Complexity when generating all combinations - algorithm

Interview questions where I start with "this might be solved by generating all possible combinations for the array elements" are usually meant to let me find something better.
Anyway I would like to add "I would definitely prefer another solution since this is O(X)".. the question is: what is the O(X) complexity of generating all combinations for a given set?
I know that there are n! / (n-k)!k! combinations (binomial coefficients), but how to get the big-O notation from that?

First, there is nothing wrong with using O(n! / (n-k)!k!) - or any other function f(n) as O(f(n)), but I believe you are looking for a simpler solution that still holds the same set.
If you are willing to look at the size of the subset k as constant, then for k <= n - k:
n! / ((n - k)! k!) = ((n - k + 1) (n - k + 2) (n - k + 3) ... n ) / k!
But the above is actually (n ^ k + O(n ^ (k - 1))) / k!, which is in O(n ^ k)
Similarly, if n - k < k, you get O(n ^ (n - k))
Which gives us O(n ^ min{k, n - k})

I know this is an old question, but it comes up as a top hit on google, and IMHO has an incorrectly marked accepted answer.
C(n,k) = n Choose k = n! / ( (n-k)! * k!)
The above function represents the number of sets of k-element that can be made from a set of n-element. Purely from a logical reasoning perspective, C(n, k) has to be smaller than
∑ C(n,k) ∀ k ∊ (1..n).
as this expression represents the power-set. In English, the above expression represents: add C(n,k) for all k from 1 to n. We know this to have 2 ^ n elements.
So, C(n, k) has an upper bound of 2 ^ n which is definitely smaller than n ^ k for any n, k > 3, and k < n.
So to answer your question C(n, k) has an upper bound of 2 ^ n for sure, but don't know if there is a tighter upper bound that describes it better.

As a follow-up to #amit, an upper bound of min{k, n - k} is n / 2.
Therefore, the upper-bound for "n choose k" complexity is O(n ^ (n / 2))

case1: if n-k < k
Let suppose n=11 and k=8 and n-k=3 then
n!/(n-k)!k! = 11!/(3!8!)= 11x10x9/3!
let suppose it is (11x11x11)/6 = O(11^3) and 11 was equal to n so O(n^3) and also n-k=3 so it become O(n^(n-k))
case2: if k < n-k
Let suppose n=11 and k=3 and n-k=8 then
n!/(n-k)!k! = 11!/(8!3!)= 11x10x9/3!
let suppose it is (11x11x11)/6 = O(11^3) and 11 was equal to n so O(n^3) and also k=3 so it become O(n^(k))
Which gives us O(n^min{k,n-k})


Why is m + k log m = O(m + k log k)?

Paredes and Navarro state that
m + k log m = O(m + k log k)
This gives an immediate "tighter looking" bound for incremental sorting. That is, if a partial or incremental sorting algorithm is O(m + k log m), then it is automatically O(m + k log k), where the k smallest elements are sorted from a set of size m. Unfortunately, their explanation is rather difficult for me to understand. Why does it hold?
Specifically, they state
Note that m + k log m = O(m + k log k), as they can differ only
if k = o(mα) for any α > 0, and then m dominates k log m.
This seems to suggest they're talking about k as a function of m along some path, but it's very hard to see how k = o(mα) plays into things, or where to place the quantifiers in their statement.
There are various ways to define big-O notation for multi-variable functions, which would seem to make the question difficult to approach. Fortunately, it doesn't actually matter exactly which definition you pick, as long as you make the entirely reasonable assumption that m > 0 and k >= 1. That is, in the incremental sorting context, you assume that you need to obtain at least the first element from a set with at least one element.
If m and k are real numbers, m > 0, and k >= 1, then m + k log m <= 2(m + k log k).
Suppose for the sake of contradiction that
m + k log m > 2(m + k log k)
Rearranging terms,
k log m - 2k log k > m
By the product property for logarithms,
k log m - k (log (k^2)) > m
By the sum property for logarithms,
k (log (m / k^2)) > m
Dividing by k (which is positive),
log (m / k^2) > m/k
Since k >= 1, k^2 >= k, so (since m >= 0) m / k >= m / k^2. Thus
log (m / k^2) > m / k^2
The logarithm of a number can never exceed that number, so we have reached a contradiction.

