Visual Studio Permanently Disable Overwrite - visual-studio

I have a minor annoyance with Visual Studio. In the bottom right hand corner of Visual Studio, there is a INS/OVR button to toggle Insert/Overwrite. I always have this button set to INS, and I always want it to be set to INS.
However, sometimes when I build the solution, Visual Studio changes this back to OVR. I have to click on the button to change it back to INS, which is slightly inconvenient.
I do not know why this setting sometimes changes.
Is there anyway I can permanently disable the overwrite mode in Visual Studio or prevent solution builds from changing this setting?

Visual Studio, Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard, remove the shortcut binding for Edit.OvertypeMode

I don't think you can permanently turn insert/overwrite off. Are you accidentally pressing insert on your keyboard? You can press the insert key on your keyboard or Shift+0 on the numpad to toggle it back again.

Go to Visual Studio Code's settings and type "overtype" in the search bar, and set it to 'never'.
Hope this helped! :)

Sometimes visual studio wont disable overtype even if you hit insert with numlock on, If this happens just close script and open it again and it will work. This is a bug in visual studio.


How do I disable autcomplete on space in Visual Studio 2022?

In Visual Studio 2022, I often will run into an issue where I am typing a smaller word and, when I press SPACE, VS auto-completes it to something completely unrelated to the context that just happened to be the highest in the IntelliSense suggestion popup. How do I change this behavior to only auto-complete/accept suggestions when you press TAB
Edit > IntelliSense > Switch between automatic and tab-only IntelliSense completion

How to prevent enter key from making new line during resharper intellisense completion

I have a lot of experience as an Intellij developer where the enter key will always insert the first auto-complete suggestion. In visual studio with resharper however, the enter key will create a new line instead of inserting the first intellisense suggestion. Can anyone suggest a way to allow the enter key to replicate the Intellij behavior? I know pressing the tab key behaves as expected by my muscle memory keeps pressing enter without me thinking about it.
Can anyone suggest a way to allow the enter key to replicate the
Intellij behavior? I know pressing the tab key behaves as expected by
my muscle memory keeps pressing enter without me thinking about it.
In your side, you have installed Resharper, so you have two ways to use Intellisense: Visual Studio Intellisense which is the default way for Visual Studio, Resharper Intellisense.
1) If you use Visual Studio Intellisense(make sure you choose Visual Studio by the top menu ReSharper-->Options-->Environment-->Intellisense-->General) and face this issue, please try this:
choose Never add new line on enter by Tools-->Options-->Text Editor-->C#(please choose the corresponding development language)-->Intellisense-->Enter Key Behavior.
2) If you use Resharper Intellisense(make sure you choose Resharper by the top menu ReSharper-->Options-->Environment-->Intellisense-->General), you will not face this issue.
Note: if you face this issue in Resharper Intellisense, l think it is the issue about some changes in Resharper Option.You can try to reset Resharper settings by Resharper-->Manage Options-->Reset all settings.
Hope it could help you.
Just a quick update for the previously posted answer as I noticed the location has changed slightly as of now. I found this option (using Visual Studio Intellisense) under:
Tools menu > Text Editor > C/C++ (or whatever language you are using) > Advanced > IntelliSense section > set Member List Commit Aggressive to True.

Visual Studio Breakpoint, click to disable, not to delete

By default, Visual Studio 2012, and others possibly, deletes an enabled breakpoint upon clicking it. This to me feels unnatural because clicking a disabled breakpoint enables it. Why then would a subsequent click delete it? I would expect the opposite, which is disabling the breakpoint, similar behaviour to Xcode.
Is there a setting somewhere that allows me to modify this behaviour, to clicking to toggle between enabled and disabled?
i don't know about a setting to change the single click behavior, but a little experimenting revealed that shift clicking the breakpoint disables instead of deletes it. this is in visual studio 2019. i found your question because i was wondering the same thing.

Visual Studio 2013 Debug keyboard shortcuts are not working

I just got a new computer with Windows 8 and installed Visual Studio 2013 on it and now I have an issue with debugger shortcuts - I run application in a debug mode and it breaks at the first break point but when I try going further line by line, F10 does not work from the keyboard - only VS Debug menu. Anything I am missing?
P.S. The issue was the function key. It needs to be turned on in order to use F keys
On Lenovo laptops, there is a shortcut to disable the Fn key automatically running the default Windows shortcuts.
Hit the Fn key and the Esc key at the same time to toggle the "Hot Key" default.
Hope this works for other Laptop brands since this is an easy shortcut for newer Lenovo laptops.
Please follow the instruction here, though it talks about visual studio 2010 it should help you to analyze the problem. it may be solved with the steps described there and if not, please let me know...
Why does F10 (step over) in Visual Studio 2010 not work?
Update Adding the answer from the source in case the link will be removed:
In the Options.Keyboard page, please select "Debug.StepOver" from the command listbox, and then put focus to the "Press shortcut keys" textbox and press F10, click Assign button to re-assign shortcut, does it work?
You can also try to run Visual Studio under safe mode, which will
prevents all third-party VSPackages from loading when Visual Studio
starts; if the issue disappear under safe mode, you may consider
checking your installed add-ons or VSPackages.
Second, to log all activity of Visual Studio to a log file for further
troubleshooting, please use the /Log switch, and post the log file
content here, so we can do more investigation on it.
If this feature works well before, and suddenly behave abnormally, it
usually indicate that some files or configurations of Visual Studio
installation is corrupted or missed, you can:
Restores Visual Studio default settings by using "Devenv.exe
/ResetSettings" command. Please backup your settings before restore to
default settings.
Repair/reinstall Visual Studio;
To repair Visual Studio In the Add or Remove Programs dialog box,
select Visual Studio then click Change/Remove.
I resolved my issue and wanted to post an answer in case anyone is looking for it. Enabling function key does not require any complicated solution, it can be enabled by changing settings in:
Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound (Category) -> Windows Mobility Center -> Adjust Commonly Used Mobility Settings
Look Under Function Key Behavior and change the dropdown value to "Function Key" to enable Fn key.
To disable it, select "Multimedia Key" 
Also check 3rd party software. In my case I had Camtasia Recorder open and minimized, which apparently intercepts the F10 input (thanks, TechSmith)
I had the same problem. My solution was a bit different and can apply to any key. My F10 key was not working. After unplugging the keyboard and plugging it back in did not fix the problem, I twisted the keyboard like an ice cube tray and the F10 key started working again.

