codeigniter get where with two same values - codeigniter

we want search data from sales table where , payment_status is pending . i try -
->select("id, date, reference_no, biller, customer, sale_status")
->where('due_date <=', date('Y-m-d'))
->where('payment_status =', 'pending')
it work good , but when we want search both value of payment_status , pending & partial at same time it not work. i try this code-
->select("id, date, reference_no, biller, customer, sale_status, grand_total, paid, (grand_total-paid) as balance, payment_status")
->where('due_date <=', date('Y-m-d'))
->where('payment_status =', 'pending')
->where('payment_status =', 'partial');

Use or_where
->select("id, date, reference_no, biller, customer, sale_status, grand_total, paid, (grand_total-paid) as balance, payment_status")
->where('due_date <=', date('Y-m-d'))
->where('payment_status =', 'pending')
->or_where('payment_status =', 'partial');
It make you condition where (payment_status ='pending' OR payment_status ='partial' )


How to get the product name with the highest value by month?

I'm trying to display a data by month and displays the product with the highest value or bought quantity. But I don't know how I should do it.
This is the code I have and tried so far
public function viewSales(){
$data = sales::select(
[sales::raw("SUM(product_fee) as product_fee, MONTHNAME(created_at) as month_name, MAX(bought) as bought"),'product']
)->whereYear('created_at', date("Y"))
->orderBy('created_at', 'asc')
return view('admin.viewSales', compact('data'));
This is what's inside my database
2023-01-14 18:55:34
2023-01-15 17:55:34
How to cook
2023-01-16 11:55:34
and this is what I'm trying to display
Most bought product
overall earning
How to cook
i think you can try this :
public function viewSales(){
$data = sales::select(
[sales::raw("(bought*product_fee) as overall_earning, MONTHNAME(created_at) as month_name, MAX(bought) as bought"),'product']
)->whereYear('created_at', date("Y"))
->orderBy('created_at', 'asc')
return view('admin.viewSales', compact('data'));
I hope this works for you
Below SQL will give you the desired output for current year and month.
Fetch for current year
product as most_bought_product_for_the_year,
bought as sold,
(SELECT SUM(product_fee) from products WHERE YEAR(created_at) = year(curdate())) as overall_earning
FROM `products`
bought = (SELECT MAX(bought) from products WHERE YEAR(created_at) = year(curdate()));
Fetch for months of the current year
product as most_bought_for_the_month,
bought as sold,
MONTHNAME(created_at) as month_name,
SUM(product_fee) as overall_earning
FROM `products`
YEAR(created_at) = YEAR(curdate())
bought IN (SELECT MAX(bought) from products WHERE YEAR(created_at) = YEAR(curdate()) GROUP by MONTH(created_at))
GROUP BY MONTH(created_at)
ORDER BY MONTH(created_at);
SQL Fiddle