How does my randomly partitioned array look in the general case?

I have an array of n random integers
I choose a random integer and partition by the chosen random integer (all integers smaller than the chosen integer will be on the left side, all bigger integers will be on the right side)
What will be the size of my left and right side in the average case, if we assume no duplicates in the array?
I can easily see, that there is 1/n chance that the array is split in half, if we are lucky. Additionally, there is 1/n chance, that the array is split so that the left side is of length 1/2-1 and the right side is of length 1/2+1 and so on.
Could we derive from this observation the "average" case?
You can probably find a better explanation (and certainly the proper citations) in a textbook on randomized algorithms, but here's the gist of average-case QuickSort, in two different ways.
First way
Let C(n) be the expected number of comparisons required on average for a random permutation of 1...n. Since the expectation of the sum of the number of comparisons required for the two recursive calls equals the sum of the expectations, we can write a recurrence that averages over the n possible divisions:
C(0) = 0
1 n−1
C(n) = n−1 + ― sum (C(i) + C(n−1−i))
n i=0
Rather than pull the exact solution out of a hat (or peek at the second way), I'll show you how I'd get an asymptotic bound.
First, I'd guess the asymptotic bound. Obviously I'm familiar with QuickSort and my reasoning here is fabricated, but since the best case is O(n log n) by the Master Theorem, that's a reasonable place to start.
Second, I'd guess an actual bound: 100 n log (n + 1). I use a big constant because why not? It doesn't matter for asymptotic notation and can only make my job easier. I use log (n + 1) instead of log n because log n is undefined for n = 0, and 0 log (0 + 1) = 0 covers the base case.
Third, let's try to verify the inductive step. Assuming that C(i) ≤ 100 i log (i + 1) for all i ∈ {0, ..., n−1},
1 n−1
C(n) = n−1 + ― sum (C(i) + C(n−1−i)) [by definition]
n i=0
2 n−1
= n−1 + ― sum C(i) [by symmetry]
n i=0
2 n−1
≤ n−1 + ― sum 100 i log(i + 1) [by the inductive hypothesis]
n i=0
2 /
≤ n−1 + ― | 100 x log(x + 1) dx [upper Darboux sum]
n /
= n−1 + ― (50 (n² − 1) log (n + 1) − 25 (n − 2) n)
[WolframAlpha FTW, I forgot how to integrate]
= n−1 + 100 (n − 1/n) log (n + 1) − 50 (n − 2)
= 100 (n − 1/n) log (n + 1) − 49 n + 100.
Well that's irritating. It's almost what we want but that + 100 messes up the program a little bit. We can extend the base cases to n = 1 and n = 2 by inspection and then assume that n ≥ 3 to finish the bound:
C(n) = 100 (n − 1/n) log (n + 1) − 49 n + 100
≤ 100 n log (n + 1) − 49 n + 100
≤ 100 n log (n + 1). [since n ≥ 3 implies 49 n ≥ 100]
Once again, no one would publish such a messy derivation. I wanted to show how one could work it out formally without knowing the answer ahead of time.
Second way
How else can we derive how many comparisons QuickSort does in expectation? Another possibility is to exploit the linearity of expectation by summing over each pair of elements the probability that those elements are compared. What is that probability? We observe that a pair {i, j} is compared if and only if, at the leaf-most invocation where i and j exist in the array, either i or j is chosen as the pivot. This happens with probability 2/(j+1 − i), since the pivot must be i, j, or one of the j − (i+1) elements that compare between them. Therefore,
n n 2
C(n) = sum sum ―――――――
i=1 j=i+1 j+1 − i
n n+1−i 2
= sum sum ―
i=1 d=2 d
= sum 2 (H(n+1−i) − 1) [where H is the harmonic numbers]
= 2 sum H(i) − n
= 2 (n + 1) (H(n+1) − 1) − n. [WolframAlpha FTW again]
Since H(n) is Θ(log n), this is Θ(n log n), as expected.

Why is the average of comparisons of k-ary search is k* ln(N) / ln(k)?

