TextMate: Shortcut for switching focus between editor and project drawer - macos

I'm looking for a shortcut for switching focus between editor and project drawer in TextMate. I googled a bit with different results, but none of the shortcuts is working for me:
This link suggest installing the MissingDrawer Plugin, but but that's not the solution I'm looking for.
I have OS X Lion 10.7.3 and TextMate 1.5.10 on a MacBook Pro with a German keyboard layout.

The shortcut in TextMate 2 (using a spanish keyboard) is ctrl + tab.

The official answer is in the docs:
⌘` ⌘~ Switch to the next/previous window. This keyboard shortcut is based on the physical location of the key so on many European keymaps it is instead ⌘< and ⌘> (it is the key to the left of the Z).
⌥⌘` ⌥⌘~ Switch between main window and drawer. Like the previous key this one is also based on physical location. The function is not available on Panther.
Both have been working for me on my french keyboard but not how the docs said: neither ⌘+< nor ⌘+> did work but ⌘+` did. YMMV.

Just found it, it's ⌘+⌥+<.

In 2.0-beta cmd+alt+tab works fine. It's equivalent of Navigate->Move focus to file browser


Unable to map Ctrl+Right or Ctrl+Left keybindings in Visual Studio Code

For some reason the "ctrl+right" / "ctrl+left" keybindings does not work for me in visual studio code. I took a screenshot of my keybindings.json and the Keyboard Shortcuts Troubleshooting:
I've tried the same mapping without the "when" condition or different value but it didn't seem to do anything.
If I change the keybinding to other keybinding like "ctrl+shift+right" or "cmd+right" then keybinding activates. The output here suggests that the keybinding is not found by VS code.
Is there something special about Ctrl+Right/Ctrl+Left key combo?
I am using macOS Big Sur. I didn't touch any default system keybinding. I googled around for mac OS system keybinding but nothing came up under the "ctrl+right"/"ctrl+left" combo.
Before I switch over to VS code I was using Webstorm, which had this keybinding for many years. I never had any problem with it.
I'd appreciate any help or info.
Ctrl+Left/Right maps to desktop switching in macOS by default. So you need to go to Keyboard > Shortcuts in the System Preferences and remove Ctrl+Left/Right from Mission control
Use Mission Control on your Mac
How can I make ctrl+right/left arrow stop changing Desktops in Lion?

Looking for a system-wide autoreplace on Mac OS

I have recently moved from Windows 10 to MacOS Big Sur. On Windows, I used AutoHotkey for system-wide automatic text replacement. For example:
(alpha) would turn into α
(beta) would turn into β
Is it possible to do a similar thing using Automator on Mac? I'm not interested in app-specific settings, as I would like this to work in all apps. Not being familiar with the OS, I am struggling to figure it out, and Google/Apple Documentation have been no help!
Go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Text and add your substitutions, as show in the image further below.
You can get to System Preferences from the Apple menu, far left of the menu bar, or from Spotlight pressing the commandspace bar keyboard shortcut and start typing System Preferences, or from the Dock clicking on the System Preferences icon, as shown below.

How to make iTerm2 appear on the current screen?

Under Preferences -> 'Keys' It is possible to tick Show/hide iTerm2 with a system-wide hotkey.
However iTerm always appears on the main display (monitor) instead of where the cursor currently resides.
e.g. if I have three monitors, and am working on the third screen, the hotkey makes iTerm appear on first monitor, instead of where I am currently working.
Any advice how to solve this please?
The bug strikes back again in v.3.1.6. If any workarounds are known, please share.
I'm on Sierra using iTerm 3.1 and I have the option under window to put the screen where the cursor is (bottom right drop down options). I'm using it with a hotkey.
The answer by Grant works.
The only thing you need to do is to install the beta version since there was a bug in the stable version.
This bug was fixed in 3.1.beta.1 https://iterm2.com/downloads.html
Here's the link to the latest beta version https://iterm2.com/downloads/beta/iTerm2-3_1_beta_4.zip
This may be a couple more keystrokes than you were hoping for, but if you install window management software like Size Up, you can get this working with just a few keystrokes.
Maintain your ⌥Space hotkey preference on Iterm2. Go to Size Up -> Preferences and change 'Send Window Prev Monitor' to an easy keystroke. I used ⌥1.
Now, you can do ⌥Space to get the terminal open and ⌥1 one or two times to get it to your monitor of choice. It takes a couple of key combos, but not too many!
I had this problem with macos monterey and iterm 3.4.15. I'm using the hotkey to show the terminal with slide-out window. After some search on the internet I found that disabling the option on system preferences to reopen closed documents solved the issue and the hotkey is now opening terminal on the screen with cursor as it should.
mac -> System preferences -> General -> (deselect this) Close windows when quitting an app
Neither of the above worked for me, but this helped, even though the question was quite different in that thread.

XCode 4.5 Documentation Screen obscures main project screen

I am using xCode for the first time - since 1986 I've used other IDE's (turboPascal, JBuilder, Eclipse, NetBeans, Tibco BW...) but to the uninitiated Xcode seems reach new levels of awkwardness.
Every time I access help e.g 'API documentation help' the documentation screen obscures all other windows. Presumably there is a magic key that dismisses the documentation screen and return me to the main project screen. (Like a back button in a browser). I've tried many key combinations.
Is there a magic key that always gets you back 'as you were'?
You can set a shortcut to switch between the windows of the active app in System Preferences → Keyboard → Keyboard Shortcuts. I prefer Alt+Tab.
This will allow you to switch between the documentation and the editor window with a shortcut. You could also use Cmd+W to close the documentation window.
Use command + ~ to alternate between views, this works in every app on macosx.

: Custom keyboard shortcuts not working?

I have started working on a project in MonoDevelop lately, and unlike in VS2010, there is no keyboard shortcut to toggle the comments, and i really liked that shortcut.
Luckily, in OS X you can create custom keyboard shortcuts for any application in System Preferences, like this:
I have put it in All Applications because putting it directly on MonoDevelop.app doesn't work. And by seeing how MonoDevelop doesn't use the OS X UI, but one that looks like Linux, I'm guessing it's not running natively.
As expected, the shortcut was bound to MonoDevelop as well as all the other applications, and it does show up in the menus :
Everything looked fine until I tried to execute this shortcut, and nothing happened. This is a problem. Does anyone know why the shortcut appears, but is not working? (This only happens in MonoDevelop, I have tried making shortcuts in other applications, and they work.)
MonoDevelop doesn't use the Mac keybinding system; it has its own: http://mjhutchinson.com/journal/2011/02/06/key_bindings
