Referencing parent objects from children - ruby

Say you have a User class:
class User
attr_accessor :widgets
and a Widget:
class Widget
attr_accessor :owner
and you assign some widgets to a user:
user =
widget =
widget.owner = user
widget2 =
widget2.owner = user
user.widgets = [widget, widget2]
Now you have a recursion of user → widgets → owner. user.inspect shows the same user reference once for every widget, cluttering the output:
=> #<User:0x00000001cac820 #widgets=[#<Widget:0x00000001ca45f8 #owner=#<User:0x00000001cac820 ...>>, #<Widget:0x00000001c87a20 #owner=#<User:0x00000001cac820 ...>>]>
If we were to reduce this data structure to a hash we'd have:
{ user:
{ widgets: [ { widget: ... },
{ widget: ... } ]
We could pass this around instead of assigning widget.owner and it would be easy enough to reference the parent user.
I wonder if there's a way to access the parent object through the child without having to assign owner to all child objects, an interface that could work like this:
user =
widget =
user.widgets = [widget]
# => #<User:... #widgets=[#<Widget:...>]>

What you're looking for is a custom writer. There is no parent method or equivalent on the Object or BaseObject class, because implementing that would require objects to track every other object that happened to point to it. When you want that functionality though, custom writers make it simple and easy to implement.
class Widget
attr_accessor :owner
class User
attr_reader :widgets
def widgets=(widgets)
#widgets = widgets
widgets.each do |widget|
widget.owner = self
user =
widget =
user.widgets = [widget]
widget.owner #=> #<User:... #widgets=[#<Widget:...>]>
Note that this custom writer only covers regular assignment, like user.widgets = [widget]. If you wanted to do something like user.widgets << widget, the new widget wouldn't be assigned an owner. If you want to be able to do that, you'll either have to monkeypatch Array like this (not recommended), or you'll have to create a WidgetCollection class that likely inherits from Array. That's what ActiveRecord::Associations does. Speaking of which, if you happen to be using Rails, definitely look into using ActiveRecord to do all this for you. It looks like you're asking about plain old ruby so I'm giving you a vanilla ruby answer.

Thought of sharing the explanation I've come up with. It has no solid proof, but might help.
Firstly, there isn't any problem with loop chaining objects like that. The code wouldn't work fine just like that if there was a problem with loop chains, it would either crash or show an error. So it might be handling these kind of loop references in a way, but it really makes sense if you understand that variables are just references to objects.
I mean when you simply access a User instance user, it doesn't just load up everything inside it recursively. It just does nothing or maybe just takes out the reference. What really sets up the recursion is the inspect method, which recursively inspects all the instance variables inside the instance. But it does handle the deep inspects, with the .....
So your real problem should only be with making inspects look compact. You can override that method, so that it won't recurse, and gives you a nice message. Example :
class User
attr_accessor :widgets
def initialize
#widgets =[]
def inspect
class Widget
attr_accessor :owner
def inspect
The interface can remain the same.
user =
widget =
widget.owner = user
widget2 =
widget2.owner = user
user.widgets = [widget, widget2]
# => #[User:objid=-590412418;widgets=2]


Class methods vs Instances when using Page object model in ruby

I hope you are having a great day!
I'm wandering something, when using the POM (Page object model) we always create new instances of our classes, like the following simple example:
class LoginPage
def initialize(driver)
#driver = driver
def click_button
#driver.find_element(xpath: "//button[#title='Login']").click
# We create a new instance and we click the button
login_page =
This makes sense for me, we can create multiple pages if we need to, we can update the state of whatever we need.
However, if we only would have one page open at the time, and we know nothing changes, doesn't it make more sense to take a class method based approach like?:
class LoginPage
class << self
def click_button
#driver.find_element(xpath: "//button[#title='Login']").click
# We create a new instance and we click the button
Please let me know your ideas, and if you have tried this approach before

