Suitable frameworks for ERP like application - osgi

I want to create a production management system to be used by a small manufacturing firm. The system will allow to document different stages in manufacturing of equipment. The requirements are as follows:
1.Non browser based interface.Need something like Swing or AWT based.While i understand the convenience of implementing a browser based solution,the business owner insists on a non browser interface
2.Accessed from multiple systems.These systems will allow CRUD operations on the central system (Thin Client?)
3.The application will not have more than 3 concurrent users.
I need some advice regarding what would be a good path for this kind of application.Currently, i'm thinking of using Griffon with RMI. However, i don't have much development experience.Read a bit about Apache River (Jini) too.Would it be a good idea to use Griffon with RMI?
Please provide some advice. Thanks.
EDIT:after some reading, i've decided to use more mainstream frameworks.So, Griffon is not an option. How about Jini(Apache River) or OSGI (Apache Felix)?

Hmm how is that a project which recently moved out of the incubation phase be considered mainstream vs a project that's been used in production for more than 3 years now? Anyway, Apache River gives you access to Jini technology and nothing more; meaning you can't achieve item #1 of your list with River alone. River may use RMI for accessing remote resources, however you can use RMI directly, or try out DRMI, Kryonet, Hessian/Burlap, Spring's HTTP Invoker, Protocol Buffers, Avro/Thrift, REST, SOAP, ZMQ and many more.
Even if you choose one of these options and/or River you still have to define the following things
application structure (file structure and runtime behavior)
build setup
dependency management
testing profiles
deployment strategies
These things and more are what Griffon brings to the table. As you may have noticed the framework allows you to build up applications by adding plugins, reducing thew amount of time you must allot for hunting down dependencies, setting up bootstrap mechanism and getting things done. On the subject of remoting technologies have a look at the different options Griffon has to offer
Even more, you can also combine OpenDolphin ( with Griffon. There's even an example application found at the opendolhpin repository showing a full client-server application (build with Griffon, Grails and OpenDolphin)

With what seems to be your current understanding of the problem, I would not recommend OSGI, especially for a small manufacturing firm (Possible maintenance issues, depending on the "personel").
The main reason why I wouldn't advocate JINI or OSGI in your case is because of what you said
However, i don't have much development experience.
JINI (Apache River) is a viable option as long as you fully understand the concepts of LookupService and service registrations, etc. There's tons of RMI going on here with possible firewall implications...
OSGI is not difficult but you may have issues deciding how to structure your applications as well as interacting with services, etc.
Try to stick to the simplest approach that you can handle for the implementation (Flexible design in mind): Make it work and then improve it.
There are simple Web Services options such as Spring Remoting (over http/https for example), unless Spring introduces too many concepts and headaches for your app.


Stateful workflow engine vs Orchestrated idempotent services

I realize the benefits of workflow engine such as easy to understand communication, easy waiting, parallelism and compensative actions with informative graphical model. The concept is great and more manageable than dogmatic event driven architecture without central coordinator and specified flow.
We are currently using legacy workflow engine to orchestrate microservices in insurance business. Over the time chunks of business logic and little helper scripts has creeped into process model, which is not developer friendly solution to maintain and test with continuous integration standards. Also the lack of available expertise and future support is a huge risk from the project management perspective.
I played around with Camunda and Activiti, but immediately faced compability issues with Spring Boot 3 and a lack of up to date examples and general knowledge outside of relatively small user community. This gives me a bad feeling of drowning into the same swamp as we are now in the future.
We planned design our own Java based orchestrator, which just invokes specified microservices in a specified order when the process is started or user task is completed. The orchestrator will also handle monitoring and versioning of the process flow. It's up to microservices to validate their business context and halt the process by raising user tasks if necessary. When user task is completed, the orchestrator restarts the whole process from the beginning with all tasks cleared. It is the responsibility of microservices to no-op when their work is already done in the previous run. Eventually, the process will reach it's end and finish. This solution would be a good balance of modern DX and coordinated process management.
Is there examples or name for such an idempotent orchestrated architecture?
You only get into the challenge of aligning dependencies between your services and the process engine (and other components) if you tightly couple the orchestration / engine with the services. Happened to me many times in the past, too. If you separate the engine (called remote process engine with Camunda 7, only architecture with Camunda 8), then you are not influenced by its dependencies. Try for instance the Camunda RUN distribution and the external task pattern or C8 SaaS to get to a cleaner, decoupled architecture. See Bernd Ruecker's reasoning here.
Details will depend on your specific requirements, but I would definitely advise anyone against building a homegrown solution. There are enough options in the market and these times are over. Requirements grow over time. There are security vulnerabilities to be aware of and to fix, etc. High maintenance, no market for resources, no synergies, you would need to maintain proprietary knowledge in the company and cannot achieve the same level of quality and feature richness as a more broadly used solution can. For a list of options see for instance Bernd Ruecker's articles. Among the available options I would personally prefer an orchestrator, which uses a graphical process modelling approach based on the BPMN 2 standand. It helps clarity, knowledge transfer, and Business-IT alignment and the standard is a vendor-independent skill set.
There is no need to build your own. Use open source project. Besides Java SDK it supports Go, Typescript/Javascript, Python, PHP.
The project started at Uber in 2016. There are hundreds of companies using it for mission critical applications.

