Rails 3, confused about 'before_create :some_method' ... WHEN does some_method do its thing? - ruby

we have model helper (used by several different models) called set_guids that sets self.theguid to a random string. Been using it for a long time, we know it works.
in a new model 'Dish' we created, we have
before_create :set_guids (NOTE: no other before/after/validation, just this)
def do_meat_dish
( this is invoked by #somemeat.do_meat_dish in the Dish contoller )
( it manipulated the #somemeat object using self.this and self.that, works fine)
( THEN sometimes it creates a new object of SAME MODEL type )
( which is handled differently)
#veggie = Dish.new
def do_veggie_dish
recipe_str = "add the XXXX to water"
recipe_str.gsub!("XXXX", self.theguid) *** the PROBLEM: self.theguid is nil
as soon as we execute veggie = Dish.new shouldn't veggie.theguid be initialized?
Note we have not saved the new object yet... but the before_create should still have done its thing, right?
it is something to do with create a new instance of a model inside a method for the same model?
is it something with using # for the variables?
Additional note: if we comment out the line trying to access self.theguid everything else works fine ... it's ONLY the value (supposedly) set by the before_create set_guids that is nil instead of being a guid.

before_create is called only before the object is saved to the database the first time. That's why you get nil.
I suggest that you use after_initialize callback instead. Be careful though, since after_initialize will be called whenever the document is new or loaded from the db, that way you will have new guids every time you get the document, which is not what you want. So I suggest you do something like:
def set_guids
return unless theguid.nil?
As another solution, if you don't want to change the after_create callback above, you can do something like:
def theguid
super || set_guids
That should let you go also.


Problems writing an activerecord alternative [duplicate]

From the book Agile Web Development With Rails
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
named_scope :last_n_days, lambda { |days| {:conditions =>
['updated < ?' , days] } }
named_scope :checks, :conditions => {:pay_type => :check}
The statement
orders = Orders.checks.last_n_days(7)
will result to only one query to the database.
How does rails implement this? I'm new to Ruby and I'm wondering if there's a special construct that allows this to happen.
To be able to chain methods like that, the functions generated by named_scope must be returning themselves or an object than can be scoped further. But how does Ruby know that it is the last function call and that it should query the database now?
I ask this because the statement above actually queries the database and not just returns an SQL statement that results from chaining.
There are two tricks (or patterns if you will) employed in the named_scope magic.
Proxy pattern - calling a named scope method on a class or an association always returns an instance of the ActiveRecord::NamedScope::Scope class, not a colleciton of filtered AR objects. This pattern, altough very useful, makes things kind of blurry sometimes, since the proxy objects are ambivalent in their nature.
Lazy loading - thanks to lazy loading (which in this context means - hitting the database only if neccessary) named scopes can be chained up to the point when you need to work with the collection defined by the scopes. Whenever you request the underlying colleciton, all the chained scopes are evaluated and a database query is executed.
One final note: There's one thing to have in mind when playing with named scopes (or with any thing that uses delegation of some kind) in IRB. Everytime you hit Enter, the thing you wrote beforehand is evaluated and the inspect method is called on the returned value. In the case of chained named scopes, although the whole expression is evaluated to a Scope instance, when the IRB calls the inspect method on it, the scopes are evaluated and the database query is fired. This is caused by the fact that the inspect method is by means of delegation propagated through all the scope objects up to the underlying collection.
You might want to try this
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
class << self
def last_n_days(n)
scoped(:conditions => ['updated < ?', days])
def checks
scoped(:conditions => {:pay_type => :check})
usage is the same
#orders = Order.last_n_days(5)
#orders = Order.checks
#orders = Order.checks.last_n_days(5)
This still does all the lazy loading you love. That is, it won't make a query until you attempt to access the records. Bonus: Rails 3 compatible!
Named Scopes Are Dead
Very cool. I was thinking of doing something like this in Javascript but Javascript behaves rather weird.
The statement:
var x = SomeObject;
does not call SomeObject's toString() function. But the statement:
var x;
x = SomeObject;
correctly calls the toString() function as expected.
This prevents Javascript from doing cool stuff with chaining. =(

