Importing PC-lint report along with SonarQube C++ Commercial Plugin - sonarqube

I would like to know if there is any way where we can integrate PC-lint report along with C++ analysis using Commercial C++ Plugin.
we are using SonarQube 5.1.2 currently.
But I am ready to upgrade if that's what it takes

If you are using the SonarSource C++ Plugin, this means that you are a customer so you should contact the commercial support who will answer your question.


Visual Studio compatibility with Win CE 5/6/7 Platform

I am developing a scanner program to be compatible with WinCE 5/6/7 platform.
Since VS 2008 is out of MS support, I am looking for a later version of VS to develop the program. However after trying out different third party tools (like toradex etc.) not able to get any conclusion. For VS 2015 there is .Net compact framework 3.9 which supports only WinCE 8 platform not the prior versions.
Request for your advice to proceed further. In case I need to post under a different category, please suggest.
Unfortunately VS2008 is the latest dev tool supporting those OS releases. You should be able to get together with platform builder from a windows embedded distributor or as part of an msdn subscription where you should be able to download previous releases. I say "should" because Ms license terms and distribution policies may have changed since the last time I checked this.

Sonarqube 5.0 with powerbuilder

Iam using sonarqube 5.0.1 to configure java,.net languages of our company projects I have a simple question whether sonarqube 5.0.1 or any latest version supports the analysis for power builder V12 or lower. Kindly give your suggestion
The simple answer is no. However, this may be something Appeon Corporation (who is negotiating a licence with SAP to take over the development of PowerBuilder) may be interested in in the future.

No code coverage for .NET Projects when MSBuild SonarQube Runner is used

We are using sonarqube 5.1.1 version and faced issues while analyzing .NET projects using sonar-runner.
As the recent update says, sonar-runner does not support .NET projects anymore, we have installed MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner-1.0 to analyze the same.
We are able to create dashboards for the .NET projects now but unit test cases and unit test coverage is missing.
Could you kindly help us here?
Please note that we have enterprise license and all the existing .NET projects in production environment use Visual studio 2010.
I have upgraded the dev instance to check the feasibility.

Is Package design Sonar analysis supported for .NET projects?

I am new to Sonar how ever I have some basic overview of its capabilities.
My problem is that the Package design and File design widgets don't show any data.
Are these metrics supported on a C# analysis project or only Java code is supported ?..
This used to be supported for C#, but it has been dropped in version 3.0 because it was badly supported.
See the following ticket: SONARCS-38

TeeChart Compact Framework support

I'm looking at using the TeeChart library for Compact Framework AND Full Framework (3.5) I'd like to know if there are any differences in API to support both platforms from the same source? (my current charting lib, different vendor, is not supported on Win32)
Question for Steema Software: I can't find the teechart.pocket.dll in the evaluation download? are you dropping CFNet support? where to get a cf eval dll?
No API differences between both versions, except for those specific to each platform.
Compact Framework and ReportingServices assemblies are currently not being included in the production version of TeeChart unless future customer demand signals its need. That's because CF doesn't work with .NET Framework 4.0 and 4.5 which means it doesn't compile with Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012. In the meantime we are prepared to work with any customer that demands the assemblies on a case by case basis to certify its compatibility and featureset. In the meantime, you can use the assemblies included with previous versions.
