Embeddable messaging component for Golang application - go

I need a embeddable messaging component for Golang application.I looked into distributed messaging system like NSQ etc, but prefer one which is much simpler, stable and embeddable (no separate daemon). Systems like NSQ would be overkill for my requirement and I don't think it is easily embeddable.
I need such a component to distribute the payload/data reliably (delivered once atleast) among my processing distributed engines and embeddable would make installation and configurations easy.
Any information would be appreciated.

I use RabbitMQ in production with this library https://github.com/streadway/amqp. This is not an official library but the implementation is quite good.
I use it to improve fault tolerance and scalability for IOT.
Easy to use
Great administration tools
Many languages implementations
Many patterns availables https://www.rabbitmq.com/getstarted.html
Not really efficient for big payloads
Probably not the fastest (but fast enough to my projects)


Passively Logging React App Performance in Production

I'm wondering if there are any utilities/patterns/paradigms/standards for monitoring React applications in production.
I've seen a lot of documentation about React performance debugging that recommends the Chrome Dev Tools (which are great, but aren't a passive way to monitor end user performance)
How could I log data to know how long users are waiting for components to mount or render?
The only thing I've thought of so far is creating a Loggable[Pure]Component that extends React.[Pure]Component whose constructor, componentWillMount/Update, and componentDidMount/Update methods log render/mount times to a server. Then, components I want to monitor can extend these components and, if need be, call super() in the lifecycle methods before doing their own work. To specifically know which components these metrics go to, I'd have to expose a method in the Loggable[Pure]Component class that does something silly like setUniqueId and then each derived class would have to call it in the constructor.
This all seems terrible and I'm very much hoping there are some things people out there have implemented, but I haven't found anything thus far.
I would have a look at some APM tools, they handle the frontend monitoring, and the backend monitoring as well. They all support react, and folks use these all the time for that use case. It really depends on your goals in the monitoring, are you doing this for fun? Do you have a startup? Are you working for a large enterprise? There are 3 major players in this market.
AppDynamics - Enterprise APM, handles the most complex apps. Unified product offering delivered SaaS or on-premises. Has deep database, server, and other monitoring.
Dynatrace - Enterprise APM, handles complex apps well. Fragmented portfolio, but the SaaS product is good. The SaaS product has limited depth in some ways. Handles server and cloud infrastructure monitoring well.
New Relic - Easy and cheap(er than others), not as in-depth as some other options. Tends to be popular with small companies. Does a good job monitoring cloud infrastructure services.
These products all do what you are looking for, but it depends on your goals with the data and how you plan to analyze it.
If you want something free and less functional there are ways to do this with open source, but you'll have to stand up and manage a pretty complex stack. Here is one option.
Check out boomerang, which can log/extract the metrics you are looking for, it doesn't "understand" react, but it should work. This data can be posted to many different systems. The best suited is likely the ELK stack (open source log analytics, and more). Here is one of several examples which marries these two together to provide analysis of the browser performance https://github.com/naukri-engineering/NewMonk

Is there a framework for writing a decentral application?

If I want to write a node for a P2P application (like Bitcoin, Bitorrent, etc.) there are a lot of parts that are the same:
I need to bootstrap to the network (discover other peers)
I need to manage a list of peers, and monitor their states
I need to retrieve lists of more peers from my neighbour peers
Etc, etc.
Since I don't want to re-invent the wheel, is their a framework that I could as a sort of base library to build on?
You mention both bitcoin and bittorrent, which are quite different, so I'm assuming you don't want to be bound to any specific protocol or even serialization format.
And yet you mention peer-discovery and stats-management which are high-level concerns, be built on top of some network protocol.
But the protocol dictates how such a mechanism would work.
It sortof sounds like you're asking if there are pre-built roofs that would fit on skyscrapers just as well as on a wood cabin.
So if you actually want to design your own protocol you probably should look more at the foundation first.
which language do you want to use
what IO / event processing libraries are available
what protocol parsers and serializers are available
do you aim for throughput? low memory footprint? low latency? minimal amount of programmer-hours spent?
what kind of security is needed? heavy crypto use at the protocol level will need a trustworthy crypto library (don't roll your own!)
what kind of auxiliary things do you need (where does the data go? filesystem? databases? do you need a UI?)
Alternatively, depending how one interprets your question, if you want to write a client for a specific network then you should simply look for a library implementing the core concepts of that specific network while freeing you up to implement the rest of the application.
In bittorrent's case such an example would be libtorrent

