Prestashop - copied default theme's navbar doesn't work - themes

Hi I want to create custom theme using default-bootstrap so I copied whole folder, rename and then I made all changes in CSS.
I install my theme via backend, deleted all cache files and theme seems to working but there is issue with top navbar - it isn't look like as in default-bootstrap, check this:
Default's nav:
My nav:
Any ideas why nav isn't lok like default?

did you check your css + code for typos? That might be the case :)
try this:


Home layout missing in _layouts folder, but works

I started to make my blog with jekyll and github pages.
I was doing fine with the basic theme,
But I wanted to apply the side bar property,
so I downloaded the theme which has the sidebar, from
So I downloaded the proejct and overrided.
I don't know much about how this works,
but the strangest thing is that
in file
if I put
it happens to show the basic theme layout
and the posts as it should be, but if I change the layout to
something else which is inside the _layout folder such as post, default,
the posts disappear and I have no idea why Jekyll does this.
Even when I erase the layout, it returns empty screen
so I'm sure it's doing something with the
home layout but I couldn't find anywhere how the home layout is rendered.
In _config.yml, we can see that you are using (theme: minima) the minima gem based theme (documentation). That means that by default, all your _includes, _layouts and assets are hidden somewhere on you computer. You can use the bundle show minima command to find out where they are stored.
As home layout exists in minima theme, is it used.
If you want to use your own home layout you can copy it from minima to your _layouts folder and modify it to suits your needs.
cd your/root
cp `echo "$(bundle show minima)/_layouts/home.html" _layouts/home.html`
If you want to be sure not to use hidden resources, you can delete the theme: minima directive from your _config.yml file.
this issue can be caused by several factors but it is possible there's no issue at all :)
1) Stop Jekyll serve/watch.
2) Delete the _site directory.
3) Rebuild and serve the site
jekyll serve.
Keep an eye on the terminal to see if Jekyll warns you about the missing layout file.
It is possible, albeit unlikely that the theme or a plugin id building layouts on the fly. To override this (whether it is the case or not), create a home layout as usual and include in a page/post's front-matter. Just keep the layout basic with something like a red background so that you can easily test if it is loaded or not.
I think deleting the _site folder will fix this but if not, try the other option and let me know.

Different color themes in Laravel 5.6/Bootstrap 4.1.0 application

In my laravel 5.6 / vue.js 2.5.7/ Bootstrap4.1.0 application I want to set different color themes and I found this collection
But how correctly to set them to my project? I tried to replace files
and cleared cache and rerun
npm run watch-poll
But no effect... Which is the right way?
Are there some tools to change color themes programmatically, say depending on logged user options ?
Adding a link of one bootswatch file in my layout file resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php, like:
<link href="{{ asset('css/darkly/bootstrap.min.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">
I see that colors of my layout of my pages is different, but I mean that in this case I ADD this css/darkly/bootstrap.min.css file to the EXISTING(ORIGINAL) bootstrap.min.css
and now I have 2 bootstrap.min.css files in my system.
Is it good decision?
I supposed that creators of bootswatch meant to REPLACE the original bootstrap.min.css file. How do you think?
And that is the question where original Bootstrap css(and bootstrap.js to) are attached to the project ?
in my layout file resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php a line:
that is a ref to my custom css file, the styles I add to the project.
I did not find how to skip attaching of the original Bootstrap CSS file...
Bootswatch is not meant to REPLACE the existing bootstrap CSS file. It is meant to work and OVERRIDE the styling rules from the default one, which means, load bootswatch css after you load the bootstrap css.
It would also be advisable to rename your downloaded bootswatch CSS file.

Magento 2: File path for changes in css

I am new to magento 2 and I am making css changes in luma theme on below path.
But after content deployment I lost my css changes.
Please help me in that.
You should not edit/modify files within pub/* or vendor/* directory.
Pub is for deployment and vendor is for default structure, which you
override via your template or custom modules
create a new theme inside app/design/frontend/{vendor}/{yourTheme}/.
You can use Blank or Luma theme
You can also create new theme which inherites from Blank (inheritance
is defined within theme.xml). If you are already using some theme
then skip this step.
edit .less within your theme so the changes stay visible and don't
get replaced when clearing the cache or upgrading the system.
Use grunt to compile your .less into deployment files.
You can also setup sourcemaps to pin point your styling within the
theme .less files so you can be more productive.
if you want to override only css file then you don't need to compile it. so follow above steps , change your css and clear the cache. it will worked.

How to add Magento extension in other theme except default

I want to add extension - All Category Product Carousel in my Magento Website and it has RWD theme.The components of the extension are by default installing in:
I have moved the components in my theme folder i.e. RWD, and components are now in the following folders:
But after this also the extension is not working. I am new to Magento so does not know much things about it. Does anything else be done?
The products are there but css and js is not getting applied on them. The data is showing like: Please View Here
You can paste your extension key here. Now you can check if you have copied all the files to RWD.
The extension tell to insert below block in cms page. Include it in your cms->home page.
{{block type="pcarousel/pcarousel" pcarousel_id="carousel id" template="pcarousel/pcarousel.phtml"}}
After that navigate to system->permission->blocks->Add new block and add the type pcarousel/pcarousel there and allow it.
The css and js files were not loading in the main page, have added them externally. Now working

Magento home page loading without css
Suddenly stopped working once installed new theme, just brings up page with no csss or formatting.
Have you changed the settings of your theme from admin? System > Configuration > GENERAL > Design
Also from what I see you have some misspelled links:
This is a local link, probably should look like
and should point to your theme's folder, not base/default.
Try using Magento methods to get your URLs right: Mage::getUrl(), Mage::getBaseUrl() or look into Mage_Core_Helper_Url for more methods.