How to set a method dynamically as other class method

Im new to Ruby, and im creating a cli app with Thor and some additional gems. My problem is that i take user input (from the console) and pass the data as a variable to a existing method (This method is from a gem)
My method
def search(searchtype, searchterm)
search = OtherClass.new
result = search.search.searchtype keyword: "#{searchterm}"
puts result
# search.search.searchtype is not a method in the gem im using.
The OtherClass gem has these search methods: users, repos
The users method
def users(*args)
arguments(args, :required => [:keyword])
get_request("/legacy/user/search/#{escape_uri(keyword)}", arguments.params)
The repos method
def repos(*args)
arguments(args, :required => [:keyword])
get_request("/legacy/repos/search/#{escape_uri(keyword)}", arguments.params)
So how can i pass in the user data to the method from the OtherClass? Heres something like what i would want to do. The SEARCHTERM would be dynamically passed to the search.search object as a method parameter.
def search(SEARCHTYPE, searchterm)
search = OtherClass.new
result = search.search.SEARCHTYPE keyword: "#{searchterm}"
puts result
The "#{searchterm}" works as expected, but i also want to pass in the method to the search.search object dynamically, this could probably be done with if's but im sure theres a better way, maybe the Ruby way to solve this problem.
Finally i would want to be able to use this little program like this (the serch method)
./search.rb search opensource linux
(where opensource could be users, or another type of search, and linux could be the search keyword for the searchtype)
If this is possible i would apprechiate any help!
If you'd like to call a method dynamically, use Object#send.
I would caution against sending a method that was obtained by user input though, for security reasons.

Issue loading classes order EDIT: works, although some odd behavior along the way

I'm working on a project to recreate some of the functionality of ActiveRecord. Here's the portion that isn't working
module Associations
def belongs_to(name, params)
self.class.send(:define_method, :other_class) do |name, params|
(params[:class_name] || name.camelize).constantize
self.class.send(:define_method, :other_table_name) do |other_class|
o_c = other_class(name, params)
#puts this and other (working) values in a query
query = <<-SQL
#sends it off with db.execute(query)...
I'm building towards this testing file:
require 'all_files' #holds SQLClass & others
pets_db_file_name = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "pets.db"))
#class Person
class Pet < SQLClass
set_attrs(:id, :name, :owner_id)
belongs_to :person, :class_name => "Person", :primary_key => :id, :foreign_key => :owner_id
class Person < SQLClass
set_attrs(:id, :name)
has_many :pets, :foreign_key => :owner_id
Without any changes I received
.../active_support/inflector/methods.rb:230:in `block in constantize': uninitialized constant Person (NameError)
Just to make sure that it was an issue with the order of loading the classes in the file I began the file with the empty Person class, which, as predicted gave me
undefined method `table_name' for Person:Class (NoMethodError)
Since this is a learning project I don't want to change the test to make my code work (open all the classes, set all the tables/attributes then reopen them them for belongs_to. But, I'm stuck on how else to proceed.)
class SQLClass < AssignmentClass
extend SearchMod
extend Associations
def self.set_table_name(table_name)
#table_name = table_name
def self.table_name
#some more methods for finding rows, and creating new rows in existing tables
And the relevant part of AssignmentClass uses send on attr_accessor to give functionality to set_attrs and makes sure that before you initialize a new instance of a class all the names match what was set using set_attrs.
This highlights an important difference between dynamic, interpreted Ruby (et al) and static, compiled languages like Java/C#/C++. In Java, the compiler runs over all your source files, finds all the class/method definitions, and matches them up with usages. Ruby doesn't work like this -- a class "comes into existence" after executing its class block. Before that, the Ruby interpreter doesn't know anything about it.
In your test file, you define Pet first. Within the definition of Pet, you have belongs_to :person. belongs_to does :person.constantize, attempting to get the class object for Person. But Person doesn't exist yet! Its definition comes later in the test file.
There are a couple ways I can think that you could try to resolve this:
One would be to do what Rails does: define each class in its own file, and make the file names conform to some convention. Override constant_missing, and make it automatically load the file which defines the missing class. This will make load order problems resolve themselves automatically.
Another solution would be to make belongs_to lazy. Rather than looking up the Person class object immediately, it could just record the fact that there is an association between Pet and Person. When someone tries to call pet.person, use a missing_method hook to actually define the method. (Presumably, by that time all the class definitions will have been executed.)
Another way would be do something like:
define_method(belongs_to) do
belongs_to_class = belongs_to.constantize
self.class.send(:define_method, belongs_to) do
# put actual definition here
This code is not tested, it's just to give you an idea! Though it's a pretty mind-bending idea, perhaps. Basically, you define a method which redefines itself the first time it is called. Just like using method_missing, this allows you to delay the class lookup until the first time the method is actually used.
If I can say one more thing: though you say you don't want to "overload" method_missing, I don't think that's as much of a problem as you think. It's just a matter of extracting code into helper methods to keep the definition of method_missing manageable. Maybe something like:
def method_missing(name,*a,&b)
if has_belongs_to_association?(name)
elsif has_has_many_association?(name)
# more...
Progress! Inspired by Alex D's suggestion to use method_missing to delay the creation I instead used define_methodto create a method for the name, like so:
define_method, :other_class) do |name, params|
(params[:class_name] || name.camelize).constantize
define_method(:other_table_name) do |other_class|
define_method(name) do #|params| turns out I didn't need to pass in `params` at all but:
#p "---#{params} (This is line 31: when testing this out I got the strangest error
#.rb:31:in `block in belongs_to': wrong number of arguments (0 for 1) (ArgumentError)
#if anyone can explain this I would be grateful.
#I had declared an #params class instance variable and a getter for it,
#but nothing that should make params require an argument
f_k = foreign_key(name, params)
p f_k
o_c = other_class(name, params)
o_t_n = other_table_name(o_c)
p_k = primary_key(params)
query = <<-SQL
FROM #{o_t_n}
WHERE #{p_k} = ?
row = DBConnection.execute(query, self.send(f_k))