Suitable frameworks for ERP like application

I want to create a production management system to be used by a small manufacturing firm. The system will allow to document different stages in manufacturing of equipment. The requirements are as follows:
1.Non browser based interface.Need something like Swing or AWT based.While i understand the convenience of implementing a browser based solution,the business owner insists on a non browser interface
2.Accessed from multiple systems.These systems will allow CRUD operations on the central system (Thin Client?)
3.The application will not have more than 3 concurrent users.
I need some advice regarding what would be a good path for this kind of application.Currently, i'm thinking of using Griffon with RMI. However, i don't have much development experience.Read a bit about Apache River (Jini) too.Would it be a good idea to use Griffon with RMI?
Please provide some advice. Thanks.
EDIT:after some reading, i've decided to use more mainstream frameworks.So, Griffon is not an option. How about Jini(Apache River) or OSGI (Apache Felix)?
Hmm how is that a project which recently moved out of the incubation phase be considered mainstream vs a project that's been used in production for more than 3 years now? Anyway, Apache River gives you access to Jini technology and nothing more; meaning you can't achieve item #1 of your list with River alone. River may use RMI for accessing remote resources, however you can use RMI directly, or try out DRMI, Kryonet, Hessian/Burlap, Spring's HTTP Invoker, Protocol Buffers, Avro/Thrift, REST, SOAP, ZMQ and many more.
Even if you choose one of these options and/or River you still have to define the following things
application structure (file structure and runtime behavior)
build setup
dependency management
testing profiles
deployment strategies
These things and more are what Griffon brings to the table. As you may have noticed the framework allows you to build up applications by adding plugins, reducing thew amount of time you must allot for hunting down dependencies, setting up bootstrap mechanism and getting things done. On the subject of remoting technologies have a look at the different options Griffon has to offer http://artifacts.griffon-framework.org/tags/plugin/remoting
Even more, you can also combine OpenDolphin (http://open-dolphin.org/dolphin_website/Home.html) with Griffon. There's even an example application found at the opendolhpin repository showing a full client-server application (build with Griffon, Grails and OpenDolphin) https://github.com/canoo/open-dolphin/tree/master/dolphin-griffon-crud
With what seems to be your current understanding of the problem, I would not recommend OSGI, especially for a small manufacturing firm (Possible maintenance issues, depending on the "personel").
The main reason why I wouldn't advocate JINI or OSGI in your case is because of what you said
However, i don't have much development experience.
JINI (Apache River) is a viable option as long as you fully understand the concepts of LookupService and service registrations, etc. There's tons of RMI going on here with possible firewall implications...
OSGI is not difficult but you may have issues deciding how to structure your applications as well as interacting with services, etc.
Try to stick to the simplest approach that you can handle for the implementation (Flexible design in mind): Make it work and then improve it.
There are simple Web Services options such as Spring Remoting (over http/https for example), unless Spring introduces too many concepts and headaches for your app.

ZeroMQ vs Crossroads I/O

I am looking into using ZeroMQ as the messaging/transport layer for a fairly large distributed system, mainly targeting monitoring and data collection (many producers, a few consumers).
As far as I can see there are currently two different implementations of the same concept; ZeroMQ and Crossroads I/O, the latter being a fork of ZeroMQ (in 2012?).
I am trying to figure out which one to use and wonder about the differences between them, but have so far not found much information regarding this.
For example:
Are they compatible on the wire?
Are they API compatible, i.e. some kind of common base API, possibly with different add-ons?
Do they both implement support for ZMTP (ZeroMQ Message Transport Protocol)?
Do they share some kind of common understanding of future development or will they continue in two separate and possible different directions?
What are the pros/cons in relation to the other?
Basically, how do one choose one over the other?
Crossroads.io is pretty dead since Martin Sustrik has started on a new stack, in C, called nano: https://github.com/250bpm/nanomsg
Crossroads.io does not, afaik, implement ZMTP/1.0 nor ZMTP/2.0 but its own version of the protocol.
Nano has pluggable transports and we'll probably make a ZMTP transport for that. Nano is really nice, a rethinking of the original libzmq library, and if it's successful would make a good new kernel.
Ideally, Nano would interoperate both at the API and the protocol level, so be a pluggable replacement for libzmq. It does have quite a long way to go, though.
Note that there are now several rewrites of libzmq emerging, including JeroMQ (Java) and NetMQ (C#). These two do implement ZMTP/1.0 and ZMTP/2.0 properly. There are also other libraries like Axon (https://github.com/visionmedia/axon) which are heavily inspired by 0MQ but not compatible.
Based on experience, users value interoperability more than almost anything else, so it's quite likely that different 0MQ-like stacks will end up speaking the same protocols.

open source gossip-based membership protocol?

I am looking for a library which I can plug into a distributed application which implements any gossip-based membership protocol.
Such a library would allow me to send/receive membership lists, merge received membership lists, etc... Even better would be if the library implemented a protocol with performance O(logn) performance guarantees.
Does anyone know of any open source library like this? It doesn't need to meet all of the aforementioned requirements; even something partially implemented would be helpful.
Take a look at this on google code:
I happen to stumble upon it yesterday whilst looking for java based gossip implementation. It's more a reference implementation for someone to build upon, but it gives the general idea, and after reading through the code you'll definitely be able to build your own or branch what's there to add any features you need.
Have you looked at Apache Zookeeper? I'm not sure if it's what you're looking for.
ZooKeeper is a high-performance
coordination service for distributed
applications. It exposes common
services - such as naming,
configuration management,
synchronization, and group services -
in a simple interface so you don't
have to write them from scratch. You
can use it off-the-shelf to implement
consensus, group management, leader
election, and presence protocols.
C# bindings are also available.