Convert DB::Select to Query Builder

i has raw query in laravel like this
public function getPopularBook(){
$book = DB::select("
with totalReview as(
SELECT r.book_id , count(
FROM review r
GROUP BY r.book_id
from totalReview x
left JOIN (
case when ((now() >= d.discount_start_date and now() <= d.discount_end_date) or (now() >= d.discount_start_date and d.discount_end_date is null)) then (b.book_price-d.discount_price)
ELSE b.book_price
end as final_price
FROM discount d
right JOIN book b
on d.book_id =
) as y
on x.book_id =
ORDER BY x.count DESC, y.final_price ASC
return $book;
so when i want to return a paginate, it doesn't work so can i convert this to query build to use paginate
This is a very un-optimized raw query in itself. You are performing too many Join in Subquery just to sort by price
i'm assuming the database table:
books[ id, name, price ]
reviews[ id, book_id ]
discounts[ id, book_id, start_date, end_date, discount_price]
Look how easy it is if you just use Eloquent:
this will give you all the Books order by number of reviews
now with the final price, this can be a bit tricky, let's take a look at a query when we don't consider discount time
->withSum('discounts', 'discount_price') //i'm assuming a book can have many discount at the same time, so i just sum them all
DB::raw('final_price AS (books.price - discounts_sum_discount_price)')
->orderBy('reviews_count', 'asc') // =you can specify ascending or descending
->orderBy('final_price', 'desc') //in laravel chaining multiple orderBy to order multiple column
I dont even need to use Subquery!! But how do we actually only add the "active" discount?, just need to modify the withSum a bit:
'discounts' => function($query) {
$query->where('start_date', '<=', Carbon::now())
->where('end_date', '>=', Carbon::now())
DB::raw('final_price AS (books.price - discounts_sum_discount_price)')
->orderBy('reviews_count', 'asc') // =you can specify ascending or descending
->orderBy('final_price', 'desc') //in laravel chaining multiple orderBy to order multiple column
and it is done
What about pagination? just replace the get() method with paginate():
->withSum(['discounts' => function($query) {
$query->where('start_date', '<=', Carbon::now())->where('end_date', '>=', Carbon::now())
->addSelect(DB::raw('final_price AS (books.price - discounts_sum_discount_price)')) //just format to be a bit cleaner, nothing had changed
->orderBy('reviews_count', 'asc')
->orderBy('final_price', 'desc')
->paginate(10); //10 books per page
WARNING: this is written with ELoquent ORM, not QueryBuilder, so you must define your relationship first

How to get the default price of the product with different prices from different date periods from the period closest to today?

my sqlfiddle eample
Hello there,
according to the above sqlfiddle example;
I have a table A where the products are listed and a table B with different prices for different periods associated with these products.
Here I show these prices according to the date the user has chosen. There is no problem.
However, if the user has not selected a date, I cannot show the price of the period closest to today by default.
In the example I gave, the sql query does this successfully, but I cannot write it successfully in the form of laravel query. Or as an Eloquent orm query
How can I do that?
$query->select(['tableA.*', 'tableB.start_date', 'tableB.end_date', 'tableB.price'])
->join('tableB', function($join) {
$join->on('', '=', 'tableB.pro_id');
})->where(function($sq) use ($postFrom) {
$sq->when($postFrom[0]=='0', function ($syq) {
$syq->whereRaw('DAYOFYEAR(curdate()) <= DAYOFYEAR(tableB.end_date)');
}, function ($stq) use ($postFrom) {
$stq->whereDate('tableB.start_date', '<=', $postFrom[0])
->whereDate('tableB.end_date', '>=', $postFrom[0]);
})->orWhere(function($ssq) use ($postTo) {
$ssq->whereDate('tableB.start_date', '<=', $postTo[0])
->whereDate('tableB.end_date', '>=', $postTo[0]);
})->groupBy('')->orderBy('tableB.price', $sortDirection);
note1: $postFrom and $postTo are the start and end dates from the user. If the user did not submit a date, $postFrom is displayed as 0.
note2: I show the default price when the $postFrom[0] == '0' condition is met.
note3: The '2021-03-07' value in the sqlfiddle example is used for example instead of the dynamic present value.
note4: According to this query, it takes the price value of the first period as default. But that's not what I want.
note5: I can't use 'joinSub' because Laravel version is 5.5.
note6:In the example I want to convert to Laravel Query form, the sql query that works without any problems:
select `tableA`.*, `tableB`.`start_date`, `tableB`.`end_date`, `tableB`.`price`
from `tableA`
right join(
SELECT id, start_date, end_date, pro_id, price, DATEDIFF(`tableB`.`end_date`, '2021-03-07') diff
FROM `tableB` GROUP BY id order by diff asc
) `tableB` on `tableA`.`id` = `tableB`.`pro_id` where (date(`end_date`) >= '2021-03-07')
group by `tableA`.`id` order by `price` desc
This is an equivalent query of your query. I haven't executed.
If Laravel Version is greater then 5.5
$query1 = DB::table('tableB')
->selectRaw("id, start_date, end_date, pro_id, price, DATEDIFF(end_date, '2021-03-07') AS diff")
TableA::select('tableA.*', 'tableB.start_date', 'tableB.end_date', 'tableB.price')
->joinSub($query1, 'tableB', function ($join)
$join->on('', '=', 'tableB.pro_id');
For Laravel 5.5
TableA::select('tableA.*', 'tableB.start_date', 'tableB.end_date', 'tableB.price')
->join(DB::raw("(SELECT id, start_date, end_date, pro_id, price,
DATEDIFF(`tableB`.`end_date`, '2021-03-07') diff
FROM `tableB` GROUP BY id order by diff asc) table2 "), function ($join)
$join->on('', '=', 'table2.pro_id');