I know that the function is executed ln(N)/ln(K) times;but in average does it make K operations?
is there any proof that k*ln(N)/ln(K) is the average number of executions?
If this formula is correct, then ternary search will be the fastest search as k/ln(k) will be minimum (for integers) because 3 is the closest integer to "e" (the real minimum) which is very easy to prove using differentiation.
Furthermore I believe that ternary search is faster;because I made a comparing computer program.
No, because the correct answer is (k - 1) log n / log k + O(1): only k - 1 comparisons (really only lg k + O(1)) are needed to reduce the size of the search range by a factor of k. This can be proved by induction on the recurrence T(1) = 1, T(2) = 2, T(n) = (k - 1) + T(n / k).
The integer argmin of (k - 1) / log k occurs at 2. There are plenty of computer architectural reasons why ternary search might be faster anyway.

Solving recurrences: Substitution method

I'm trying to follow Cormen's book "Introduction to Algorithms" (page 59, I believe) about substitution method for solving recurrences. I don't get the notation used for MERGE-SORT substitution:
T(n) ≤ 2(c ⌊n/2⌋lg(⌊n/2⌋)) + n
≤ cn lg(n/2) + n
= cn lg n - cn lg 2 + n
= cn lg n - cn + n
≤ cn lg n
Part I don't understand is how do you turn ⌊n/2⌋ to n/2 assuming that it denotes recursion. Can you explain the substitution method and its general thought process (especially the math induction part) in a simple and easily understandable way ? I know there's a great answer of that sort about big-O notation here in SO.
The idea behind the substitution method is to bound a function defined by a recurrence via strong induction. I'm going to assume that T(n) is an upper bound on the number of comparisons merge sort uses to sort n elements and define it by the following recurrence with boundary condition T(1) = 0.
T(n) = T(floor(n/2)) + T(ceil(n/2)) + n - 1.
Cormen et al. use n instead of n - 1 for simplicity and cheat by using floor twice. Let's not cheat.
Let H(n) be the hypothesis that T(n) ≤ c n lg n. Technically we should choose c right now, so let's set c = 100. Cormen et al. opt to write down statements that hold for every (positive) c until it becomes clear what c should be, which is an optimization.
The base cases are H(1) and H(2), namely T(1) ≤ 0 and T(2) ≤ 2 c. Okay, we don't need any comparisons to sort one element, and T(2) = T(1) + T(1) + 1 = 1 < 200.
Inductively, when n ≥ 3, assume for all 1 ≤ n' < n that H(n') holds. We need to prove H(n).
T(n) = T(floor(n/2)) + T(ceil(n/2)) + n - 1
≤ c floor(n/2) lg floor(n/2) + T(ceil(n/2)) + n - 1
by the inductive hypothesis H(floor(n/2))
≤ c floor(n/2) lg floor(n/2) + c ceil(n/2) lg ceil(n/2) + n - 1
by the inductive hypothesis H(ceil(n/2))
≤ c floor(n/2) lg (n/2) + c ceil(n/2) lg ceil(n/2) + n - 1
since 0 < floor(n/2) ≤ n/2 and lg is increasing
Now we have to deal with the consequences of our honesty and bound lg ceil(n/2).
lg ceil(n/2) = lg (n/2) + lg (ceil(n/2) / (n/2))
< lg (n/2) + lg ((n/2 + 1) / (n/2))
since 0 < ceil(n/2) ≤ n/2 + 1 and lg is increasing
= lg (n/2) + log (1 + 2/n) / log 2
≤ lg (n/2) + 2/(n log 2)
by the inequality log (1 + x) ≤ x, which can be proved with calculus
Okay, back to bounding T(n).
T(n) ≤ c floor(n/2) lg (n/2) + c ceil(n/2) (lg (n/2) + 2/(n log 2)) + n - 1
since 0 < floor(n/2) ≤ n/2 and lg is increasing
= c n lg n - c n + n + 2 c ceil(n/2) / (n log 2) - 1
since floor(n/2) + ceil(n/2) = n and lg (n/2) = lg n - 1
≤ c n lg n - (c - 1) n + 2 c/log 2
since ceil(n/2) ≤ n
≤ c n lg n
since, for all n' ≥ 3, we have (c - 1) n' = 99 n' ≥ 297 > 200/log 2 ≈ 288.539.
I guess this doesn't explain the why very well, but (hopefully) at least the derivations are correct in all of the details. People who write proofs like these often skip the base cases and ignore floor and ceil because, well, the details usually are just an annoyance that affects the constant c (which most computer scientists not named Knuth don't care about).
To me, the substitution method is for confirming a guess rather than formulating one. The interesting question is how one comes up with a guess. Personally, if the recurrence is (i) not something that looks like Fibonacci (e.g., linear homogeneous recurrences) and (ii) not covered by Akra–Bazzi, a generalization of the Master Theorem, then I'm going to have some trouble coming up with a good guess.
Also, I should mention the most common failure mode of the substitution method: if one can't quite choose c to be a large enough to swallow the extra terms from the subproblems, then the bound may be wrong. On the other hand, more base cases might suffice. In the preceding proof, I used two base cases because I couldn't prove the very last inequality unless I knew that n > 2/log 2.

