How to add cmd-shift-<NUMBER> shortcut to Xcode - xcode

I tried to add a shortcut (CMD-Shift-3) as shortcut for the "Projects" window in Xcode. But when I try to do this via Preferences->Key Bindings, I can't realise this. Because it's interpreted as CMD-# (with EN/US keyboard layout, or CMD-§ with DE layout). To make it even worse, I accidentally changed the "Devices" shortcut (trying to copy it). And as there is no "reset to default" on a single shortcut, it's lost.
I can't believe this is actually behaviour implemented by Apple.
OS X 10.10.3
Xcode 6.3.2
Thanks in advance!


Looking for a system-wide autoreplace on Mac OS

I have recently moved from Windows 10 to MacOS Big Sur. On Windows, I used AutoHotkey for system-wide automatic text replacement. For example:
(alpha) would turn into α
(beta) would turn into β
Is it possible to do a similar thing using Automator on Mac? I'm not interested in app-specific settings, as I would like this to work in all apps. Not being familiar with the OS, I am struggling to figure it out, and Google/Apple Documentation have been no help!
Go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Text and add your substitutions, as show in the image further below.
You can get to System Preferences from the Apple menu, far left of the menu bar, or from Spotlight pressing the commandspace bar keyboard shortcut and start typing System Preferences, or from the Dock clicking on the System Preferences icon, as shown below.

Mac keyboard shortcuts not working on iOS Simulator

All the mac keyboard short cuts like Cmd + Q (Quit Simulator app), Cmd + K (Toggle keyboard hide/show in Simulator) etc has stopped workings for iOS Simulator app since this morning suddenly.
All other apps, including Xcode, shows the shortcut in menus and they are working fine.
I noticed, the shortcut keys shows up against menu items momentarily on launch of simulator but then disappears completely (see attached)...
I tried following but no success...
Launch simulator (Open Xcode project and then menu Product > Run. And, directly through menu Xcode > Open Developer Tools).
Erase All Content and Settings in Simulator...
Restart Mac
Xcode 9.0.1 (9A1004) | Mac 10.13 (17A405)
You might have enabled (checked) the "Send all keyboard shortcuts to device" mode. It's in the Hardware > Keyboard submenu.
Pressing both Left and Right Cmd keys at the same time will exit keyboard capturing mode and re-enable menu shortcuts.
You might have disabled(unchecked) "Connect hardware keyboard" option which is in the hardware/keyboard menu. Make sure its checked.
You may need to press the esc key on newer versions of the simulator.
You can also choose which key stops shortcut capture.

How to unbind Command-Control-Space key from Mac OS X 10.9?

How can I unbind Command-Control-Space from Mac OS X 10.9?
This shortcut shows Special Characters table and conflicts with my Emacs key binding, and I couldn't disable it from System Preference->Keyboard->Shortcuts.
At least on macOS Sierra to macOS Big Sur ⌃Space is the default binding for Select the previous input source which is on by default (even if only one input source is activated).
You can free it by:
Open System Preferences
Go to Keyboard > Shortcuts > Input Sources
Untick "Select the previous input source"
Afterwards, you should be able to bind it as expected.
You can create custom keyboard shortcuts for most app's menubar choices in System Preferences. If a desired key combination is losing precedence to a default shortcut that you don't use and can't easily disable, simply override it with a new, unobtrusive shortcut.
Open System Prefs / Keyboard / Shortcuts. Select App Shortcuts from the left pane. Toggle the All Applications category's triangle in the main window to point downward (if it's not open already).
If there's an item named Emoji & Symbols* shown there, then click its shortcut combination and enter a new shortcut (such as option-shift-command-t, in this case).
If there's not an item named Emoji & Symbols under All Applications, click the + button at the bottom, type or copy-paste Emoji & Symbols, and then enter a new keyboard shortcut (option-shift-command-t, or anything really). This will free the control-command-space combination for you to use as a specialized shortcut elsewhere.
To remove your custom shortcut, just click to highlight it in the main window of this preference pane, and click the – button at the bottom. The custom shortcut will disappear and the default action will resume.
*Note: On versions older than Mac OS 10.10.3, the menu item is called Special Characters… instead of Emoji & Symbols.
I don't know of any way to disable this, but an alternative option might be to create a shortcut for the app you want to use that in. I created a Command-Control-Space shortcut for Chrome and now Command-Control-Space doesn't bring up the special character palette anymore in Chrome.
failing that you may be better off asking in Apple Stackexchange

TextMate: Shortcut for switching focus between editor and project drawer

I'm looking for a shortcut for switching focus between editor and project drawer in TextMate. I googled a bit with different results, but none of the shortcuts is working for me:
This link suggest installing the MissingDrawer Plugin, but but that's not the solution I'm looking for.
I have OS X Lion 10.7.3 and TextMate 1.5.10 on a MacBook Pro with a German keyboard layout.
The shortcut in TextMate 2 (using a spanish keyboard) is ctrl + tab.
The official answer is in the docs:
⌘` ⌘~ Switch to the next/previous window. This keyboard shortcut is based on the physical location of the key so on many European keymaps it is instead ⌘< and ⌘> (it is the key to the left of the Z).
⌥⌘` ⌥⌘~ Switch between main window and drawer. Like the previous key this one is also based on physical location. The function is not available on Panther.
Both have been working for me on my french keyboard but not how the docs said: neither ⌘+< nor ⌘+> did work but ⌘+` did. YMMV.
Just found it, it's ⌘+⌥+<.
In 2.0-beta cmd+alt+tab works fine. It's equivalent of Navigate->Move focus to file browser

Control-Command-Up not switching to counterpart file in Xcode on Lion.

Since the three finger swipe has been stolen in Lion, I find myself forced to resort to the keyboard to switch between .h and .m files. Two finger swipe left and right only seems to work infrequently, and that should be for scrolling anyways.
The keyboard command should be Control-Command-Up, but for some reason this takes me out of Xcode and shows the project file in Finder.
I have checked both System Preferences, and Xcode's key bindings settings, and I can't find anything wrong. Xcode is set properly, and I can't find any conflicts.
Do you by any chance have another program such as Afloat installed that might be taking over the key combination? For instance, Afloat uses the Control-Command-Up key combo to do just what you described - show the open application's file in Finder.
Besides changing the key combo, the Xcode default Control-Command-Down will also switch to the counterpart.
I think it's a bug. For now I assigned another key combination: ^Q and ^Z to "jump to counterpart" and it works.