Sharing a class instance between two classes

I have two different classes that both represent objects that need to be persisted to my database and now I want to share the database client object between the two classes. I want to avoid instantiating the client object more than once.
Currently I do this by using a global variable
$client = => "myDb", :user => "user", :password => "password", :host => "localhost")
class Person
def save
$client.query("INSERT INTO persons")
class Car
def save
$client.query("INSERT INTO cars")
This works, but I am wondering if there are more correct ways to do this and why they are more correct?
You can inherit from a parent class. This allows you to share common functionality across objects and follows DRY (do not repeat yourself) programming principles. It will also allow you to protect your DB connection with locks, resuces, queues, pools, and whatever else you may want to do without having to worry about it in your children classes
class Record
#table_name = nil
##client = => "myDb", :user => "user", :password => "password", :host => "localhost")
def save
##client.query("INSERT INTO #{#table_name}") if #table_name
class Person < Record
#table_name = "persons"
class Car < Record
#table_name = "cars"
While we are on the subject, you should look at using ActiveRecord for handling your database models and connections. It already does pretty much anything you'll need and will be more compatible with other gems already out there. It can be used without rails.
As an alternative on using inheritance, why not consider a simple Singleton pattern? This could make your models cleaner, by separating the responsibility outside your classes. And eliminating the need for inheritance.
The example below illustrates this. Only one, single instance of the DataManager class can exist. So, you'll only instantiate it once - but can use it everywhere:
require 'singleton'
class DataManager
include Singleton
attr_accessor :last_run_query
def initialize()
if #client.nil?
p "Initialize the Mysql client here - note that this'll only be called once..."
def query(args)
# do your magic here
#last_run_query = args
Next, calling it using the .instance accessor is a breeze - and will always point to one single instance, like so:
# Fetch, or create a new singleton instance
first = DataManager.instance
first.query('drop table mother')
p first.last_run_query
# Again, fetch or create a new instance
# this'll actually just fetch the first instance from above
second = DataManager.instance
p second.last_run_query
# last line prints: "drop table mother"
For the record, the Singleton pattern can have some downsides and using it frequently results in a never-ending debate on whether you should use it or not. But in my opinion it's a decent alternative to your specific question.

Is this Ruby class really badly designed?

I'm quite new to OOP and I'm concerned that this class that I've written is really poorly designed. It seems to disobey several principles of OOP:
It doesn't contain its own data, but relies on a yaml file for
Its methods need to be called in a particular order
It has a lot of instance variables and methods
It does work, however. It's robust, but I'll need to modify the source code to add new getter methods every time I add page elements
It's a model of an html document used in an automated test suite. I keep thinking that some of the methods could be put in subclasses, but I'm concerned that I'd have too many classes then.
What do you think?
class BrandFlightsPage < FlightSearchPage
attr_reader :route, :date, :itinerary_type, :no_of_pax,
:no_results_error_container, :submit_button_element
def initialize(browser, page, brand)
super(browser, page)
#Get reference to config file
config_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'config', 'site_config.yml')
#Store hash of config values in local variable
config = YAML.load_file config_file
#brand = brand #brand is specified by the customer in the features file
#Define instance variables from the hash keys
config.each do |k,v|
def visit
def set_origin(origin)
self.text_field(#route[:attribute] => #route[:origin]).set origin
def set_destination(destination)
self.text_field(#route[:attribute] => #route[:destination]).set destination
def set_departure_date(outbound)
self.text_field(#route[:attribute] => #date[:outgoing_date]).set outbound
def set_journey_type(type)
if type == "return"[:attribute] => #itinerary_type[:single]).set
else[:attribute] => #itinerary_type[:return]).set
def set_return_date(inbound)
self.text_field(#route[:attribute] => #date[:incoming_date]).set inbound
def set_number_of_adults(adults)
self.select_list(#route[:attribute] => #no_of_pax[:adults]).select adults
def set_no_of_children(children)
self.select_list(#route[:attribute] => #no_of_pax[:children]).select children
def set_no_of_seniors(seniors)
self.select_list(#route[:attribute] => #no_of_adults[:seniors]).select seniors
def no_flights_found_message
#browser.div(#no_results_error_container[:attribute] => #no_results_error_container[:error_element]).text
raise UserErrorNotDisplayed, "Expected user error message not displayed" unless divFlightResultErrTitle.exists?
def submit_search[:attribute] => #submit_button_element[:button_element]).click
If this class is designed as a Facade, then it's not (too) bad design. It provides a coherent unified way to perform related operations that rely on a variety of un-related behavior holders.
It appears to be poor separation of concerns, in that this class essentially coupling all the various implementation details, which might turn out to be somewhat tricky to maintain.
Finally, the fact methods need to be called in a specific order may hint at the fact you're trying to model a state machine - in which case it probably should be broken down to several classes (one per "state"). I don't think there's a "too many methods" or "too many classes" point you'd reach, the fact is you need the features provided by each class to be coherent and making sense. Where to draw the line is up to you and your specific implementation's domain requirements.