Asymptotic runtime for an algorithm

I've decided to try and do a problem about analyzing the worst possible runtime of an algorithm and to gain some practice.
Since I'm a beginner I only need help in expressing my answer in a right way.
I came accros this problem in a book that uses the following algorithm:
Input: A set of n points (x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn) with n ≥ 2.
Output: The squared distance of a closest pair of points.
1. if n = 2 then return (x1 − x2)^2 + (y1 − y2)^2
2. else
3. d ← 0
4. for i ← 1 to n − 1 do
5. for j ← i + 1 to n do
6. t ← (xi − xj)^2 + (yi − yj)^2
7. if t < d then
8. d ← t
9. return d
My question is how can I offer a good proof that T(n) = O(n^2),T(n) = Ω(n^2) and T (n) = Θ(n^2)?,where T(n) represents the worst possible runtime.
I know that we say that f is O(g),
if and only if there is an n0 ∈ N and c > 0 in R such that for all
n ≥ n0 we have
f(n) ≤ cg(n).
And also we say that f is Ω(g) if there is an
n0 ∈ N and c > 0 in R such that for all n ≥ n0 we have
f(n) ≥ cg(n).
Now I know that the algoritm is doing c * n(n - 1) iterations, yielding T(n)=c*n^2 - c*n.
The first 3 lines are executed O(1) times line 4 loops for n - 1 iterations which is O(n) . Line 5 loops for n - i iterations which is also O(n) .Does each line of the inner loop's content
(lines 6-7) takes (n-1)(n-i) or just O(1)?and why?The only variation is how many times 8.(d ← t) is performed but it must be lower than or equal to O(n^2).
So,how should I write a good and complete proof that T(n) = O(n^2),T(n) = Ω(n^2) and T (n) = Θ(n^2)?
Thanks in advance
Count the number of times t changes its value. Since changing t is the innermost operation performed, finding how many times that happens will allow you to find the complexity of the entire algorithm.
i = 1 => j runs n - 1 times (t changes value n - 1 times)
i = 2 => j runs n - 2 times
i = n - 1 => j runs 1 time
So the number of times t changes is 1 + 2 + ... + n - 1. This sum is equal n(n - 1) / 2. This is dominated by 0.5 * n^2.
Now just find appropriate constants and you can prove that this is Ω(n^2), O(n^2), Θ(n^2).
T(n)=c*n^2 - c*n approaches c*n^2 for large n, which is the definition of O(n^2).
if you observe the two for loops, each for loop gives an O(n) because each loop is incrementing/decrementing in a linear fashion. hence, two loops combined roughly give a O(n^2) complexity. the whole point of big-oh is to find the dominating term- coeffecients do not matter. i would strongly recommend formatting your pseudocode in a proper manner in which it is not ambiguous. in any case, the if and else loops do no affect the complexity of the algorithm.
lets observe the various definitions:
• f(n) is O(g(n)) if f(n) is
asymptotically “less than or equal” to
• f(n) is Ω(g(n)) if f(n) is
asymptotically “greater than or equal”
to g(n)
• f(n) is Θ(g(n)) if f(n) is
asymptotically “equal” to g(n)
so all you need are to find constraints which satisfy the answer.
