How to show title below modal in magnific popup - jquery-plugins

I am opening an MVC view in magnific
I need to show a title (caption) below the modal
But caption is only for image type but I am using Ajax type.
I have set the title attribute on both the hyperlink that I click to open the modal and the root element of the view.
But it never shows up.
How do I do display the title (fixed or dynamic from a grid)? I wonder why author forgot to add this feature?
<a class="edit-list" title="Edit List!" href="/manage/editlist/100">Edit</a>
Root element of the target page:
<form id="ListEditForm" class="white-popup" title="Edit List" action="/manage/EditList/100">
..fields go here
I followed this post, but he has markup, I don't:
type: 'ajax',
midClick: true,
callbacks: {
markupParse: function (template, values, item) {
values.title = item.el.attr('title');

This has been solved. I need to put the right container in the right place to render the title. The plugin won't drop any element to show the title.


How to determine view is backed in Kendo Mobile?

Is there any way to know that view is open by back?
For example
<div data-role="view" id="view-test" data-show="show">
<!-- View content -->
var show = function(e){
// do something
Is there any method or property like e.view.isBack() ?
There are many ways to handle this, maybe you can use a global variable where you keep the last visited page or even you can add a back button handler and get the view from which the back button was pressed. Another solution would be to pass a parameter along with page navigation when going back, for example:
<a data-role="button" href="#foo?back=true">Link to FOO with back parameter set to true</a>
And on the visited page on show event you can get the parameter like this:
function fooShow(e) {
e.view.params // {back: "true"}
Now depending on what the parameter value is you can detect if the back button was pressed or not before reaching the page.

How to use the template function in the grid using kendoui

I am using a template to display some button. I have written the following code :
template: kendo.template($("#edit-template").html())
And in the edit template I have written :
<script id="edit-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<a class="k-grid-edit" style="visibility:hidden;" id="edit">Edit</a>
Initially it will be hidden mode. On databound function, I will show or hide the button. If the permission is shown then I write
Whenever I am updating the grid then the edit button is disappearing again. This is because the button is in hidden state initially. After updating also I need to display that in visible mode. How can i do that.
What about transforming your template into:
<script id="edit-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
# if (isVisible) { #
<a class="k-grid-edit">Edit</a>
# } else {#
<a class="k-grid-edit" style="display:none">Edit</a>
# } #
and then have a variable:
var isVisible = false;
Then toggling it to visible is:
isVisible = true;
while hiding it is:
isVisible = false;
Basically the variable isVisible stores the state and the template checks it using JavaScript.
NOTE The template might be more compact but I think this is more readable.
One more question (styling) I removed the id from the anchor a in your template since id must be unique and you were setting the same id for all kendoGrid rows.

jQuery idTabs plugin tab click function

When using the idTabs jQuery plugin how do you add function that is called when a tab is clicked? The documentation says this (but gives no example):
click (function)
Function will be called when a tab is clicked. ex: $(...).idTabs(foo)
If the function returns true, idTabs will show/hide content (as usual).
If the function returns false, idTabs will not take any action.
The function is passed four variables:
The id of the element to be shown
an array of all id's that can be shown
the element containing the tabs
and the current settings
My code:
<ul class="idTabs">
<li>Tabs 3</li>
<div id="jquery">If you haven't checked out ...</div>
<div id="official">idTabs is only a simple ...</div>
function tabChanged(id, tabs, parent, settings) {
return true;
Nothing happens when the tab is clicked - I would expect to seen an alert message
You are almost there. You can do it like:
$(".idTabs").idTabs({click: tabChanged});
Or you can use an anonymous function:
click: function(id, all, container, settings){
return true;

dynamically add jquery tab in view

I am very new to MVC and jQuery and I have a problem adding a new tab to a jQuery tab panel.
I have a ASP.NET MVC3 View that contains two partial views. The first one is a search form and the second one displays the search results.
Now I need to put the search results in a tab of a tab panel. At a later point in this project it should work like this: The user searches for some keywords, and for each new search a new tab is added to the tab panel. This way it should be possible for the user to switch to a previous search. But I am not this far yet.
What I tried first was to add a static tab panel to the page with a single tab that contains the search results. This was rather easy and I had no problems. What I tried to do next, was to add a new tab with static content ("Hello World") to the tab panel each time the user clicks the submit button of the search form. But this doesn't really work:
I can see that the new tab is added to the tab panel. But only for < 1 sec. The new tab disappears as soon as the search results are rendered. It seems like rendering the partial view overwrites the changes made by jQuery/JavaScript.
This is the view (_SearchInput is the partial view for the search form, _SearchResults is the partial view used to display search results):
<div class="roundedBorder">
<div id="tabs" style="margin-top:7px;">
<li>Test 1</li>
<div id="contentcontainer">
<div id="fragment-1">#Html.Partial("_SearchResults")</div>
In _SearchInput I add the tabs when the document is ready and call searchClick when the submit button of the form is clicked:
$(document).ready(function () {
/* show tabs */
function searchClick() {
var keyword = $("#searchTextInput").val().trim();
if (keyword == null || keyword == "") {
return false;
var title = keyword.substring(0, 10);
$('#contentcontainer').append("<div id='fragment-2'>hello world</div>");
$('#tabs').tabs("add", "#fragment-2", title);
How are you submitting the form? If your not posting an ajaxy type of result this would be expected as your page will be refreshing on form submit.
Rather, than submit the form, submit the form with jquery and in your success callback perform your post form submission tasks.
$('form').submit(function(evt) {
type: "POST",
url: "formsubmiturl",
data: dataposted,
success: function() {
// add jquery tab stuff here

MVC3 _Layout.cshtml...disableing/enabling menu items

I have an MVC3 C#.Net project. When I initially load my Web site, I want to route to an Index page and have the navigation tabs at the top of the screen be disabled until a selection is made. Once a selection is made, the site routes to a details page. I would then like to enable the navigation menu itmes. How can I do this? Pass a ViewBag around? Not sure
I think the problem is that Index page doesn't follow a layout of the rest of the website, therefore index page shouldn't use a master layout.
On your index page:
ViewBag.Title = "Index page";
// Null or a custom layout
Layout = null;
<p>Your content below</p>
If you want to render a menu on some condition, then store menu in a partial view model, e.g. SiteNavigation.cshtml
You can then render this view based on some condition. E.g.
#{ Html.RenderPartial("SiteNavigation"); }
I found an answer to my question. #CodeRush's answer is cool, which I will use in another scenario. But I like the implementation, below, for my prticular situation. In the Object1Controller Index get Action, I added the below code:
ViewBag.Hidden = "hidden";
Then in the Details get Action, which is the Action called when a link is clicked on the Index view, I added this code:
ViewBag.Hidden = "visible";
Then in the _Layout.cshtml I added this code:
<li style="visibility: #ViewBag.Hidden">#Html.ActionLink("About", "About", "Home")</li>
Which renders as:
<li style="visibility: hidden">About</li>
<li style="visibility: visible">About</li>
In the other Controllers, I don't need to set the ViewBag.Hidden property since the default for the visibility attribute is "visible". For the other Controllers, the ViewSource shows:
<li style="visibility: ">About</li>
Which renders as visible
