How to tell a browser not to resize image - image

When an image is opened on, it is not automatically resized by my browser (Chrome).
How is this done?

There is nothing in the link to a .jpg file in that will cause or prevent resizing. Chrome resizes large images to fit the browser window initially, and then you can click to make it full size. There are no native options to change this, but there are several extensions available for changing this behavior. Maybe you have one of these that is site specific?


Is there a way to pause or control an animated gif in my browser?

I'm in Firefox and I'm looking at a page which has several how-to sections. Each of these has an animated git showing a user following the instructions.
The animation goes by too fast for me to be useful. I just want a way to pause the animation so that I can zoom in and see the details better. Then resume the animation.
I tried clicking on the GIF, and I get just the GIF, but it still is animated and I can't control it.
What I'd like is some way to have FF open the image so that I can pause and resume the image. Some reliable FF extension or plug-inAn would be best. An item in the context menu would be nice (using about:config). Or an item in the Settings/Applications list for images in general, or .gif files in particular (also using about:config). Or some application where I can open the app and drag the image from FF into the open app's window.
What I've tried is:
Changing how FF processes the click on the image. Its Settings does not show anything related to images in the Applications section. I can't find a way to configure FF to add more file types to this section. Anybody know how to do this?
I can view the image in WMP (Windows Media Player), but this is a clumsy process. First, I have to save the image somewhere, then I have to open the folder where I saved it, then do an Open With.... Then since WMP isn't on the list of apps, I have to do Select Another App, and scroll down to WMP and select that. I don't want to make this the default for all GIF files, so I have to do this for each animated GIF.
Once I've done this, WMP comes up and I can do what I want.
I tried a drag and drop from my image in FF to an open WMP window, but there's no response there.
I tried RealPlayer. I can do an Open With and RealPlayer is on the list of apps. But RealPlayer shows the image without animating it. RealPlayer also has an Open command and I paste in the URL of the image, but it's the same result.
I loaded the Toggle Animated Gif extension for FF. This is not satisfactory because I can either run the animation or show the GIF without any animation. I want to be able to freeze the animation in the middle of it.
Same difficulty here. Unfortunately, there's no such Firefox extension for now. The closest one is It allows to pause a GIT, but not to resume - so not enough for you.
While I also prefer Firefox, but for this I suggest Chrome and Gif Scrubber: Not immediate, but powerful.

Safari favorites icons are displayed as transparent images even though they're not

I was trying to change a Safari favorites icon that gets displayed when opening a new tab. I changed some icons by changing the default images in the "/Users/MyUsername/Library/Safari/Touch Icons Cache/" Images folder. Most of the replaced icons are displayed perfectly but some appeared (I think) to be identified by Safari as a transparent background icon and proceeds to display it as one—even though it's not.
This is the icon that Safari displayed correctly
This is the icon that Safari displayed incorrectly
Any idea how I can get Safari to display it as it should?
I've followed the criteria of the icons such as having a .png extension and being 144x144.
This is the info for the image used for the CNN icon
This is the info for the image used for the Triplebyte icon
What I've tried:
Reducing the size of the image
Changing the color profile
Is this issue actually related to the website I'm trying to get my icon for or an issue with the image file?
I tried using another image that was used as an icon by another site. Safari also displayed it as a transparent background image. It turned out that the image file wasn't the issue.
The solution to this is to just use an image that actually has a transparent background.

Firefox won't display an image unless the web inspector is open

Firefox sometimes hasn't been displaying my website's logo image. There's nothing in the code I can find that would make this happen. From what I can tell, the image displays fine in WebKit, and displays fine when the FF web inspector is open, and displays fine after a hard reload (Ctrl+R), but sometimes won't appear after a soft reload. When I right-click on the image, or open the web inspector, the image suddenly appears, as if it had been there the whole time. What could be causing this?
i think it can be something about page resizing.
When you open the webkit your website browser window change dimension, and you see the logo.
maybe this two things are connected.
try to resize the browser window without opening the webkit.
hope this works to catch the problem.
I tried disabling all the Firefox plugins, thinking it was some extension that was causing this, but no luck. I finally got it to work as expected by completely resetting Firefox using this guide.

Why doesn't my image color match background color in FireFox?

I think I could be doing something wrong in photoshop. I'm trying to create a banner for my website.
I created a new image in photoshop, then filled the background with a color I picked #E06205
I then saved the image as a jpeg.
On my webpage, I created a div and gave it a background color
When I open the page in Safari and Chrome it's beautiful. Matches perfectly.
However, when I open the page in FireFox, the colors don't match. I can't figure out why that is.
By the way, this is definitely a problem with the image I created. When I compare the same image side by side, Firefox gives me the 'wrong' color
Your issue is in the color profile you are using for the image. Make sure when you save the image you use Save for Web & Devices…
To read more if you want you could travel to this website:
You should save your images with "Save for Web & Devices" option of "File" menu in Photoshop. You can get many options and image types in this option as per your requirement.

Why does Firefox allow images to be dragged but not dropped?

If you browse a web page through Firefox, any image on the page can be dragged anywhere on the screen—but you can't drop it. Other browsers such as IE or Chrome do not allow dragging images.
Is this a issue? Why does Firefox allow dragging?
You can drag the image (like your favorite unicorn picture, I assume) to an explorer window and it will be saved there.
It does allow you to drop. Drop to explorer/desktop and it pastes the picture, drop to a input field or the address bar and it drops the image URL.
html does not support dragging/dropping. RIA's and some AJAX/javascript pages may allow dragging of images ... e.g a shopping cart.
You can disable this in the firefox configuration.
