Clang Pragma Comprehensive List - xcode

Where can I find the documentation of all possible #pragmas available in Xcode's Clang/LLVM?
I found this in the Clang user manual, that at NSHipster, and even tried grepping through the svn repo, but still could not find documentation for things like _Pragma("clang assume_nonnull begin").
Any hints where to look?

You're doing everything right, the only thing you're missing is: Clang we have in Xcode is different from Clang we can download at
You can obtain Apple's version of compiler at under 'Developer tools', but usually there is pretty old version.
Whenever Apple engineers introduce something new into the compiler it's usually not available publicly yet, but they push these features into the public repo during following months.
Previously it happened with arm64, and now with nullability qualifiers.
Check the public repo again, they started pushing nullability qualifiers couple of days ago, also feel free to subscribe to Clang Developers Mailing List for updates.


autoconf configure script broke under a newer Xcode version

I am trying to build the apcupsd package under a newer version of MacOS and Xcode, but the configure script supplied with the current version of apcupsd breaks under Xcode 12.4 (though it worked under Xcode 11.2).
The error is gethostbyname_r is required. Now, configure tests for this function, and ordinarily it adapts to systems that do not provide it. On the newer Xcode version, however, configure just exits with an error. I THINK it has something to do with Apple making the -Werror setting mandatory. I've found that I can get a successful build by commenting out the broken test in configure, then running it and explicitly passing the flag that configure is supposed to set. But that's not very satisfactory.
Is there is a general way to pass an override to configure for the compiler? I tried setting -Wno-error in the CPPFLAGS and CFLAGS environment for configure, but the configtest program seems to ignore those. What seems to be going on is configure is seeing that gethostbyname_r doesn't exist and sets it to no but then later on still tests for it. I'm just wondering if there's a flag or something to get past this error, as it seems to me that whatever Apple did to break (or fix) Xcode after version 11.2 would have broken a lot of people's projects.
I am looking for a solution that does not involve modifying the program sources or the Autotools input files. The project manual is not helpful in this regard.
As an update: someone on the apcupsd list told me that this issue is fixed in a later version of Xcode. I have not tried that yet but when I do if that is what it proves out to be I'll post a followup
Is there is a general way to pass an override to configure for the
compiler? I tried setting -Wno-error in the CPPFLAGS and CFLAGS
environment for configure, but the configtest program seems to ignore
If you set the CFLAGS or CPPFLAGS variable in configure's environment, then not only should configure use those flags when it builds test programs, but it should also memorialize the variable so that you don't need to specify it again to make. Indeed, this ...
What seems to be going on is configure is seeing that
gethostbyname_r doesn't exist and sets it to no
... suggests that it is doing so in your case.
In that event, if it seems to test again later, or else to fail in some other way despite determining that the function is not present, then that suggests a flaw in the project's own autotooling.
I'm just wondering if there's a flag or something
to get past this error,
You have already tried the most likely candidate (CFLAGS). Alternatively, you might also be able work around the issue through use of a cache file. That's still hacky, but I think less so than modifying the configure script. I'm afraid I have no specific guidance on doing this.
as it seems to me that whatever Apple did to
break (or fix) Xcode after version 11.2 would have broken a lot of
people's projects.
It did. That does not imply that there is a quick or easy solution, though it would be good news if indeed Apple solved the issue in a later version of Xcode.

XCode 7 / Cordova plugin / Link issue: _utf8_nextCharSafeBody undefined symbol

I'm adapting an (apparently outdated) Cordova plugin for use in my app (PhoneRTC if you're curious).
As a Linux/CLI guy at heart I've been struggling with XCode for a day, and I managed to iron out most of the deprecated code using a lot of Google and some blind guessing. However, now I'm stuck with a final error during the linking phase:
"Undefined symbols for architechture arm64: "_utf8_nextCharSafeBody", referenced from: [snip]"
The plugin's original installation instructions mention linking the binary to the library libicucore.dylib, but this seems to have been removed in the latest XCode (there are references of the same name with .tbh extensions available but these aren't valid for that dialog - even though I can select them, but whatever).
Some more Googling offered suggestions for linking various *.frameworks instead, but to no avail - the error remains.
Does anyone have any idea what I need to link to to make this function available? Or if it's permanently removed I'd also like to know, although that would involve rebuilding the binaries which wouldn't be something I'm looking forward to...
Or if you don't know, would there be a way to grep through Apple's libraries somehow to see which one is supposed to be defining a missing symbol?
(Needless to say, IF I can get this working it's going to be forked from the original repo and donated back to the community :))
So, I'm not sure what I changed exactly, but suddenly I could add libicucore.tbh as a linked library. I probably changed the build target or something, but in any case the linking error disappeared (to be replaced by a signing error because XCode, but that I can solve).

Xcode 4.5 doesn't find deprecated functions

my problem is that i can't visualize deprecated warning in xcode 4.5. like viewDidUnload or presentModalViewController.
I checked the flag "Warn About Deprecated Functions" and is correct (YES).
I tried to create e new project and copies all files, but i get the same result.
I tried to building with two available compiler LLVM GCC4.2 and Apple LLVM 4.1
The strange thing is that other project has found all deprecated functions correctly.
Any idea?
It seems that these warnings are based on your deployment target. (And not the base SDK, which is what I expected.) This seems like a wise choice, since in order to get rid of the warnings, there's a good chance you'll need to use newer methods that didn't exist yet in the older SDK.
So if you want to make sure you're seeing every deprecation warning, select your target in the Targets list, and set the Deployment Target to the latest version. Do a build or choose Analyze from the Product menu, and you'll see all the warnings.

How to build apple's opensource libc?

I'm trying to build apple's opensource libc (from on my OS X 10.6.8 laptop. This is in an attempt to essentially get a locally generated replica of /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib, which I intend to experiment on further.
I see a couple basic roadblocks though (unless, obviously, I'm missing something basic):
No instructions on how to do the build. There are a couple of Makefiles in the URL I reference above, but they fail to build when I try to do straightforward makes:
$make -f Makefile
Makefile:14: *** missing separator. Stop.
I suspect the source available for download is incomplete. Not incomplete in the sense that Apple isn't revealing all of the changes, but incomplete in the sense that there are source files that were (presumably) not modified by Apple, so isn't included in the collection. For example, I don't see the implementation of the "open" call (which, in the gnu libc hierarchy, is available at io/open.c)
The closest reference I could find after some googling was this: but it still isn't close enough for my taste!
Any pointers?
Only some general pointers (although some links are discussing older OSX versions):

How do I disable Xcode static analysis (Clang) messages?

I'd like my Xcode project to go through a Build And Analyze step without generating any errors, warnings, or static analysis messages. A problem with this is that my project includes libraries that generate (possibly innocuous) warnings and static analysis messages.
I can't find a way to disable specific Clang warnings so that "my" code builds with zero issues. Is this possible?
I wasn't able to find any way to do this, and filed a bug against Clang. The team seems to want to add this functionality, but it's not there yet.
The bug is:
Also, one can use a __clang_analyzer__ macro to ifdef out any code that one doesn't want Clang to process.
The Build and Analyze step is clang - thats the "analyze" part. It wouldn't make sense to analyze your code and not have clang tell you about issues it find. That's like going to a car wash and telling them not to touch the car.
From talking to the guy that wrote clang at WWDC, it is extremely unlikely that anything it identifies as an issue is actually not. If you think you have some examples of code that works fine but clang complains, please file a bugreport with example code so Apple can fix that.
You can disable some compiler warnings through the use of flags, but not all of them are an option.