Passively Logging React App Performance in Production

I'm wondering if there are any utilities/patterns/paradigms/standards for monitoring React applications in production.
I've seen a lot of documentation about React performance debugging that recommends the Chrome Dev Tools (which are great, but aren't a passive way to monitor end user performance)
How could I log data to know how long users are waiting for components to mount or render?
The only thing I've thought of so far is creating a Loggable[Pure]Component that extends React.[Pure]Component whose constructor, componentWillMount/Update, and componentDidMount/Update methods log render/mount times to a server. Then, components I want to monitor can extend these components and, if need be, call super() in the lifecycle methods before doing their own work. To specifically know which components these metrics go to, I'd have to expose a method in the Loggable[Pure]Component class that does something silly like setUniqueId and then each derived class would have to call it in the constructor.
This all seems terrible and I'm very much hoping there are some things people out there have implemented, but I haven't found anything thus far.
I would have a look at some APM tools, they handle the frontend monitoring, and the backend monitoring as well. They all support react, and folks use these all the time for that use case. It really depends on your goals in the monitoring, are you doing this for fun? Do you have a startup? Are you working for a large enterprise? There are 3 major players in this market.
AppDynamics - Enterprise APM, handles the most complex apps. Unified product offering delivered SaaS or on-premises. Has deep database, server, and other monitoring.
Dynatrace - Enterprise APM, handles complex apps well. Fragmented portfolio, but the SaaS product is good. The SaaS product has limited depth in some ways. Handles server and cloud infrastructure monitoring well.
New Relic - Easy and cheap(er than others), not as in-depth as some other options. Tends to be popular with small companies. Does a good job monitoring cloud infrastructure services.
These products all do what you are looking for, but it depends on your goals with the data and how you plan to analyze it.
If you want something free and less functional there are ways to do this with open source, but you'll have to stand up and manage a pretty complex stack. Here is one option.
Check out boomerang, which can log/extract the metrics you are looking for, it doesn't "understand" react, but it should work. This data can be posted to many different systems. The best suited is likely the ELK stack (open source log analytics, and more). Here is one of several examples which marries these two together to provide analysis of the browser performance

