Delete files from folder [Windows] - windows

The problem is as follows - I have a text file with an imagelist which contains the names of photos. The photos reside somewhere else on a hard drive.
How do I delete/move those photos which names are in imagelist? Is there any batch routine?

This very simple sample should help you get going:
set filename=files.txt
set targetdir=bar
set sourcedir=foo
for /f %%i in (%filename%) do move "%sourcedir%\%%i" "%targetdir%"
Note that there is absolutely no error handling. The pause at the end keeps the command window open so you can review the output
type for /? at the command prompt to get help for this command


Run Batch Script Across Subfolders (Recursively)

I regularly have to rename hundreds of files across a subfolder structure. I have been creating a batch file consisting of all my rename commands, and manually pasting this into each subfolder to execute one subfolder at a time. I'd like to revise the batch script so that it executes against all subfolders in one fell swoop, run from the parent directory just once.
My renaming is very manual, and so I need to create a discrete entry for each file. For example, here are three lines:
REN STWP01_00669087* BCBSRI-01849351*
REN BCBSRI-01849357* 2011-12-19_BCBSRI-01849357*
REN STWP01_00669094* BCBSRI-01849369*
I've experimented with the FOR /R command, including trying a separate batch file that calls my renaming batch file (via the CALL command). No luck.
I have to assume that this is simple, but I'm a batch novice, so any help would be appreciated.
Thanks so much for your response. Your approach is going to be far more efficient than my own so far.
A couple of questions. Please bear with me as I am a total novice with batch commands.
Here's what I did: I saved your code to a .BAT file ("RRename.bat"), modified my filenames as per your instructions and saved those to a text file ("Filenames.txt"), and then run this command from the command line: {RRename.bat Filenames.txt}.
The resulting command windows confirm correct renaming. And so I removed the ECHO and PAUSE commands and re-ran. No luck. Just a bunch of Command windows confirming the directory.
Ideally I'd love to save this as a .BAT file and simply drop this in the top-level directory, together with the data file that contains the old names and new names of the files. And so, a double-click of "RRename.bat" will parse the content of "Filenames.txt" and work its way through all subfolders, renaming wherever matches are encountered. Boom.
To that end:
1. How do I make it so {SET "sourcedir=} indicates the current directory (i.e. the directory in which the batch file is located)? This way I wouldn't ever need to change this variable. (I should note that I am running this script on a network location, which requires me to map the drive, resulting in a different drive letter every time.)
2. How do I hard-code the name of the data file into the script itself? My goal is an easily replicated process minimizing user input (save for the content of the data file).
3. How do I stop the individual command windows from appearing? I'll be renaming thousands of files at a time and don't want to see thousands fo corresponding command windows.
Thank you!
SET "sourcedir=U:\sourcedir"
:: read parameters
SET "filename1=%~1"
SET "filename2=%~2"
IF DEFINED filename2 GOTO name
:: 1 parameter - must be filename
FOR /f "usebackqdelims=" %%a IN ("%filename1%") DO START /min "ren %%a" "%~f0" %%a
GOTO :eof
:: we have 2 parameters so rename pattern 1 to pattern 2
FOR /r "%sourcedir%" %%a IN ("%filename1%*") DO CALL :process "%%a"
:: Process the filenames and actually do the rename
:: Name of file to be changed - name and extension of %1
SET "changeme=%~nx1"
:: REPLACE up-to-from-pattern with nothing = remainder of name/extension
CALL SET "endpart=%%changeme:*%filename1%=%%"
:: and RENAME...
ECHO(REN "%~1" "%filename2%%endpart%"
GOTO :eof
You would need to change the setting of sourcedir to suit your circumstances.
Revised data file
STWP01_00669087 BCBSRI-01849351
BCBSRI-01849357 2011-12-19_BCBSRI-01849357
STWP01_00669094 BCBSRI-01849369
Aimed at processing the above file, renaming files starting (column1 entries) to start (column2 entries.)
Run the batch as
batchname filename
This will execute the batch, processing filename
having set the directory name to start processing from, set filename1&2 to the values of the parameters supplied.
If only 1 is supplied, it is the filename, so process it line-by-line and START a new process /min minimised "with the window name in the first set of quotes" and execute this same batch with the data from each line of the file in turn, then finish by going to :eof (end-of-file - built-in to CMD)
The sub-processes all have 2 parameters (eg BCBSRI-01849357 2011-12-19_BCBSRI-01849357) so processing passes to :name. This runs a for /r loop, from the specified source directory, with the name specified from the first column+* and executes :process passing the filenames found as parameter 1.
:process sets changeme to the filename in question, calculates endpart by removing the string filename1 from changeme which will deliver the er, end part.
Then simply rename the supplied filename to the replacement name+that endpart calculated.
The required REN commands are merely ECHOed for testing purposes. After you've verified that the commands are correct, change ECHO(REN to REN to actually rename the files.
The PAUSE is just to allow the proposed changes to be seen. Once the process has been verified, change the PAUSE to EXIT.
AAMOI, running
*batchname* STWP01_00669094 BCBSRI-01849369
for instance, would execute the recursive-rename from STWP01_00669094* to BCBSRI-01849369*
Sadly, "No luck" is meaningless.
I have made a minor, but significant change to the instructions. The PAUSE should be changed to an EXIT after testing.
After testing, the ECHO(... line should become
REN "%~1" "%filename2%%endpart%"
which actually executes the rename. If you've just deleted the line, it would explain the no-visible-result.
Having restored the original code and verified against a small representative dummy subtree, change the echo(... line and test again. The filenames should change. If not, something is dreadfully wrong. Needless to say, this works perfectly happily for me...
Then try again with the PAUSE changed to EXIT. This time, the windows generated will appear on the taskbar and then disappear when the rename for that line of the input file has finished. This will happen once for BCBSRI-01849357 rentwo for instance - not once for each individual file rename occurring.
To hard-code the filename, remove the line
and replace
FOR /f "usebackqdelims=" %%a IN ("%filename1%") DO START /min "ren %%a" "%~f0" %%a
FOR /f "usebackqdelims=" %%a IN ("YOURFILENAMEHERE") DO START /min "ren %%a" "%~f0" %%a
For the "run from here" command, change
SET "sourcedir=U:\sourcedir"
SET "sourcedir=."
. means "the current directory"
If you place thisbatchfilename.bat into any directory on your PATH then you can run the routine simply by executing thisbatchfilename.
You can display your path by typing
at the prompt. PATH is the sequence of directories searched by windows to find an executable if it isn't found in the current directory. To chane path, google "change path windows" - experienced batchers create a separate directory on the path for batch files. Sometimes, they name the directory "Belfry".

