Saving JMeter results in JTL/XML format - jmeter

I'd like JMeter to save requests/responses to XML file ONLY if the request failed. All passed request should not be logged. How can I do that?

In order to store response data for failed requests all you need is just to add the next 2 lines to file (lives under "bin" folder of your JMeter installation)
In regards to saving requests, I'm afraid you have only 2 choices:
save all requests (no matter of pass/fail status)
save nothing
Theoretically it can be worked around using scripting-enabled test elements like Beanshell Listener in combination with Sample Variables or patching JMeter source code, but there is no out-the-box flag to trigger conditional storing of request data.
See Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide for more information on JMeter properties types and ways of setting/overriding them


Jmeter Response Data dissapears in the "View Results Tree" Panel After Re-Opening The .jmx File

I am using Apache JMeter 5.4.1 to record a manual test script (to be automated later) on a web application.
I need the response data logs which are recorded in the View Results Tree for debugging purposes.
I don't want to run the script before debugging, because I need to parameterize the dynamic data which changes every run thus, I need to capture them using the response data.
The problem is, I need to save the file and continue later sometimes, and when I open the file and load the .jtl file into the View Results Tree, the response data doesn't show up. Like it never existed. I can still see the results but when I click on them I see "No Data".
What causes this strange phenomenon, and how can I work around this? Thank you!
By default JMeter doesn't save response data, if you're using View Results Tree listener in GUI mode you need to additionally instruct it to save the results as XML and explicitly tell it to store response data, example setup:
If you're running the test in command-line non-GUI mode - amend Results File Configuration in file to look like:
More information: How to Save Response Data in JMeter

Jmeter reports for functional testing

I am using Jmeter for functional testing and not just for load testing.
All the examples that I see for reports are for load testing, and I do not see how it is effective for functional, I do not care speed of response latency and so on.
I care about sampler response, is http get 200 OK, is the assertion succeed or not
the response message that I write, the JDBC response with my response message.
Is their a way to use Jmeter reports to see al that?
I have a test plan with 50 tests, is their any example of how it should look like in reports?
Once again not care for this test from performance or load at all, just functional, Is their any guide since all the info I see its about performance and not functional
You should look into Jmeter+ant integration. You can run .jmx files using Ant and generate HTML report. The HTML report gives the success and failure rate and response message as well.
Steps to run JMeter .jmx with Ant:
Install Apache Ant and the installation should be in your path.
Copy your .jmx file into your apache JMeter's /extras folder and replace existing Test.jmx file your own.
Type the command ant.
Ant will generate the .jtl and .html file with the same name as your .jmx file.
If you want to run the tests using continuous integration and Jenkins. Please follow the below nice blog.
You should check the
for example for each listener you can click Configure and choose Save Configuration, in your case you can check only
Save Success - if it succeeded or failed
Save Field Names (CSV) - header line
Save Label - to know which request succeeded or failed
if no checkbox is checked you will get an empty lines for each sampler
You will get results as
HTTP Request,true
HTTP Request,true
HTTP Request2,false
HTTP Request2,false
You can precisely control what is being saved into .jtl results file by using dedicated JMeter Properties which names start from
Example configuration will look like
This way you will get a .jtl results file in .XML format which can be examined using View Results Tree listener.
You can also view this .jtl file directly in browser, however you will need to add one line to it in order to specify the desired XSL stylesheet to it like:
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="C:\apache-jmeter-3.3\extras\jmeter-results-report_21.xsl"?>
More information: Visualizing JMeter .jtl Files Viewed as An .xsl Stylesheet

JMeter zip file download from server

I have a requirement to download zip file from server through JMeter to test the peroformance but for me the downloaded files are shown in x-filler, i need to have the zip file downladed.
Please help me here
Thanks in Advance
Simulating file download event using JMeter is as simple as sending HTTP GET request using HTTP Request sampler.
If you need to save the response somewhere for later reuse or analysis add Save Response to a file listener as a child of the request which performs the download. Check out Performance Testing: Upload and Download Scenarios with Apache JMeter article for comprehensive explanation.
Be aware that storing responses will cause huge disk IO overhead during the load test so I would recommend ticking Save response as MD5 hash box under "Advanced" tab of the HTTP Request sampler and use MD5Hex Assertion to compare the MD5 checksum of the response with some reference value.
To download any file, you need to extract it using Regular Expression Extractor.
Add the Regular Express Extractor to the request where you want to download and configure the fields as shown below. Use (?s)(^.*) as the expression to extract everything.
Add the Save Responses to a File sampler and configure the fields as shown below.
Execute the test plan. In the JMETER_HOME\bin\, you can see the zip file. Extract the zip file and validate.
The easiest way is to use your own code to download the file. The options are BeanShell Postprocessor or JSR223 Postprocesor.
I extracted file name from response header Content-Disposition, save it to varible, and the use variable for filename. Additional variable was defined on Test level, holding folder name where to save files.

Unable to recognise the Jmeter issue

I was testing a blog but I didn't get any output not even for just 2 threads. Please help in this. Sharing the image with you:
You have 555 value int Bytes column - so some output should be present.
If you run your test in non-GUI mode (hope you do) you can configure JMeter to store response body on error.
Add the next 2 lines to file (it's located in JMeter's "bin" folder)
JMeter restart will be required to pick the properties up
When your test is over:
Open JMeter GUI
Add View Results Tree listener
Using "Browse" button locate .jtl results file and open it
Analyze response message and body.

How do I get Apache JMeter to include a GET or POST parameter in its CSV log output?

I am performing HTTP Request samples (both GET and POST) in JMeter and am trying to figure out how to include pieces of the request (right now, just the query and form parameters) in the CSV log output. It seems like I'll have to use something like BeanShell Listener to write my own log file using the JMeter API. Does that sound right?
Not necessarily. Given your parameters are in form of JMeter Variables (if not - you can convert them via User Defined Variables test element) you can use samples_variable property in order to add values to JMeter's .jtl results file
Add the next line to file (it's located under /bin folder of your JMeter installation)
where var1 and var2 are your JMeter Variables
Restart JMeter to pick the property up
Next time you run your test variable values will be added to .jtl results file
Sample Variables chapter of JMeter User Manual
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide - comprehensive information on JMeter Properties and ways of working with them
