Connecting SQL Server to vs on different networks - visual-studio-2010

I couldn't find an answer so I'm posting it here.
I want to know if it's possible to connect from Visual Studio to SQL Server based only on IP address when the two servers are not in the same domain or workgroup?
I've allowed remote connections and opened port 1433 on both servers with no luck. One server is 2008r2 and the second is 2012r2. The SQL Server version is 2012.
Thank you

It's certainly possible. Since they aren't in the same domain, you won't be able to use windows authentication. But you can use a SQL login.
I believe this is a duplicate question of:
Connect to SQL Server through IP address
That shows you other steps to check for answering by IP address only.


Conflict with VPN client and SQL Server Express

I have a Windows application running locally on a Windows 10 PC that connects to a SQL Server Express database that is also installed locally on the PC. The PC also has a VPN client on it. Whenever the VPN client is logged onto a network, the Windows application cannot connect to the SQL Server database. So, I have to go into SQL Server Configuration Manager and change the setup from using TCP/IP to use Shared Memory. Then everything works fine. So, I assume both programs are using the TCP/IP stack and are conflicting with each other. The VPN client is typically connected continuously all day. Would anyone know why there would be a conflict here? Thanks.

Connect to an ejabberd server from another machine

I have ejabberd installed on my windows 7 machine .I created users using the web admin and clients are connecting fine.(I am using psi). I want for the users on other machines to be able to connect and even users with android clients.
I have modified the hosts file in
like this: is the ip address of the machine the server is installed on.I can ping it from other machines but when i try to connect a user with let say usr: pwd: passwrd it says the server can't be reached. What do I need to do to let clients connect successfuly to my ejabberd server?I apologize if this is basic but this is my first trial on xmpp server administration.
It was a problem with my own understanding with DNS .The domain name you set up when you set up your xmpp server should be an already existing ACCESSIBLE address on the network. I found the name of my pc simply by running the famous
on windows and used the host name value as my domain while setting up ejabberd.It usually even finds it by default.
NOTE: To reconfigure ejabberd ,I uninstalled it and deleted everything in the
If i didn't do so ,the last settings of the server are not deleted and you can't create your new admin account.These are my findings on ejabberd so far and I hope it helps somebody some day.

FTP on Windows 2008 r2 on Google Compute Engine

I'm having difficulty setting up FTP to my new Windows 2008 R2 Server on the Google Compute Engine. I've tried to follow the basic steps here: Can you use FTP with Google Compute?
I need deeper help with more of a step by step approach with details as to where to enter IP ranges, IP addresses, etc.
I've setup many FTP servers on Windows before, but with this one FileZilla gives me the error of "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server". I've even tried to setup Anonymous FTP to no avail. It seems that it is not even reaching the server, so I'm fairly certain it's a firewall issue.
I've tried to open a passive range of tcp:5000-6000 on both the Google Network's firewall rules and my Windows Firewall on the server. Port 21 is open in both.
Incidentally, WebDav is working well, although that's probably because http and https are opened when setting up the server. Also, I know FTP is insecure. I have no choice in that matter.
Really baffling. Thank you.
List firewall rules on all instances
gcloud compute firewall-rules list
Add allowed ips to RDP firewall rule
gcloud compute firewall-rules create rdp --allow tcp:3389 --source-ranges CIDR_ADDRESSES

cannot connect to VM in azure

this is the first time I am trying to host at Iaas level using microsoft azure. I have created a VM, microsoft server 2012. But I cannot access the VM using the DNS name.
Based on the content of the comments, I see three things that could be wrong
1) Apache is not listening on the external IP of the VM
2) Firewall is not configured to allow for access
3) Since you mentioned DNS, is that the * hostname or a custom DNS? If it's the latter, maybe it isn't distributed yet or misconfigured?
Which of these did you check already? Then we can guide you through the remaining ones.

How can I indirectly access a server that only allows connections from certain IP addresses?

I need to connect to a Windows Server 2003 machine at work from a Windows 7 machine at home via remote deskop. The problem is, the server is set up so that only a very restricted range of IP addresses is allowed to connect to the server. For a few weeks I will be unable to physically access the machine to change these settings, so I'm screwed unless I can somehow spoof my own IP address into one that the server allows.
I know this sounds shady and variations on this question have probably been asked a million times, but it's not like I need to break into this server. I have full administrator rights to the machine, I just can't connect to the machine from outside the work network.
Is there any way to do this? Thanks for any help.
