click a button inside a form that is an image - ruby

When I do this
pp form
I get
{buttons [imagebutton:0x49cc436 type: image name: go value: ]}>
How do I submit when the button is a image? Since this won't work
button = form.image_with(:class => "go")
and the css
<input type="image" src="/images/btn_search_3.gif" name="go" class="go" alt="Sök">

Did you try:
form.submit form.button
Make an effort to look at the mechanize docs first before posting questions please.


How to show title below modal in magnific popup

I am opening an MVC view in magnific
I need to show a title (caption) below the modal
But caption is only for image type but I am using Ajax type.
I have set the title attribute on both the hyperlink that I click to open the modal and the root element of the view.
But it never shows up.
How do I do display the title (fixed or dynamic from a grid)? I wonder why author forgot to add this feature?
<a class="edit-list" title="Edit List!" href="/manage/editlist/100">Edit</a>
Root element of the target page:
<form id="ListEditForm" class="white-popup" title="Edit List" action="/manage/EditList/100">
..fields go here
I followed this post, but he has markup, I don't:
type: 'ajax',
midClick: true,
callbacks: {
markupParse: function (template, values, item) {
values.title = item.el.attr('title');
This has been solved. I need to put the right container in the right place to render the title. The plugin won't drop any element to show the title.

How to pass the HTML ID and URL of image in a WP post?

I want to incorporate the Aviary editor into WordPress posts so that people can click an edit button for the image in the post, edit it and save it. Aviary has provided code for the last two, but I do not know how to pass the HTML ID and URL of the image in the post in an input tag for the edit button. I know this is basic, but I am not a programmer, so I would sure appreciate your patience and feedback. Thanks.
Here is the input static code Aviary provides:
<!-- Add an edit button, passing the HTML id of the image and the public URL of the image --><p>
<input type='image' src='' value='Edit photo'
onclick="return launchEditor('imageid', 'url');" /></p>
I need to know how to pass the ID and URL for the last line of the code. Thanks so much for any feedback you can offer.
the imageid is the div id to use by aviary, you just need tu create
<div id="imageid"></div>
An to get the image url you can to like this
$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($post->ID);
$url = $image[0];
<input type='image' src='' value='Edit photo' onclick="return launchEditor('imageid', '<?php echo $url; ?>');" /></p>
I assume that you will place it in attachment page

Is there an event fired after an eco template is rendered

I need to find a way to attach a jQuery autocomplete handler on to an input field that is rendered as part of an eco template.
Here's what works fine when the input field is on the page in the markup
<input type="text" name="thing[name]" value="" id="the_input_field">
<input type="hidden" name="thing[id]" value="" id="the_id_field">
source: "/path_to/suggest"
select: ( event, ui ) ->
$( "#the_id_field" ).val
I have tried a version that used a setTimeout to apply the autocomplete 3 seconds later which worked but I know this is NOT the solution, just tracking down the issue. What I need is a callback to pass into render so it can attach the autocomplete when it's done.
Hope someone can shed some light on this.
Ok so I struggled for a while but a simple solution now seems to be to add the calls into the Spine controller after the render method. Why I didn't see this I dont know.
So what I have in the Spine controller now is:
class WorkRequests extends Spine.Controller
constructor: ->
render: =>
#html #view('workrequests/new')
renderUi: =>
source: "/path_to/suggest"
select: ( event, ui ) ->
$( "#the_id_field" ).val
window.WorkRequests = WorkRequests
So far this seems to work and add the jQuery stuff after the view has been rendered. I'm yet to see if there is any issue with a very heavy rendered page and the timing but I think this is a solution.
(kicks self in the head)

