PHPSpec missing matchers - phpspec

When I try using PHPSpec matchers like shouldBeEqualTo, shouldBeString etc I get this error and I don't know why.
Call to undefined method Prophecy\Prophecy\MethodProphecy::shouldBeEqualTo()
I have imported ObjectBehavior and my spec is extending it.
My PHPSpec version is 2.2.1.
namespace Spec\Itmore\Core\Interactor;
use Itmore\Core\Entity\Task;
use Itmore\Core\Entity\TaskDTO;
use Itmore\Core\Entity\TaskList;
use Itmore\Core\Entity\TaskListDTO;
use Itmore\Core\Interactor\AddTask;
use Itmore\Core\Repository\TaskRepositoryInterface;
use Itmore\Core\Repository\TasklistRepositoryInterface;
use Itmore\Core\Repository\UserRepositoryInterface;
use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
use Prophecy;
class SynchronizeTaskSpec extends ObjectBehavior
public function let(
TaskRepositoryInterface $taskRepository,
TaskListRepositoryInterface $taskListRepository,
UserRepositoryInterface $userRepository
) {
$this->beConstructedWith($taskRepository, $taskListRepository, $userRepository);
public function it_is_initializable()
public function it_should_throw_exception_when_task_does_not_gave_google_id(
TaskDTO $taskDTO,
TaskListDTO $taskListDTO
) {
$exception = new \ErrorException('not a google task');
$this->shouldThrow($exception)->duringFromGoogleToApp($taskDTO, $taskListDTO);
public function it_should_synchronize_existing_task_from_google_to_app(
TaskDTO $taskDTO,
TaskListDTO $taskListDTO,
Task $task,
TaskRepositoryInterface $taskRepository
) {
// $task->getTitle()->shouldBeEqualTo('GoogleTitle');
$this->fromGoogleToApp($taskDTO, $taskListDTO)->shouldReturnAnInstanceOf('Itmore\Core\Entity\TaskDTO');

You can only call shouldBeEqualTo on $this->someMethod(), for stubs you need to use willReturn as you are stubbing their behaviour, not asserting it.
$this is the SUS not $task.


Which rule can I use to change variable name?

I need to replace all occurencies of $connection with $link?
I know I could do with a regexp replacement using my IDE, but I need to be able to re-run the sostitution automatically.
So I want to use rector.
Is there a way to replace a var name ? Which is the rule name?
There are a couple of potentially suitable rules & sets:
There is also the '\Rector\Set\ValueObject\SetList::NAMING' set that can be enabled in rector.php that will perform some similar rules, like renaming variables according to the type.
The complete set of basic rules (not including framework or library-specific) are at
I create a custom rule, very specific for my needs
namespace Rules;
use PhpParser\Node;
use Rector\Core\Rector\AbstractRector;
use Symplify\RuleDocGenerator\ValueObject\RuleDefinition;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable;
class ReplaceConnectionVarNameWithLink extends AbstractRector
public function getNodeTypes(): array
return [
public function getRuleDefinition(): \Symplify\RuleDocGenerator\ValueObject\RuleDefinition
return new RuleDefinition(
'rename $connect into $link',
public function refactor(\PhpParser\Node $node)
if (!$this->isName( $node, 'connection')) {
// return null to skip it
return null;
$node->name = "link";
return $node;