Backspace doesn't work in Visual Studio

I keep getting a very annoying problem in Visual Studio. When I try to delete some text by pressing backspace it doesn't work. Why is this? What is going on? Sometimes I have to close and open Visual Studio to make this problem go away but I just tried that right now and it didn't work. Backspace works in Notepad in case you are wondering.
In Visual Studio go to:
Find "Edit.DeleteBackwards" command.
In "Use new shortcut in:" dropdown select "Text Editor".
In "Press shortcut keys:" click backspace so it would show "Bkspce"
Click "OK".
Backspace should start working for you again.
This seems to happen to me when I open a solution and there are files already open. I used to close the files, then close and re-open the solution to fix it, but now I just hit Alt + Enter.
Here is the blog where I found this trick.
I solved this issue resetting keyboard mapping scheme.
Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard -> Reset.
A quick fix for me is to simply open any menu from the menu bar. Once the menu is closed the non-character keys start to work again.
Except for the above methods.
You should also check the shortcut key settings:
File -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> 'Then check the item: deleteLeft'.
I get this from time to time in VS2010 as well and simply just using the mouse to change tabs/files seems to always fix it now. Nothing more.
This method is working at 100%.
Go to "File-> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts" and search for deleteLeft and add keybinding "Backspace".
Odd that this is still an issue even in VS 2019. Both the backspace and delete keys didn't work. Quick fix, I just ran the project and it seemed to give it the kick it needed.
All I did was exit visual studio and restart it.None of the above options worked for me.
In my case the problem was the "When" Condition in "File-> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts".
I removed "textInputFocus && !editorReadonly" and it works now as expected.
I'm looking forward to the side effects ;).
Try resetting your Visual Studio Settings
Go to :
All Program > Visual Studio 20xx > Visual Studio Tools
Run Developer Command Prompt for VS20xx as Administrator and this command:
devenv.exe /resetsettings
A quick work-around for me is locking the pc (Windows+L) and logging in again.
You can reset keyboard mapping scheme like this
Options => Environment => Keyboard then select (Default) in the comboBox and click Reset button and then Ok button to confirm
Visual studio 2019 : Keyboard mapping sheme
Tested in Visual Studio 2019
This problem happened for me when I used a different version of resharper at home and then took that project to my employment. Backspace works for me now after I deleted the bin and obj and resharper directories.
I have this problem after I install Vim, uninstall Vim Backspace works fine.
When this issue has happened to me, I've found that hitting delete or backspace is unresponsive only within a portion of my code. This portion happened to be some code that I've pasted in from the internet somewhere.
To fix this issue, I cut out the recently pasted problematic code and then pasted it into a text editor like Notepad++. Then copying and pasting that same code out of the text editor and back into Visual Studio fixed the problem.
Using Visual Studio Community 2019 (16.4.3)
I just searched this issue because I could click in my document, type, et cetera, but I could not use backspace, delete, ctrl+z, or the arrow keys.
Opening the "File" menu, I noticed the Save option referred to a different file. I checked that file and found that all of the keys that seemed not to work were actually editing that other file.
Switching between the file in half-focus and the file I intended to edit worked and, luckily, undo was able to fix the file I unknowingly butchered.
If you wound up here, check your "File" menu to make sure the correct file is referenced, since the fix is quick and easy to try.
Just had this exact issue (along with 'Enter', 'Ctrl+X', 'Ctrl+C', 'Ctrl+V', 'Ctrl+Z' keyboard mappings seemingly doing nothing) in the latest VS preview version below:
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 (64-bit) - Preview
Version 17.2.0 Preview 6.0
The fix for me was to move to another tab (I had multiple open) use the backspace key which worked fine, then move back to the original tab with which it wasn't working, save the file (as it had outstanding changes) and then I found backspace and all other shortcuts then worked!
I can only think that VS got in a locked (to keyboard mappings) state for that particular tab.
A few notes on this:
I knew it wasn't a keyboard issue as I was able to use those
keys/mappings fine in other apps.
I found closing and reopening VS didn't work.
Also resetting the keyboard mappings (through Options menu as others have described) didn't work.
I had multiple tabs open.
Resharper was disabled.
I just had this happen in one instance of Visual Studio 2022, caused by the debug settings editor window being open in another instance of Visual Studio 2022 in the background where I couldn't see it.
Closing that window resolved it.
I've had this issue for a long time. I'm not sure what causes it, but Alt + Enter works.
The extensions that I'm running include AnkhSVN, MySQL Tools, and Productivity Power Tools.
