMMV!
The idea is to count the number of illegal sub-blocks, and subtract this from the total possible number. We count the illegal ones by examining each array element in turn and ruling out sub-blocks that include the element but not its predecessor or successor.
Foreach i in [1,N], compute B[A[i]] = i.
Let Count = the total number of sub-blocks with length>1, which is N-choose-2 (one for each possible combination of starting and ending index).
Foreach i, consider A[i]. Ignoring edge cases, let x=A[i]-1, and let y=A[i]+1. A[i] cannot participate in any sub-block that does not include x or y. Let iX=B[x] and iY=B[y]. There are several cases to be treated independently here. The general case is that iX<i<iY<i. In this case, we can eliminate the sub-block A[iX+1 .. iY-1] and all intervening blocks containing i. There are (i - iX + 1) * (iY - i + 1) such sub-blocks, so call this number Eliminated. (Other cases left as an exercise for the reader, as are those edge cases.) Set Count = Count - Eliminated.
Return Count.
The total cost appears to be N * (cost of step 2) = O(N).
WRINKLE: In step 2, we must be careful not to eliminate each sub-interval more than once. We can accomplish this by only eliminating sub-intervals that lie fully or partly to the right of position i.
A = [1, 3, 2, 4]
B = [1, 3, 2, 4]
Initial count = (4*3)/2 = 6
i=1: A[i]=1, so need sub-blocks with 2 in them. We can eliminate [1,3] from consideration. Eliminated = 1, Count -> 5.
i=2: A[i]=3, so need sub-blocks with 2 or 4 in them. This rules out [1,3] but we already accounted for it when looking right from i=1. Eliminated = 0.
i=3: A[i] = 2, so need sub-blocks with [1] or [3] in them. We can eliminate [2,4] from consideration. Eliminated = 1, Count -> 4.
i=4: A[i] = 4, so we need sub-blocks with [3] in them. This rules out [2,4] but we already accounted for it when looking right from i=3. Eliminated = 0.
Final Count = 4, corresponding to the sub-blocks [1,3,2,4], [1,3,2], [3,2,4] and [3,2].
(This is an attempt to do this N.log(N) worst case. Unfortunately it's wrong -- it sometimes undercounts. It incorrectly assumes you can find all the blocks by looking at only adjacent pairs of smaller valid blocks. In fact you have to look at triplets, quadruples, etc, to get all the larger blocks.)
You do it with a struct that represents a subblock and a queue for subblocks.
int index ; /* index into original array, head of subblock */
int width ; /* width of subblock > 0 */
int lo_value;
c_subblock * p_above ; /* null or subblock above with same index */
Alloc an array of subblocks the same size as the original array, and init each subblock to have exactly one item in it. Add them to the queue as you go. If you start with array [ 7 3 4 1 2 6 5 8 ] you will end up with a queue like this:
queue: ( [7,7] [3,3] [4,4] [1,1] [2,2] [6,6] [5,5] [8,8] )
The { index, width, lo_value, p_above } values for subbblock [7,7] will be { 0, 1, 7, null }.
Now it's easy. Forgive the c-ish pseudo-code.
loop {
c_subblock * const p_left = Pop subblock from queue.
int const right_index = p_left.index + p_left.width;
if ( right_index < length original array ) {
// Find adjacent subblock on the right.
// To do this you'll need the original array of length-1 subblocks.
c_subblock const * p_right = array_basic_subblocks[ right_index ];
do {
Check the left/right subblocks to see if the two merged are also a subblock.
If they are add a new merged subblock to the end of the queue.
p_right = p_right.p_above;
while ( p_right );
This will find them all I think. It's usually O(N log(N)), but it'll be O(N^2) for a fully sorted or anti-sorted list. I think there's an answer to this though -- when you build the original array of subblocks you look for sorted and anti-sorted sequences and add them as the base-level subblocks. If you are keeping a count increment it by (width * (width + 1))/2 for the base-level. That'll give you the count INCLUDING all the 1-length subblocks.
After that just use the loop above, popping and pushing the queue. If you're counting you'll have to have a multiplier on both the left and right subblocks and multiply these together to calculate the increment. The multiplier is the width of the leftmost (for p_left) or rightmost (for p_right) base-level subblock.
Hope this is clear and not too buggy. I'm just banging it out, so it may even be wrong.
[Later note. This doesn't work after all. See note below.]