Codeigniter automatically add field to order_by

I want to get most view by query:
$this->db->select(", a.title, a.pic, a.date_created, d.view as post_view");
$this->db->from("posts as a");
$this->db->join('views as d', '');
$this->db->join('cats as b', 'b.catid=a.catid'); //ensure Cat existed
$this->db->where("a.block", 0);
$this->db->order_by("d.view", "desc");
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result();
but always automatically add order_by pid asc. and never order desc for d.view field. i try to print query string and here:
SELECT `a`.`pid`, `a`.`title`, `a`.`pic`, `a`.`date_created`, `d`.`view` as `post_view` FROM `posts` as `a` JOIN `views` as `d` ON `d`.`post_id`=`a`.`pid` JOIN `cats` as `b` ON `b`.`catid`=`a`.`catid` WHERE `a`.`block` =0 ORDER BY `pid` asc, `d`.`view` DESC LIMIT 5
Any suggestion to fix? (CI version 3.*)

Tracking Unregistered Abandon carts in Magento

Does anyone know where I can start trying to get at cart information from unregistered users. I want to be able to look at abandon carts from people who are not logged in. This doesn't seem to be a default function of magento, but I have a feeling it's in the db somewhere.
all quotes are stored in sales_flat_quote table
I have checked this query and find one or two cases where some results are missing in the results but shows on the magento abandoned cart report. Here is what I tried.
SELECT entity_id, customer_firstname, customer_email, items_count, grand_total, created_at
FROM sales_flat_quote
WHERE entity_id NOT IN (SELECT quote_item_id AS quote_id FROM sales_flat_order_item)
AND items_count >0
AND customer_email IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY `sales_flat_quote`.`created_at` DESC
In case anyone is interested, this is the sql query that I came up with for getting abandon cart items directly out of the database. You'll need to change the date
SELECT quote_id, sku, qty, price, custom_price, row_total, created_at, product_id, store_id
FROM mage_sales_flat_quote_item
WHERE created_at > "2011-04-01"
AND quote_id NOT IN (SELECT quote_item_id AS quote_id FROM mage_sales_flat_order_item)
AND store_id IS NOT NULL
This is more like it.
SELECT `main_table`.*, GROUP_CONCAT(item.sku) AS `skus`, (main_table.base_subtotal_with_discount*main_table.base_to_global_rate) AS `subtotal`, `cust_email`.`email`, `cust_fname`.`value` AS `firstname`, `cust_lname`.`value` AS `lastname`, CONCAT_WS(' ', cust_fname.value, cust_lname.value) AS `customer_name` FROM `sales_flat_quote` AS `main_table`
INNER JOIN `sales_flat_quote_item` AS `item` ON item.quote_id = main_table.entity_id
INNER JOIN `customer_entity` AS `cust_email` ON cust_email.entity_id = main_table.customer_id
INNER JOIN `customer_entity_varchar` AS `cust_fname` ON cust_fname.entity_id = main_table.customer_id AND cust_fname.attribute_id = 5
INNER JOIN `customer_entity_varchar` AS `cust_lname` ON cust_lname.entity_id = main_table.customer_id AND cust_lname.attribute_id = 7 WHERE (items_count != '0') AND (main_table.is_active = '1') AND (main_table.created_at >= '2013-02-04 00:00:00' AND main_table.created_at <= '2013-02-04 24:00:00') AND (main_table.updated_at >= '2013-02-04 00:00:00' AND main_table.updated_at <= '2013-02-04 24:00:00') GROUP BY `item`.`quote_id` ORDER BY updated_at DESC