Static local variables for methods in Ruby?

I have this:
def valid_attributes
{ :email => "some_#{rand(9999)}" }
For Rspec testing right? But I would like to do something like this:
def valid_attributes
static user_id = 0
user_id += 1
{ :email => "some_#{user_id}" }
I don't want user_id to be accessible from anywhere but that method,
is this possible with Ruby?
This is a closure case. Try this
lambda {
user_id = 0
self.class.send(:define_method, :valid_attributes) do
user_id += 1
{ :email => "some_#{user_id}" }
Wrapping everything in lambda allows the variables defined within lambda to only exist in the scope. You can add other methods also. Good luck!
This answer is a little larger in scope than your question, but I think it gets at the root of what you're trying to do, and will be the easiest and most maintainable.
I think what you're really looking for here is factories. Try using something like factory_girl, which will make a lot of testing much easier.
First, you'd set up a factory to create whatever type of object it is you're testing, and use a sequence for the email attribute:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :model do
sequence(:email) {|n| "person#{n}" }
# include whatever else is required to make your model valid
Then, when you need valid attributes, you can use
You can also use Factory.create and to create saved and unsaved instances of the model.
There's explanation of a lot more of the features in the getting started document, as well as instructions on how to add factories to your project.
You can use a closure:
def validator_factory
user_id = 0
lambda do
user_id += 1
{ :email => "some_#{user_id}" }
valid_attributes = validator_factory #=> {:email=>""} #=> {:email=>""}
This way user_id won't be accessible outside.
I'd use an instance variable:
def valid_attributes
#user_id ||= 0
#user_id += 1
{ :email => "some_#{#user_id}" }
The only variables Ruby has are local variables, instance variables, class variables and global variables. None of them fit what you're after.
What you probably need is a singleton that stores the user_id, and gives you a new ID number each time. Otherwise, your code won't be thread-safe.

Rails 3, confused about 'before_create :some_method' ... WHEN does some_method do its thing?

we have model helper (used by several different models) called set_guids that sets self.theguid to a random string. Been using it for a long time, we know it works.
in a new model 'Dish' we created, we have
before_create :set_guids (NOTE: no other before/after/validation, just this)
def do_meat_dish
( this is invoked by #somemeat.do_meat_dish in the Dish contoller )
( it manipulated the #somemeat object using self.this and self.that, works fine)
( THEN sometimes it creates a new object of SAME MODEL type )
( which is handled differently)
#veggie =
def do_veggie_dish
recipe_str = "add the XXXX to water"
recipe_str.gsub!("XXXX", self.theguid) *** the PROBLEM: self.theguid is nil
as soon as we execute veggie = shouldn't veggie.theguid be initialized?
Note we have not saved the new object yet... but the before_create should still have done its thing, right?
it is something to do with create a new instance of a model inside a method for the same model?
is it something with using # for the variables?
Additional note: if we comment out the line trying to access self.theguid everything else works fine ... it's ONLY the value (supposedly) set by the before_create set_guids that is nil instead of being a guid.
before_create is called only before the object is saved to the database the first time. That's why you get nil.
I suggest that you use after_initialize callback instead. Be careful though, since after_initialize will be called whenever the document is new or loaded from the db, that way you will have new guids every time you get the document, which is not what you want. So I suggest you do something like:
def set_guids
return unless theguid.nil?
As another solution, if you don't want to change the after_create callback above, you can do something like:
def theguid
super || set_guids
That should let you go also.