Message bus for OSGi services

I'm in the middle of a project where we will migrate a major software system based on a larger set of custom made technologies to be based on OSGi services. For this we will likely need a some sort of message bus that plays nice with OSGi services.
Sync and ASync delivery
Point-to-point only
Guaranteed delivery - preferable with persistence via files
Strict message ordered from the same client (Async mode), but necessarily from different clients
Support for process-to-process and node-to-node nice but not strictly required
Open source solutions will be preferred, but not required.
I have looked at eventbus (as recommended in, but that does not seem to work well.
So the question is, which technologies match the above?
Having just come from a very similar, and successful project, please let me share my experience with you to save you some time and your company some money. First and foremost, ESB's were a really good idea 8 years ago when they were proposed. And, they solved an important problem: how do you define a business problem in a way that those pesky coders will understand? The goal was to develop a system that would allow a business person to create a software solution with little or no pesky developer interaction needed that would suck up money better spent on management bonuses.
To answer this the good folks at many organizations came up with JBI, BPMN and a host of other solutions that let business folks model the business processes they wanted to "digitize". But really, they were all flawed at a very critical level: they addressed business issues, but not integration issues. As such, many of these implementations were unsuccessful unless done by some high-priced consultant, and even then your prospects were sketchy.
At the same time, some really smart folks in the very late 90's published a book called "Enterprise Integration Patterns" which identified over 60 design patterns used to solve common integration problems. Many of the folks performing ESB stuff realized that their problem wasn't one of business modelling. Rather the problem was how to integrate thier existing applications. To help solve this Michael Strachan and some really smart guys started the Apache Software Foundation Project "Camel". Camel is a strict implementation of Enterprise Integration Patterns in addition to a huge number of components designed to allow folks like you and I to hook stuff together.
So, if you think of your business process as simply a need to send data from one application to another to another, with the appropriate data transformations between, then Camel is your answer. Now, what if you want to base the "route" (a specified series of application endpoints you want to send data thorugh) off of a set of configurable rules in a database? Well, Camel can do that too! There's an endpoint for that! Anyhow, dont' do the traditional ESB, its old and busted. And Absolutely do the camel thing.
Please let me know if this helps.
The OSGi specification defines a component "Event Admin" which is a lightweight pub-sub event subsystem.
From the RFC0157:
Event Admin specifies a means for an event source to send events to
event listeners. Event sources can create events with a topic and
properties and request Event Admin to deliver the events to event
listeners which have declared interest in specific event topics and/or
property values. The event source can request synchronous (and
unordered) delivery or asynchronous (and ordered) delivery.
Compared to your requirements, it would score as follows:
Sync and ASync delivery: Check
Point-to-point only: No. Pub-Sub
Guaranteed delivery - preferable with persistence via files: NO
Strict message ordered from the same client (Async mode): YES
Support for process-to-process: if (process == OSGi service) -> Yes
Support for node-to-node: Not yet. The guys of
Distributed OSGi have been working on this, but I've not seen
anything concrete.
I like the concept of Camel, but recently decided to go for the (lighter) Event Admin as my requirements are limited. +1 to Mike on the Camel motivation. I'd look into it and then compare options before deciding.
Aren't you looking for an ESB? ServiceMix is a:
flexible, open-source integration container that unifies the features and functionality of Apache ActiveMQ, Camel, CXF, ODE, Karaf into a powerful runtime platform you can use to build your own integrations solutions. It provides a complete, enterprise ready ESB exclusively powered by OSGi.
iPOJO Event Admin Handlers are a nicer-to-use way to access the Event Admin service mentioned by #maasg.
looks like you are talking about an ESB here. If its the case, then you might have look at wso2 ESB. It is powered by apache synapse. it uses OSGi as the modular framework, so that you can add/remove features according to your requirement. There is a whole product stack from wso2 like message brokers, Business process servers (ODE), etc based on the same OSGi core platform.
disclaimer : I work for wso2.

Should cluster support be at the application or framework level?

Lets say you're starting a new web project that required the website to run on and MVC framework on Mono. A couple major requirements are that it has to scale easy, be stable and work with multiple servers that may or may not be in the same place or even on the same local network.
The first thing I thought of was a sort of cluster communication between servers. Each server would act as a node and be its own standalone application and would query other nodes in a known list for session information and things like that.
But one major design questions I have is should this functionality be built into the supporting framework or should the application handle the synchronization of the data?
Or am I just way off and this would never work?
Normaly clustering rather belongs to some kind of middleware layer, thus on your framework level. However it can also be implemented on the application level.
It depends on your exact use, if you want load balancing, scalability etc.

What type of business/technology use might justify the high cost of a Websphere license?

