SQL*Loader Control File Custom Date Format - oracle

I need to import from a CSV file in which timestamps are given in the following format
I tried the following in the control file for SQL*Loader but it doesn't work
How can I parse this custom date? The error I get is
ORA-01821: date format not recognized

Try with below code
time date 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24MISS'


how cast varchar to date in oracle

I have a column with NVACHAR2() format but it save date, like this(column name is ORGINALDATE):
1/9/2019 3:46:59 PM
I can not change format of column but I need to date of this. I used from
And after run show this error : --date format picture ends before converting entire input string
The error seems to be suggesting that the format you have given does not provide information for parsing the entire date with information being left over in the input string. This is then viewed as invalid. The reason this is happening is that the AM/PM of your original data is not captured in the format string. Looking https://www.techonthenet.com/oracle/functions/to_date.php, we see that AM/PM can be added to the format string. Therefore changing your format string to
should fix it. It should be noted that any of A.M., AM, P.M., or PM appear to be valid and simply specify that time of day information is present.

timestamp conversion issue in oracle

I am trying to convert data from oracle date field which is in local eastern time to UTC format
and I'm using below function to achieve it
and my output looks like below
06-NOV-19 AM
However i need to format the output to below format
11/6/2019 9:55:21.000000000 AM
Is there an oracle function which i directly use to do above format conversion?
Formatting and the actual value are separate things. The value, you say is correct, however you want it to look in a different style than the default.
Look into TO_CHAR if you want a specifically formatted string output. eg:
SELECT TO_char(cast(sysdate as timestamp) at time zone 'UTC','mm/dd/yyyy hh:mi:ssxFF am') from dual;
11/18/2019 07:39:42.000000 pm
I tried on my database and the same consult turn the expected result. Try to confer this web site that will show the config of date in oracle:

Import CSV File into Oracle using SQL Developer

I am trying to import data from a CSV file into a Oracle GroupSpace table using SQL Developer tool. I am getting errors for Date column. My Date column has Date in the below format.
I get error that the date column has Invalid or Null Date Formats.
Any pointers on what format date format to use when importing Date column would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much!
If you aren't sure that dates are valid (for example, nothing prevents you from entering 5/55/2016 into a CSV file, and that certainly isn't a valid DATE value), you can create a staging table whose columns are of VARCHAR2 datatype - it accepts everything, even garbage like 5/55/2016.
Then, after you load data, write some SQL to find errors, fix them, and then move data into the target table.
Check the CSV data in a text editor and look for which part represents the month (the month value will be in the range 1..12). If you are using US dates then use MM/DD/YYYY, otherwise you should probably use DD/MM/YYYY as the date format. If the data has a mixture of both, then you must separate those files and use a different format for each, or you are likely to get invalid date values in your database.
SQL Developer can help you.
You can try the date format masks in the drop-down. If we can guess it, we'll default to one. For some reason your data...fools us, but you can type your own.
If you get something that 'works' the warnings go away.
If you get it wrong, we'll let you know before you even get to the next step.
You can find all the data format masks here.

I want to convert string 20171110 to date format yyyy-mm-dd in Pentaho

I have a string "20171110" and I want this to be converted to Date format yyyy-mm-dd of date datatype in Pentaho Data Integration. I tried using select values and calculator but nothing worked. Please suggest.
First, change the String field into date type by using Select values (Metadata Tab). In this case, we use yyyyMMdd as a date format.
After that, drop the 2nd Select values to migrate yyyyMMdd format into yyyy-mm-dd.
And see the result

Oracle sqlldr timestamp format headache

I'm struggling to get sqlldr to import a csv data file into my table, specifically with the field that is a timestamp.
The data in my csv file is in this format:
16-NOV-09 PM
I've tried all manner of combinations in my control file and am going around in circles. I can't find anything online - not even the Oracle reference page that details what all the date/timestamp format strings are.
Does anyone know where this reference page is, or what format string I should be using in my control file for this timestamp format.
For reference, this is what I've most recently tried:
load data
infile 'kev.csv'
into table page_hits
fields terminated by "~"
( ...
event_timestamp TIMESTAMP "dd-mmm-yy hh24.mi.ss",
you can try this format:
event_timestamp TIMESTAMP "dd-MON-yy hh.mi.ss.ff6 PM"
You can browse all available formats in the SQL reference documentation.
