Customized result file CI- JMeter - jmeter

After the test plan execution, I need the result file with only 5 fields value i.e. Date,Time, Response message,Response header and Error count in a text file format.Is this possible?I'm doing this for continuous Integration purpose as I need to publish result in the required format.

You can control what is stored in .jtl result file using relevant JMeter Properties.
For instance, to save timestamp, Message and headers you can add the following lines to file (which sits in /bin folder of your JMeter installation) HH:mm:ss.SSS
JavaDoc on SimpleDateFormat class to learn how you can set timestamp format
JMeter Properties which contain saveservice in their names in file in /bin folder of your JMeter installation to see available properties and their default values
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide for extra information on various JMeter properties and ways of setting/overriding them


jMeter: load file content on http request body

I'm trying to inject file content into the request body:
I'm using:
I've configured the bundle variable using the directory listing plugin:
When I perform the test, I'm getting:
Logs is getting me:
2021-12-28 16:33:53,853 WARN o.a.j.f.FileToString: Could not read open: /patient-bundle-0193.json
According to my configuration, __FileToString should read from /home/jeusdi/projects/workarea/salut/mpi/jsons/bundles/extractions/10000/bundles instead from /...
Any ideas?
Tick Use full path so your bundle JMeter Variable would contain the absolute location of the file.
Be informed that JMeter Variables along with their respective values can be visualized using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination.
You might also be interested in Introducing the Directory Listing Config Plugin on JMeter article

Getting Header error in JMeter when trying to get HTML report

I am trying to get the HTML report from my JMeter test plan. Unfortunately, below error is shown always.
File '/Users/roradhak/Cisco/GET/PPS-Proxy-Performance/Graph2_CSV.csv' does not contain the field names header, ensure the* properties are the same as when the CSV file was created or the file may be read incorrectly
In fact, I tried to do all the settings changes as explained in Jmeter 3.0 can't generate the ANT HTML report and in other links also. Can someone please put some light into this?
You need to make sure you have at least the following line in file:
The first line of your .jtl results file needs to be like:
If you have different output - kindly amend JMeter configuration to match the one, described in the Generating Report Dashboard article.
Configuring JMeter
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide

Saving JMeter results in JTL/XML format

I'd like JMeter to save requests/responses to XML file ONLY if the request failed. All passed request should not be logged. How can I do that?
In order to store response data for failed requests all you need is just to add the next 2 lines to file (lives under "bin" folder of your JMeter installation)
In regards to saving requests, I'm afraid you have only 2 choices:
save all requests (no matter of pass/fail status)
save nothing
Theoretically it can be worked around using scripting-enabled test elements like Beanshell Listener in combination with Sample Variables or patching JMeter source code, but there is no out-the-box flag to trigger conditional storing of request data.
See Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide for more information on JMeter properties types and ways of setting/overriding them

How do I get Apache JMeter to include a GET or POST parameter in its CSV log output?

I am performing HTTP Request samples (both GET and POST) in JMeter and am trying to figure out how to include pieces of the request (right now, just the query and form parameters) in the CSV log output. It seems like I'll have to use something like BeanShell Listener to write my own log file using the JMeter API. Does that sound right?
Not necessarily. Given your parameters are in form of JMeter Variables (if not - you can convert them via User Defined Variables test element) you can use samples_variable property in order to add values to JMeter's .jtl results file
Add the next line to file (it's located under /bin folder of your JMeter installation)
where var1 and var2 are your JMeter Variables
Restart JMeter to pick the property up
Next time you run your test variable values will be added to .jtl results file
Sample Variables chapter of JMeter User Manual
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide - comprehensive information on JMeter Properties and ways of working with them

How to record all the url of a web application using jmeter

I am new to jmeter.I have a web application and I want to record all the possible Url in the application(like a web crawler). Is it possible to get all the Url and store it in a file.Please help in proving the solution.
JMeter provides HTML Link Parser which can be used as a web crawler and/or randomizer of request parameters.
If you want to save URLs along with other sampler metrics you can override property using one of the below options:
Add property to file (lives under /bin folder of your JMeter installation)
Locate in file (the same location - /bin folder of your JMeter installation), uncomment it and set to true
Pass the property via -J command-line argument to JMeter startup script as
Your result file will look as follows:
1424142574950,1001,HTTP Request,200,OK,Thread Group 1-1,text,true,1591,,1001
So URLs will be stored as penultimate column
For more information on different JMeter property types and ways of setting/overriding them check out Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
