Not able to open thumb-nail image on mobile device - magento

I am using a Magento website which is not able to open the thumb-nail images on the mobile devices. I changed the css file for different resolutions inside the media block but still not able to open the images.
The images inside the red square are not opening in the mobile devices. Whenever i click on any of those images nothing happens.
The image are opening in the desktop for all size of display.
Is it happening because of wrong css code or some other reasons.

Your resolution for that size add proper image width and height in CSS.


Safari favorites icons are displayed as transparent images even though they're not

I was trying to change a Safari favorites icon that gets displayed when opening a new tab. I changed some icons by changing the default images in the "/Users/MyUsername/Library/Safari/Touch Icons Cache/" Images folder. Most of the replaced icons are displayed perfectly but some appeared (I think) to be identified by Safari as a transparent background icon and proceeds to display it as oneā€”even though it's not.
This is the icon that Safari displayed correctly
This is the icon that Safari displayed incorrectly
Any idea how I can get Safari to display it as it should?
I've followed the criteria of the icons such as having a .png extension and being 144x144.
This is the info for the image used for the CNN icon
This is the info for the image used for the Triplebyte icon
What I've tried:
Reducing the size of the image
Changing the color profile
Is this issue actually related to the website I'm trying to get my icon for or an issue with the image file?
I tried using another image that was used as an icon by another site. Safari also displayed it as a transparent background image. It turned out that the image file wasn't the issue.
The solution to this is to just use an image that actually has a transparent background.

iOS XCode launch screen storyboard does not display image from asset catalog when running on device

I'm running into an issue where an iOS app project using Launch Storyboard does not display some images from the asset catalog. But it can display another image in the same image view. This tells me that the image view is set up correctly, and something is wrong with the image itself
How can I understand why my image is not displayed on launch screen when starting app?
I checked the asset catalog membership, and the images are members of the correct target. The image displays in the interface builder preview.
I checked and images are not displayed when saved in either JPG or PNG format.
The image previews fine on Storyboard preview.
I tried using smaller image, so it doesn't seem to be a file size issue.
Does not work on either device or simulator.
This image displays:
This image does not display:

iOS Loss of image quality and resolution

I have and imageview that i use throughout my app. It can hold a picture from the gallery or from the camera.
In the end I upload it to a webserver using php.
But where does xcode downscale my image? Ipad pictures are aprox. 300x300px.
Tried downloading a 1000+ x 1000+ pixels image, but it looks like it gets downscaled once i open it trough uiimagepicker. In my gallery its fine before i start my app, but when i add it via my gallery its low res.
I need these images with the resolution they were made with.
Is there any way to obtatain that?

How to tell a browser not to resize image

When an image is opened on, it is not automatically resized by my browser (Chrome).
How is this done?
There is nothing in the link to a .jpg file in that will cause or prevent resizing. Chrome resizes large images to fit the browser window initially, and then you can click to make it full size. There are no native options to change this, but there are several extensions available for changing this behavior. Maybe you have one of these that is site specific?

Mac dashboard widgets not loading external images

I set out to make a quick Mac OS X dashboard widget. I read the documentation and was pleased to find out they use simple HTML, JS, and CSS. I created my widget and it works when I open the .html file in Firefox, but it does not work when I install the widget to the dashboard.
The widget is simple: it displays the most recent image from a weather web cam stream. The image URLs look like this: The timestamp is appended to the URL and the server automatically responds with the latest image for that time. I did not write the server script.
The widget appears to be loading correctly, but the web cam image will not load. Notice the blue question mark in the upper left. The image should appear over the square background image. Is there any special procedure for loading external images into a widget?
alt text
You should look here for some important settings:
Dashboard Info.plist Keys