Laravel tag all class implemeting an interface

I'm using Laravel 8 and i want to get all the classes that implements an Interface X.
I did it with symfony4 few month ago with DI :
tags: ['app.budget_calculator']
arguments: [!tagged app.budget_calculator]
and then in my class CalculatorBudgetHandler.php
private $calculatorList = [];
public function __construct(iterable $calculatorList)
$this->calculatorList = $calculatorList;
public function __construct(iterable $calculatorList)
$this->calculatorList = $calculatorList;
public function calculate(array $data): float
foreach ($this->calculatorList as $calculator) {
if ($calculator->supports($data)) {
return $calculator->calculate($data);
but i dot not understand how to do it with Laravel. I think i have to pass all my classes in a bind or tag :
$this->app->tag([CpuReport::class, MemoryReport::class], 'reports');
thats mean if i got a new class implementing X, i have to add it in the bind/tag ?
I want to do it automatically .
thx !
I needed this too. Looked for a longer time and I basically found a solution. The bad thing about this is that in PHP classes aren't actually declared when you did not use them. So you'll have to either scan the entire project for classes and test each class to find classes implementing your interface or (better) you use the composer autoload class maps. There you could probably limit the searching scope for classes to a sub namespace.
A small but cool package working this way is this one: - basically it uses composer PSR4 classmaps and is in general fine performance wise.
Here is the solution to which I came:
// Add to service provider
private function tagByInterface(string $interfaceName, string $tagName, string $rootNamespace)
foreach (ClassFinder::getClassesInNamespace($rootNamespace, ClassFinder::RECURSIVE_MODE) as $className) {
$class = new \ReflectionClass($className);
if ($class->isAbstract() || $class->isInterface()) {
if ($class->implementsInterface($interfaceName)) {
$this->app->tag($className, $tagName);
Which can then be used like this in the register():
$this->tagByInterface(SomeInterface::class, 'some-tag', 'App\Domain\Something');
As the classes are loaded using reflection, this operation still might take time if your root namespace is not properly set or too wide. Reflection is quick (as far as I know quicker than loading the information from cache), but you should still think of using a deferred provider for the task so that the search for implementing classes only triggers when it's actually needed.
Update some months later
This solution works, but might be a huge drain on performance if the project gets big. I'm now caching the tagged classes. Something like this:
use HaydenPierce\ClassFinder\ClassFinder as HPClassFinder;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository;
class InheritanceClassFinder
public function __construct(private ?Repository $cache = null)
public function findClassesImplementingOrExtending(string $interfaceOrClass, string $rootNamespace): array
if ($this->cache) {
return $this->cache->rememberForever(
fn () => $this->findClassesInheriting($interfaceOrClass, $rootNamespace));
return $this->findClassesInheriting($interfaceOrClass, $rootNamespace);
private function findClassesInheriting(string $interfaceOrClass, string $rootNamespace): array
$classes = [];
foreach (HPClassFinder::getClassesInNamespace($rootNamespace, HPClassFinder::RECURSIVE_MODE) as $className) {
if (!is_subclass_of($className, $interfaceOrClass)
|| ($class = new \ReflectionClass($className))->isAbstract() || $class->isInterface()) {
$classes[] = $className;
return $classes;
This means as long as the cache is injected, stuff will be loaded once and then taken from cache. I inject the cache only in production, so locally its a bit slower but always up to date. In production I throw away the cache with every deployment, so I get a fresh load once after every deployment.

Using chained partial mocks on an interface used in an artisan command

I'm trying to unittest an artisan command in Laravel 5.3. The command calls on functions in a class that is provided to the command constructor as an interface. That interface calls on functions in another class. This is the general setup.
class MyCommand
public function __construct(MyRepositoryInterface $interface)
$this->interface = $interface;
public function fire()
class MyRepository implements MyRepositoryInterface
public function __construct(MySecondRepositoryInterface $second)
$this->second = $second;
public function useTheSecondClass()
$response = $this->second->getSomeValue();
class MySecondRepository implements MySecondRepositoryInterface
* #return Some\External\Client
public function getExternalClient()
return $external_client;
public function getSomeValue()
$client = $this->getExternalClient();
$something = $client->doSomething();
Event::fire('some event based on $something`);
return $something;
I'm attempting to mock the variable returned in MySecondRepository -> getExternalClient() so that I can fake an external API call and use that faked data to test both the MySecondRepository -> getSomeValue() and MyRepository -> useTheSecondClass() functionalities as called from the MyCommand class as such.
public function testMyCommand()
$external_client_mock = Mockery::mock("Some\External\Client");
->andReturn("some values");
$second_repository_mock = Mockery::mock("MySecondRepositoryInterface")
$resource = new MyRepository($second_repository_mock);
$this->app->instance("MyRepositoryInterface", $resource);
$class = App::make(MyCommand::class);
I have used this exact same mock chain successfully to test the $resource variable directly (e.g., testing $resource->useTheSecondClass() directly, not through MyCommand), but in this situation, while $second_repository_mock->getExternalClient() is mocking correctly, the test is still expecting there to be a mocked expectation for $second_repository_mock->getSomeValue(). Since $second_repository_mock is set to a partial mock, I don't understand why it's still looking for all functions to be mocked.
If I remove the $external_client_mock part and fully mock $second_repository_mock my tests directly related to the artisan command work, however I'd like to test that the event triggered in getSomeValue() is dealt with properly from the artisan command, which I can't do if I can't use the partial mock.
Does anyone have any insight on why this isn't working?
You are trying to mock an interface which makes no sense. Interfaces have no concrete implementations to use. This results in the faulty code. Just mock your repositories and it will work.
Just ran the tests with the following refactor and they went to green:
public function testMyCommand() // phpcs:ignore
$external_client_mock = \Mockery::mock("App\Client");
->andReturn("some values");
$second_repository_mock = \Mockery::mock("App\MySecondRepository[getExternalClient]")
$resource = new MyRepository($second_repository_mock);
$this->app->instance("App\MyRepositoryInterface", $resource);
$class = \App::make(\App\MyClass::class);
The only major difference is that you had App\MyCommand in the second to last line and not App\MyClass.