How to make a folder in the location of a batch file

I am creating a batch script for which I have a script that is giving me a frustrating error. The location the batch file is being excecuted from is
C:\Users####\Desktop\Sp2\Sp2.bat. I want the file to prompt the user if it wants to make a batch file. I got that down. I used the code
echo Would you like to create a directory to output the files to?
set /p mkdir=[Y/N]
if %mkdir%==Y (
goto :mkdir
) ELSE (
goto :numset
This part works fine. Now here's where the problem arises:
echo Enter a name for your folder.
set /p foldername=
MD %~d0\%foldername%
goto :numset
I this keeps giving me the error "The syntax of this command is incorrect."Can anyone give me a solution to this problem?
%~d0 gives you the drive only. To get drive and path, use %~dp0:
MD %~dp0%foldername%
The complete listing of %~?0 is well hidden. See: for /?
%~d0 expands to a drive of the batchfile. Users don't have permission to create folders in the root of a drive. So it will never work.
Plus the path seperator is \ not the switch character /.

batch file to move and rename folder to a relative path

I have the following batch file in Windows 7 to be executed by a context menu shortcut. My aim is to move and rename a quote folder containing subfolders and files to a different path and rename it with the project number inserted when prompted.
for %%Q in (.) do set quotenumber=%%~nQ
for %%Y in (.\..) do set year=%%~nY
for %%C in (.\..\..\..) do set client=%%~nC
set /P projectnumber="Enter Project number>"
move "c:\myfiles\mainfiles\clients\%client%\quotes\%year%\%quotenumber%" "c:\myfiles\mainfiles\clients\%client%\projects\%year%\%projectnumber%"
I get the error "the process does not have access to the file because it is being used by another process".
Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong? I am not a programmer and cannot get this to work!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Looking at your code I'm assuming that you;re executing it in c:\myfiles\mainfiles\clients\%client%\quotes\%year%\%quotenumber% dir.
And in the last line you try to move the same dir to another place.Which is impossible because the dir is held by the script itself.Try this:
for %%Q in (.) do set quotenumber=%%~nQ
for %%Y in (.\..) do set year=%%~nY
for %%C in (.\..\..\..) do set client=%%~nC
set /P projectnumber="Enter Project number>"
cd ..
move "c:\myfiles\mainfiles\clients\%client%\quotes\%year%\%quotenumber%" "c:\myfiles\mainfiles\clients\%client%\projects\%year%\%projectnumber%"

pipe multiple files into a single batch file (using explorer highlight)

