Hadoop distcp not working - hadoop

I am trying to copy data from one HDFS to another HDFS. Any suggestion why 1st one works but not 2nd one?
hadoop distcp hdfs://abc.net:8020/foo/bar webhdfs://def.net:14000/bar/foo
(does not work )
hadoop distcp webhdfs://abc.net:50070/foo/bar webhdfs://def:14000/bar/foo

If the two cluster are running incompatible version of HDFS, then
you can use the webhdfsprotocol to distcp between them.
hadoop distcp webhdfs://namenode1:50070/source/dir webhdfs://namenode2:50070/destination/dir
NameNode URI and NameNode HTTP port should be provided in the source and destination command, if you are using webhdfs.


Reading a file in Spark in cluster mode in Amazon EC2

I'm trying to execute a spark program in cluster mode in Amazon Ec2 using
spark-submit --master spark://<master-ip>:7077 --deploy-mode cluster --class com.mycompany.SimpleApp ./spark.jar
And the class has a line that tries to read a file:
JavaRDD<String> logData = sc.textFile("/user/input/CHANGES.txt").cache();
I'm unable to read this txt file in cluster mode even if I'm able to read in standalone mode. In cluster mode, it's looking to read from hdfs. So I put the file in hdfs at /root/persistent-hdfs using
hadoop fs -mkdir -p /wordcount/input
hadoop fs -put /app/hadoop/tmp/input.txt /wordcount/input/input.txt
And I can see the file using hadoop fs -ls /workcount/input. But Spark is still unable to read the file. Any idea what I'm doing wrong. Thanks.
You might want to check the following points:
Is the file really in the persistent HDFS?
It seems that you just copy the input file from /app/hadoop/tmp/input.txt to /wordcount/input/input.txt, all in the node disk. I believe you misunderstand the functionality of the hadoop commands.
Instead, you should try putting the file explicitly in the persistent HDFS (root/persistent-hdfs/), and then loading it using the hdfs://... prefix.
Is the persistent HDFS server up?
Please take a look here, it seems Spark only starts the ephemeral HDFS server by default. In order to switch to the persistent HDFS server, you must do the following:
1) Stop the ephemeral HDFS server: /root/ephemeral-hdfs/bin/stop-dfs.sh
2) Start the persistent HDFS server: /root/persistent-hdfs/bin/start-dfs.sh
Please try these things, I hope they can serve you well.

How to move Word and PDF documents to Hadoop HDFS?

I want to copy/upload some files from a local system (a system not in Hadoop cluster) onto Hadoop HDFS. The local system can be Windows system too.
I tried with Flume spool directory. It works fine with Text files. For other docs, the mime type is getting corrupted.
Please let me know different approaches to load a file(s) to HDFS.
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal <localsrc> URI
Check Hadoop documentation: copyFromLocal
Keep in mind, Apache Flume wasn't created to copy some files.
You can also use hadoop fs -put <localsrcpath> <hdfspath>
This is one of the alternative to copyFromLocal
In hadoop 2.0 (YARN) you can do as follows to transfer local files to HDFS:
hdfs dfs -put "localsrcpath" "hdfspath"
where hdfs is the command located in the bin directory.
Java code can do that easily. You don't require any tools for this. Check below, the piece of code that worked:
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
try {
conf.set("fs.defaultFS",<<namenode>>); //something like hdfs://server:9000 or copy from core-site.xml
FileSystem fileSystem= FileSystem.get(conf);
System.out.println("Uploading please wait...");
fileSystem.copyFromLocalFile(false, new Path(args[0]), new Path(args[1].trim()));//args[0]=C://file or dir args[1]=/imported
Prepare jar out of this and run on any OS. Keep in mind you no need to
have Hadoop running in the machine, where you are going to run this
code. If you need any help, add comments.
Don't forget to add dnsresolver line where you run this code. Open /drivers/etc/hosts (for Windows)
hadoopnamenode ip-address
slavenode ip-address
First you need to load docs from your Windows machine to linux machine using filezilla or other tool.
And then you need to use:
hadoop fs -put localsrcpath hdfspath
Following command will also work.
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal localsrcpath hdfspath

distcp not working between hadoop version 2.0.0 and 0.20

During distcp between two version of hadoop i am getting below error:
Server IPC version 9 cannot communicate with client version 3
I am using below command:
hadoop distcp
Solutions will be appreciated.
distcp does not work between version from hdfs:// to hdfs://
You must run the distcp on the destination cluster and use the hftp:// protocol (a read-only protocol) on the source cluster.
Note: the default ports are different for different protocols, so the command ends up looking like:
hadoop distcp hftp://<source>:50070/<src path> hdfs://<dest>:8020/<dest path>
or, if you prefer fake values
hadoop distcp hftp://foo.company.com:50070/data/baz hdfs://bar.compnay.com:8020/data/

hadoop hdfs points to file:/// not hdfs://

So I installed Hadoop via Cloudera Manager cdh3u5 on CentOS 5. When I run cmd
hadoop fs -ls /
I expected to see the contents of hdfs://localhost.localdomain:8020/
However, it had returned the contents of file:///
Now, this goes without saying that I can access my hdfs:// through
hadoop fs -ls hdfs://localhost.localdomain:8020/
But when it came to installing other applications such as Accumulo, accumulo would automatically detect Hadoop Filesystem in file:///
Question is, has anyone ran into this issue and how did you resolve it?
I had a look at HDFS thrift server returns content of local FS, not HDFS , which was a similar issue, but did not solve this issue.
Also, I do not get this issue with Cloudera Manager cdh4.
By default, Hadoop is going to use local mode. You probably need to set fs.default.name to hdfs://localhost.localdomain:8020/ in $HADOOP_HOME/conf/core-site.xml.
To do this, you add this to core-site.xml:
The reason why Accumulo is confused is because it's using the same default configuration to figure out where HDFS is... and it's defaulting to file://
We should specify data node data directory and name node meta data directory.
in core-site.xml file and format name node.
To format HDFS Name Node:
hadoop namenode -format
Enter 'Yes' to confirm formatting name node. Restart HDFS service and deploy client configuration to access HDFS.
If you have already did the above steps. Ensure client configuration is deployed correctly and it points to the actual cluster endpoints.

Copying directories in HDFS using the JAVA API

How do I copy a directory in HDFS to another directory in HDFS?
I found the copyFromLocalFile functions that copy from the local FS to HDFS, but I want both of the source/destination to be in HDFS.
Use distcp command.
The canonical use case for distcp is for transferring data between two HDFS clusters.
If the clusters are running identical versions of Hadoop, the hdfs scheme is
% hadoop distcp hdfs://namenode1/foo hdfs://namenode2/bar
If you want to do it through Java code, see class org.apache.hadoop.tools.DistCp and call it appropriately.
You can try FileUtil.copy