Can't display more than one table model inheriting from the same class on different tables in QtRuby

I've been following this article to display ActiveRecord data in QtRuby. I've copied the BoatTableModel class from there(used my own code for the rest). In the article, BoatTableModel is defined to only support the Boat model, but except for the column definitions the code is quite generic. So, I've changed it so instead of having the columns defined there, I've made it take the columns from a column_names method, and define that methods in subclasses for each model.
Here is my code:
class QtArModel<Qt::AbstractTableModel
def initialize(items)
def rowCount(parent=nil)
def columnCount(parent=nil)
def data(index,role=Qt::DisplayRole)
return invalid unless role==Qt::DisplayRole or role==Qt::EditRole
return invalid if item.nil?
return Qt::Variant.new(v)
def headerData(section,orientation,role=Qt::DisplayRole)
return invalid unless role==Qt::DisplayRole
v=case orientation
when Qt::Horizontal
return Qt::Variant.new(v.to_s)
def flags(index)
return Qt::ItemIsEditable|super(index)
def setData(index,variant,role=Qt::EditRole)
if index.valid? and role==Qt::EditRole
if index.column.between?(0,column_names.length-1)
raise "invalid column #{index.column}"
emit dataChanged(index,index)
return false
class QtCoursesTableModel<QtArModel
def column_names
return [
class QtTasksTableModel<QtArModel
def column_names
return [
Now, when I display one model(doesn't matter which) - everything works just fine. However, when I display both models, each in it's own Qt::TableView - only the first one is displayed, and the other table view is blank.
I've tried different ordering, and the table that gets to display it's data is always the one which it's Qt::TableView is created first - the order of the creating the Qt models does not matter. Also, when I create the model object for the first table, but don't actually set it's model property to it, the second table displays it's data.
I've also tried to display the same model twice in two different table views - and it worked - for a split second, and then the second view's data disappeared.
I've also tried to copy-paste the QtArModel, change it's name, and make one of the models inherit from the copy. That did work - but it's obviously a huge code duplication, so I would really like to avoid that.
Now, my guess is that something in QtArModel is defined as a class member instead of instance member, making both model instances share something they shouldn't share. It has to be in QtArModel - because if it was higher in the inheritance tree, the problem would have remained when I've duplicated QtArModel. However, I can't find anything in my QtArModel that's class-scoped instead of instance-scoped.
What am I missing?
OK, I've managed to work this out. Apparently, the problem was not the inheritance, but the GC. Since the only connection to the models was from TableView's model property - which is just a wrapper for C++ getter and setter - ruby thought it lost the reference to my models, and GC'd them.
Solved by keeping the models in ruby variables.

Alternative initialize for a Class to avoid processing already known information

I have a class, Autodrop, that contains several methods , a.o. 'metadata', that call an external API (dropbox). They are slow.
However, I already often have that metadata around when initializing the AutodropImage, so I should make the methods smarter.
What I have in mind is this:
class Autodrop
include Dropbox
attr_reader :path
def initialize(path)
#path = path
def self.from_entry(drop_entry)
#drop_entry = drop_entry
def metadata
if #drop_entry = nil
return heavy_lifting_and_network_traffic
return #drop_entry.metadata
Now, I would expect to call
entry = BarEntry.new()
foo = Autodrop.from_entry(entry)
In order to avoid that heavy lifting and network traffic call.
But this does not work. And somehow, in all my newbieness, I am sure I am goind at this all wrong.
Is there a term I should look for and read about first? How would you go for this?
Note, that the examples are simplified: in my code, I inherit AutodropImage < Autodrop for example, which is called from withing AutodropGallery < Autodrop. The latter already knows all metadata for the AutodropImage, so I mostly want to avoid AutodropImage going over the heavy lifting again.
You are creating an instance variable #drop_entry in your class method from_entry and obviously it wont be available to your object that you are creating in this method. One workaround is to pass it as a parameter when you are initializing the class. It should work if you do the following modifications:
In your from_entry class method change
Modify initialize method to:
def initialize(drop_entry)
#drop_entry = drop_entry
#path = #drop_entry.path
Or if your class is tied up to pass only the path parameter, ie. you dont want to change the other existing code then you can use an optional parameter drop entry like so
def initialize(path, drop_entry=nil)
You would need to cache the metadata in a class variable.
Edit: Or in a class level instance variable.
Maybe this read will help: http://railstips.org/blog/archives/2006/11/18/class-and-instance-variables-in-ruby/