In a large corporation I worked in previously a manager purchased a $50,000+ Websphere production license despite the fact that he only needed a container to run a couple of servlets on a small intranet system.
Assuming we agree that this was overkill, to say the least, and that a free servlet runner like Tomcat would probably have sufficed, what type of business/technology use might justify the high cost of an application server such as Websphere? I'm thinking that integration projects are the most likely candidate - i.e. in environments in which multiple legacy systems need to be glued together using Java/Websphere as a bridge or wrapper. Any other good cases?
I don't necessarily agree with the following, but there is a fairly strong argument there...
<devil's advocate>
The key thing to remember when looking at licensing isn't necessarily the cost of the technology, but rather the cost of having someone point their finger at you at 2am when it's all gone belly up that you want money for.
There are a bunch of companies who have built their business model on this approach (eg Sun - leaving the obvious debate aside on whether that actually worked or not, RedHat, et al).
The benefits that IBM can provide for their products don't really come down to technology per se (as you said, you can get something that'll do the same job for a much better price), it's more about the business process around their products. If you're in an environment where you need predictable uptime, scalability, etc etc. (Banking for example)
IBM's products are reasonably well tested (one of the reasons they're usually a couple of releases behind the bleading edge elsewhere). You know that the things you're getting will be pretty robust, integrate well with other big-business systems (both legacy systems as you said, and other business systems like Siebel, Oracle, SAP, etc) not to mention the one-stop-shop support for integration with other IBM products (if you've drunk the full IBM cool aid).
You also know that where there are issues with what's being delivered, it's relatively transparent and there will be documented workarounds available for things you're likely to bump into.
</devil's advocate>
If you have smart enough people, you don't necessarily need the support that folk like IBM can offer (take the RedHat example - people can still go and download Linux for free and run their business on it). But at 2:00 you're on your own - you can't ring up Linux (or one of the Tomcat committers) and get them to tell you what you're doing wrong and help you fix it.
If you continue to look around, you'll find that many decisions like this aren't as based on technical considerations as you'd think they should be. I, like most other experienced practicioners, would choose one of the other stacks like Tomcat or JBoss. This isn't because they don't have licensing costs; it's because developers can build the best product in the shortest amount of time with them compared to the other J2EE products.
As to why IBM and other J2EE vendors still have as big a market share as they do, it's because of thought patterns like "Having a throat to choke", and "Can't get fired for buying IBM". Neither of which contain much technical merit, but that's because most of the time the people making these decisions aren't technically curent enough to understand the real factors, and don't have or don't trust the people that are qualified to make the decision.
This question is a little too fine-grained to give a short technical answer, since there are so many complicated aspects to building a successful product in the context of your situation. A couple general "Containers For Dummies" guidelines though:
Use either Tomcat or JBoss, move on, and focus on writing a good application. I see a strong up-vote for Glassfish, but I'd caution that it might not have the critical mass you'd be comfortable with. You can use one of the other vendor products and still succeed; They'll just weigh you down more.
When in doubt, listen to Rod Johnson. He and his company Spring Source are paving the way for the evolution of Java today. He's doing for Java containers today what Josh Block did for Java 1.2 (anyone use the Collections framework???)
Remember that Websphere is not just an overengineered Servlet container - it's an overengineered J2EE container. Hence, things like EJBs that are also supported in J2EE are present within WebSphere - so if an application does need them, they are available. Of course, why one would need WebSphere instead of a generic J2EE container is beyond me - unless they need overengineered feature Y that is due to be released in Milestone X of competing freely available product Z.
To be precise, Websphere is not a product. It's a product line. As stated by Martin, service is a crucial part of why people purchase IBM Websphere products (and btw. a big chunk of IBMs revenue).
Websphere consists not only of the J2EE stack (aka Websphere Application Server). It has many components/products built on top of it such as the Websphere Process Choreographer (workflow engine), Websphere Portal, Websphere Business Monitor and other useful components to run a business.
Websphere is a terrible product. Unless you need all the other IBM products that integrate with it and nothing else, theres no sensible reason to buy it. If all you want is a servlet container, grab Tomcat or Jetty.
They are infinitely faster and wont give your developers headaches. Websphere is a royal pain in the arse. Things that take seconds in tomcat eg deploying a small WAR, literally require minutes and a thousand clicks in Websphere.
In the end Websphere only gets sold to big corporate types where the manager, knows little technology, doesnt care about wasting^h^h^h^h investing the companies money, and becasuse of the old addage - nobody got fired buying IBM.
Many people dont use EJBs and stick to Hibernate and Servlets. If you do that in the beginning theres no reason why your WARs wont work in the future when you decide to move to Websphere because it - integrates with something. Then again you really should also be sure that you are aware of what other products you might need in the future and use that in your decision making process.
Im sure many other java types when forced to work with Websphere with just servlets often develop in Tomcat and then deploy at the very end in WS.