I can already get a batch file to run when a user right clicks on a file type. How can I make it so that only one instance runs per highlighted group and gets all the files as arguments.
Currently it runs single instance per file when a user "shift clicks"
there is most likely a better way to word this... you can see why I had trouble googling it.
Normally a file association multi-selection invocation will start several instances of a program and the program itself would have to deal with it on its own (Or with the help of DDE or IDropTarget)
It is going to be very hard to implement this in a batch file, this example should get you started:
#echo off
set guid=e786496d-1b2e-4a49-87b7-eb325c8cc64d
set id=%RANDOM%
FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=.,:/\ " %%A IN ("%TIME%") DO SET id=%id%%%A%%B%%C
set sizeprev=0
>>"%temp%\%guid%.lock" echo %id%
>>"%temp%\%guid%.list" echo %~1
>nul ping -n 3 localhost
FOR %%A IN (%temp%\%guid%.list) DO set sizenow=%%~zA
if not "%sizeprev%"=="%sizenow%" (
set sizeprev=%sizenow%
goto waitmore
FOR /F %%A IN (%temp%\%guid%.lock) DO (
if not "%%A"=="%id%" goto :EOF
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%B IN (%temp%\%guid%.list) DO (
del "%temp%\%guid%.list"
del "%temp%\%guid%.lock"
While this works, it is a horrible horrible hack and will fail badly if you don't wait for the first set of files to be parsed before starting a new operation on another set of files.
If you create a batch file and place it on your desktop, then you can select multiple files and drop them on that batch file. They will get passed as multiple parameters to the file.
For example, assume you put dropped.bat on your desktop, and it looks like this:
#echo off
echo %*
Now assuming you had three files x, y and z, if you multiple-selected them and dropped them on dropped.bat, you'd see a command window come up with this text in it:
C:\Users\alavinio\Desktop\x C:\Users\alavinio\Desktop\y C:\Users\alavinio\Desktop\z
Press any key to continue . . .
That's the closest you can get. The right-click-and-Open semantics expect to start a new executable for each selected item, and typically those executables check for another instance of themselves, and if they see one, send the parameter over there to that existing process, and terminate themselves. You can actually watch that happen with Task Manager or Process Explorer.
Late to the party but here is my 2 cents. I had the same problem when trying to customise the behaviour of a 'Move to Dropbox Folder...' context menu command. I needed every file selected to be piped to a batch file to handle the processing in one instance.
After some digging I found Context Menu Launcher.
Simple enough to use. I popped singleinstance.exe in C:\Windows\system32 and created and ran a .reg file similar to below.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
; Documents
#="Move to Dropbox Folder"
#="singleinstance.exe \"%1\" \"C:\\Move to Dropbox Folder.bat\" $files --si-timeout 400"
The way it works seems to have been imposed on you by the shell, and there doesn't seem to be an easy way to solve this.
Some application would add its own menu item that would allow the app to be invoked differently (i.e. just once for the group) from how it is done generally (repeatedly for every selected item), while another one would employ the API to check its own presence and would redirect the 'open' request to its already running copy.
Batch files aren't meant for either of these. You would probably need a different tool. Even if you would like the main job to be done by the batch file, you'd still need a way to call the batch file for processing of the item list.
I'm guessing you have a group of highlighted files and you want to run some program for each file.
#echo off
for %%A in (%*) do echo %%A

"start" does not work in bat file when used as filetype handler in Firefox

I have a batch (bat / cmd) file which should act as a filetype handler for jpeg files in Firefox, I just want it to copy the file to another folder, and then open the file in the Picasa Viewer. When I run it from the command line, even if I'm running it from another folder, it works fine, and opens Picasa Viewer. However, when setting it as the handler for jpeg files in Firefox, it only copies the file, but does not start Picasa.
Here is the script (I'm not a batch programmer so this could probably be a lot simpler, was just scraped together from various stackoverflow posts...):
set topath=%~DP0
copy %1 "%topath%"
#echo off
set picpath=%1
set picpath=%picpath:\=;%
set picpath=%picpath: =:%
for /F "tokens=* delims=;" %%i IN (%picpath%) DO call :LAST_FOLDER %%i
goto :EOF
if "%1"=="" (
set LAST2=%LAST::= %
start explorer "%topath%"
start "C:\Programfiler\Google\Picasa3\PicasaPhotoViewer.exe" "%topath%\%LAST2%"
goto :EOF
set LAST=%1
(I also tried opening just explorer on the folder, as seen above.) So, anyone know why neither explorer nor Picasa get started when run from Firefox, but both get started from the console? (Also, explorer gets started when drag-dropping a file on the script, however, Picasa does not...)
This "feature/bug" I have seen a number of times when using the start command.
The start command is interpreting the the first parameter as the "title" .
Just try this for example :
start "c:\windows\system32\calc.exe" "c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe"
It will launch notepad, not calculator
So simply prepend a dummy parameter like this :
start "some dummy title" "c:\windows\system32\calc.exe"
It will work fine...
Looking at your code (Damn, is there a way to copy/paste with the correct alignment on this site? :( ) something like this might help:
#echo off
set topath=%~dp0
copy %1 "%topath%"
set file=%~nx1
start explorer "%topath%"
start "-" "%Programfiles%\Google\Picasa3\PicasaPhotoViewer.exe" "%topath%%file%"
Hope this helps.
%~nx0 : Gets the filename+ext of the given variable (here 0) Too bad you didn't see it, it't at the samne place you got ~dp part (help of for).
I haven't read it thorough enough to understand it but your path to picasa looks wrong rather than c:\program files\ you have c:\programfiler\
You may try substituting start by cmd /c start. Maybe that helps.
