how to create two thumbnails for image virtuemart - joomla

i want create two thumbnails for each product images,but Virtuemart only get one option to this. i used:
echo $product->images[0]->displayMediaThumb('class="browseProductImage"', false,'',true,false,false,540,200);
but this line not create thumbnails.and return older thumbnail


Assigning same image to all associated products of configurable product Magento 2

I have written a script in Magento 2 to create configurable and simple (associated) products pragmatically. While running the script i found that Magento is creating the copy of same image file for each product. Whereas i think we can assign the same image for all its associated products of 1 type.
For Ex: We have 10 simple products for color Black of different size. In this case all the product with individual size will have same product image but actually Magento will create 10 copy of same image and assign with each product.
$this->productFactory->addImageToMediaGallery($image, $mediaAttribute, false, false);
Is there as way we can assign the same products images to all associated products without creating the new copy for each product ?

Magento Updating Products with csv overwrites Image

On Magento 1.9 I managed to upload several products via csv including images with Dataflow - Profiles.
Now I'd like to update for example all the descriptions. But when I upload the CSV file, it overwrites my images.
When I leave the path media/import it imports the same image a
second time. Now the product has the same image stored twice.
When I write the path /0/5/imagename.jpg where magento automatically
saved the image, it gives me a "images doesn't exist" error.
when I leave the "image" field empty, it sets the default image to "none"
and shows no image in the frontend.
When I delete the whole cell
for images, it gives me a "broken link" symbol in the product
details page.
How can I update product details without messing with my images? Sorry if I missed something?

Path of image code in magento

I am using magento 1.6.I want to know which files contains the code for image functions like when you uploading the image ,excluding the image etc.Actually i want to hide products as per user category.
There are several files handling your images. Look at app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Helper/Image.php as an entry point.

Allowing For Multiple Images in Product Gallery for One Attribute

If you edit a product and browse to the media gallery, you will notice that each type of image (Base, small, thumbnail) is a radio button. Furthermore, if you create your own product attribute and assign it to the product, it too is a radio button.
The intended functionality I would like is to upload many images and assign it to that attribute. I am creating a gallery on product view pages, and each product has an arbitrary amount of images.
I would like to know if there is an easy way to do it, and if not, what the best solution would be. I am running Magento 1.6.0 for this project.
If you upload images and do not assign them as base/small/thumb, then Magento will automatically create an image gallery for you on the product page. you could also extend the catalog/product/list.phtml to display a gallery on the category and search results listing if you wanted.
So, AFAIK, there's no need for you to change the application functionality in the way that you describe.

Get Specific Product Images based on the label in magento

I want to create a nicely crafted featured product slideshow on the homepage. And for that, I want to pick a single unique images of that product. Is it possible get that specific product images based on the label to be shown on the featured product slideshow on the homepage? Or is there any other better way to do that (getting a specific email with certain identifier)?
thanks before :)
