Any framework specific plugin available in SonarQube? - sonarqube

Similar to language plugins, is there any plugin available for frameworks(Struts, Spring, Hibernate) in SonarQube?

No, No Framework specific plugin is available in SonarQube.
SonarQube only have plugins for Language and plugins for generating various reports.


AEM project release build

I am interested to see how people are doing release builds for an AEM project:
using the maven release plugin that is in pom.xml OOTB for this archtype
custom process using other maven plugins (build-helper plugin, version plugin)
Pros/cons for each option?
what is the release numbering mechanism that you use?
how is the patching done?
do you use a release branching mechanism?
The OOTB maven build configuration from the archetype is good enough and extensively used across all the AEM projects I have been involved in. The versioning can be handled by modifying the version in the pom.xml

SBT vs Maven for a new Scala/Spark project?

Am new to Scala/SBT but have experience in Java/Maven.
For a new Scala/Spark project, what should be the choice: SBT or Maven?
PS- I intend to use Eclipse or IntellijIdea as IDE.
I have also been looking into this question. Here are some things I have found.
According to the Apache Spark documentation:
Maven is the official build tool recommended for packaging Spark, and is the build of reference. But SBT is supported for day-to-day development since it can provide much faster iterative compilation. More advanced developers may wish to use SBT.
Three reasons I have heard for SBT:
It was built for Scala
It has incremental compilation
.sbt files tend to be more compact
In response though
Maven works just as well
If you are using the JetBrains IntelliJ IDE, which has a free edition, it has its own incremental compilation.
I think I will decide to go with Maven as it integrates better with my build server (continuous deployment).

Importing PC-lint report along with SonarQube C++ Commercial Plugin

I would like to know if there is any way where we can integrate PC-lint report along with C++ analysis using Commercial C++ Plugin.
we are using SonarQube 5.1.2 currently.
But I am ready to upgrade if that's what it takes
If you are using the SonarSource C++ Plugin, this means that you are a customer so you should contact the commercial support who will answer your question.

Is Package design Sonar analysis supported for .NET projects?

I am new to Sonar how ever I have some basic overview of its capabilities.
My problem is that the Package design and File design widgets don't show any data.
Are these metrics supported on a C# analysis project or only Java code is supported ?..
This used to be supported for C#, but it has been dropped in version 3.0 because it was badly supported.
See the following ticket: SONARCS-38

troubles with getting c# plugin 3.0 and resharper to work properly

we have upgraded to SonarQube 4.3 and C# plugin 3.0 but we are struggling to get the integration with resharper working.
Which version of the Reshaprer plugin shall be available for SonarQube 4.3?
In update center I find version 1.0 but when I look at the reshaper plugin documentation there shall be a version 1.1 available.
Can I upgrade to the resharper plugin to version 1.1 in any other way? I have tried to put the 1.1 jar file in the plugin directory but then SonarQube refuse to start due to missing dependencies.
The reason for wanting version 1.1 is that we need to use our own dotsettings file and this seems to not be available in version 1.0. We also can´t get the reuseReport mode to work at all with the current installed version. Even if we use “sonar.resharper.mode=skip” resharper is trigged in the analysis.
The situation is quite messy, there indeed was a ".NET ReSharper" plugin available in version 1.0 and 1.1. This plugin is only compatible with the .NET ecosystem 2.1.
C# 3.0 is only compatible with a "ReSharper" plugin, which only exists in version 1.0.
Please refer to the following documentation:
Indeed the ReSharper 1.0 plugin does not support reuseReport mode (and it is not planned to add it currently).
However, there are plans to be able to import/export DotSettings files from/to SonarQube quality profiles:
Have also a look at the example project:
Final note: The .NET ecosystem 2.1 is not compatible with SonarQube 4.3.