Mocking an extension function with Mockito

How can I test an extension function with Mockito? It doesn't seem to work nicely.
This is my extension function
fun <T> CrudRepository<T, String>.findOneById(id: String): T? {
val o = findById(id)
return if (o.isPresent) o.get() else null
And this is what I'm trying to test
fun getIslandById() {
.willReturn(IslandEntity(tileList, "1", "islandId1")) //findOneById is my extension function
val island = islandService.getIslandById("islandId1")
But the preceeding test throws the following error
IslandEntity cannot be returned by findById()
findById() should return Optional
Any ideas?
Instance extension functions can be mocked like this with a little help of mockito-kotlin:
data class Bar(thing: Int)
class Foo {
fun Bar.bla(anotherThing: Int): Int { ... }
val bar = Bar(thing = 1)
val foo = mock<Foo>()
with(foo) {
verify(foo).apply {
bar.bla(anotherThing = 2)
As I said in a comment above, in the bytecode extension functions are nothing more than static functions which accept receiver as a first argument. Therefore you can't mock an extension function with a Mockito since it is not able to mock static functions.
What you can do, in case that findById(id) is implemented by Repository and not another extension function, is next:
Mock return value of findById(id) instead.
Take a look at the sample code below:
fun getIslandById() {
.willReturn(Optional.of(IslandEntity(tileList, "1", "islandId1"))) //mock findById function
val island = islandService.getIslandById("islandId1")
This way you are indirectly mocking your extension by providing it a mocked value that you want it to operate on.
Note: Error that you posted above says that your findById(id) should return an optional. So, wrap your return value of findById(id) function with an optional by calling Optional.of(result).

Mocking MailController with using Moq

I'm trying to mock my MailController
_mockMailController = new Mock<IMailController>();
_mockMailController.Setup(x => x.ForgotPassword(""));
My controller takes an IMailController as a dependancy, however when I call
I get a NullReferenceException (because ForgotPassword doesn't return anything, I guess)
Ideally, we'd stub EmailResult ?
I created a pull request for the ActionMailer.Net that intoduces an IEmailResult interface that makes mocking very easy. Have a look at this:
Until the pull request is merged you could use a custom build from my frok of the project.
Mocking get's as easy as writing (with FakeItEasy, Moq might be similar):
_myMailer = A.Fake<IMyMailer>();
//Later on in Assert
A.CallTo(() => _myMailer.MyTestEmail()).MustHaveHappened(Repeated.Exactly.Once);
when the Mailer is defined like:
public class MailController : MailerBase, IMyMailer
public IEmailResult MyTestEmail()
From = "";
Subject = "Subject";
return Email();
You have not created a setup for the mock return a value from ForgotPassword method. With default behavior this will return default value for the type, which is null in this case.
You can mock the return value like this:
_mockMailController.Setup(x => x.ForgotPassword(""))
.Returns(new SomeType());