Uploading Image Using JQuery And Django

Before you continue reading, trust me when I say I have read all the other posts on this subject, and none of them helped.
I am trying to add image upload functionality to my website. I want to upload the image
via an ajax post. I cannot get this working.
Here is what I have:
HTML - i have a special setup so that an image is displayed instead of a stupid button
and the text field. I am also using the onChange event to automatically submit when I have hit "OK" after selecting the image.
<form id="add-picture-form" method="POST" action="/api/upload_image/" enctype="multipart/form-data">{% csrf_token %}
<div class="thumbnails" style="width:400px;">
<label class="cabinet BrandHeader">
<input type="file" class="file" id="upload-photo" onChange="$('#add-picture-form').submit();" />
$('#add-picture-form').submit(function() {
//var filename = $("#upload-photo").val();
var photo = document.getElementById("upload-photo");
var file = photo.files[0];
type: "POST",
url: "/api/upload_image/",
enctype: 'multipart/form-data',
data: {'file': file.getAsBinary(), 'fname' : file.fileName },
success: function(){
alert( "Data Uploaded: ");
return false;
Finally my django view that is hit when you post to /api/upload_image/
def ajax_upload( request ):
print request.POST
print request.FILES
return http.HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps([True]), mimetype='application/javascript')
I have tried to write the image to binary, but I cannot open that data that has written.
Why is uploading an image using javascript so hard? I am an idiot and just not using a simple solution? If so, please tell me what is the best way to use jQuery to upload an image in Django.
Try the jQuery plugins Uploadify or SWFUpload. Someone even did the Django integration for you, see: and
I'm not that familiar with django but I think the issue is that uploading a file via AJAX isn't as simple as you might think.
There are several methods of getting around this, but I recommend using one that already exists. Since you are using jquery, I would recommend the jquery forms plugin:
The plugin supports file uploading out of the box, and really all you'll need to do is wire it up to your form:
see also: How can I upload files asynchronously?

Yii, ajax, Button. How to prevent multiple JS onclick bindings

(First of all English is not my native language, I'm sorry if I'll probably be mistaken).
I've created Yii Web app where is input form on the main page which appears after button click through ajax request. There is a "Cancel" button on the form that makes div with form invisible. If I click "Show form" and "Cancel" N times and then submit a form with data the request is repeating N times. Obviously, browser binds onclick event to the submit button every time form appears. Can anybody explain how to prevent it?
Thank you!
I've had the exact same problem and there was a discussion about it in the Yii Forum.
This basically happens because you are probably returning ajax results with "render()" instead or renderPartial(). This adds the javascript code every time to activate all ajax buttons. If they were already active they will now be triggered twice. So the solution is to use renderPartial(). Either use render the first time only and then renderPartial(), or use renderPartial() from the start but make sure the "processOutput" parameter is only set to TRUE the first time.
There was two steps:
First one. I decided to add JS code to my CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton instance that unbind 'onclick' event on this very button after click. No success!
Back to work. After two hours of digging I realized than when you click 'Submit' button it raises not only 'click' event. It raises 'submit' event too. So you need to unbind any event from whole form, not only button!
Here is my code:
echo CHtml::submitButton($diary->isNewRecord ? 'Создать' : 'Сохранить', array('id' => 'newRecSubmit'));
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('btnNewRec', "
var clickNewRec = function()
'success': function(data) {
'type': 'POST',
'url': '".$this->createUrl('/diary/newRecord')."',
'cache': false,
'data': jQuery(this).parents('form').serialize()
return false;
Hope it'll help somebody.
I just run into the same problem, the fix is in the line that starts with 'beforeSend'. jQuery undelegate() function removes a handler from the event for all elements which match the current selector.
<?php echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton(
$model->isNewRecord ? 'Add week(s)' : 'Save',
'success'=>'js:function(data) {
var a=[];
); ?>
In my example I've added the tag id with value 'addWeeksAjax' to the button generated by Yii so I can target it with jQuery undelegate() function.
I solved this problem in my project this way, it may not be a good way, but works fine for me: i just added unique 'id' to ajax properties (in my case smth like
<?=CHtml::ajaxLink('<i class="icon-trash"></i>',
'beforeSend' => 'function(){$(".table").addClass("loading");}',
'complete' => 'function(){$(".table").removeClass("loading");}'),
Of course, you should call renderPartial with property 'processOutput'=true. After that, everything works well, because every new element has got only one binded js-action.
text below copied from here
common issue...
yii ajax stuff not working properly if you have more than one, and if
you not set unique ID
you should make sure that everything have unique ID every time...
and you should know that if you load form via ajax - yii not working
well with it, cause it has some bugs in the javascript code, with die
and live
In my opinion you should use jQuery.on function. This will fire up event on dynamically changed content. For example: you're downloading some list of images, and populate them on site with new control buttons (view, edit, remove). Example structure could looks like that:
<div id="img_35" class='img-layer'>
<img src='path.jpg'>
<button class='view' ... />
<button class='edit' ... />
<button class='delete' ... />
Then, proper JS could look like this ( only for delete, others are similiar ):
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).on('click', '.img-layer .delete', function() {
var imgId = String($(this).parent().attr('id)).split('_')[1]; //obtain img ID
url: 'http://www.some.ajax/url',
type : 'POST',
data: {
id: imgId
alert('fail :(');
After that you don't have to bind and unbind each element when it has to be appear on your page. Also, this solutiion os simple and it's code-clean. This is also easy to locate and modify in code.
I hope, this could be usefull for someone.
. Simon
