Compile VxWorks project in Visual Studio - visual-studio-2010

I have a VxWorks project that compiles under Toronado on my Win7 machine. I am trying to convert the same project to compile in my Visual Studio 2010. I don't need it to complete to where it creates a .o/out file but at least get through all the defines/includes and etc. so I can use Visual Studio's IDE for definition jumping and etc..
I'm at a point where I'm getting a 'undeclared identifier' for "_interrupt" which is included in several include files from the ..\tornado\target\config\ folder.
I'd appreciate any suggestions

I would like to comment on this but don't have enough points.
I do the same thing using eclipse instead of visual studio, I don't do anything special to make it work.
It sounds like you are trying to do the link even though you don't want to. Make sure when you create your project you set it up to create a library not an executable, it should do the compile then but no linking.


Compiling the opus-codec API library

First, going to be honest. I'm a c#/java-language-level dweller. So I have no idea about how to compile native-C projects such as opus.
I've tried doing it myself, and I've tried googling it. I simply need help compiling the opus-codec API (on Windows).
Once I have the library compiled, I'll build a wrapper for it's API.
While my searches have indeed found opus wrappers targeting my current project's language (c#), I can't find an up-to-date one. I don't know if it matters, but I need it for it's VoIP capabilities.
Sorry for my stupidity in the matter.
After compiling with Visual Studio 2010: Ultimate, I have a .lib library file. I need a .dll. I don't know what I'm doing. Help?
In a C project there is going to be some way to drive a build of all the object files, libraries, etc. Basically the same thing as maven build in Java, just with different tools. You will have to have the right tools if you don't.
On unix systems it's usually Makefile driven, running command line programs that compile and link the program or library that is being built. In GUI environments like XCode or Visual Studio, there are ways to run the build directly from the UI.
Looking at the source tree, there's a directory with a number of Visual Studio 2010 projects in it -;a=tree;f=win32/VS2010
If you're using Visual Studio, loading that up and trying a build to see if it still works is where I'd start. Or perhaps have a look at Any way to do Visual Studio "project only" build from command line? or other questions that reference msbuild.

How to build an F# application with dependencies downloaded from Paket?

I'm having a hard time trying to build a F# project in Visual Studio that has dependencies downloaded with Paket. It raises several of the following errors (with different dlls each time):
Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "XPlot.Plotly.dll". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors. (Code=MSB3245)
For this very example, visual studio adds the option -r:C:\projects\StarWars-social-network-master\packages\XPlot.Plotly\lib\net45\XPlot.Plotly.dll. The file actually exists in my filesystem, so I don't know what I am doing wrong. Can anyone point me to a workaround?
Thank you.
From the directory name, I guess you're looking at Evelina Gabasova's Star Wars network analysis.
As far as I can tell, the project uses F# Script files and so you do not need to compile it at all. It is designed to be used with F# Interactive. Once you open the project, you can look at the individual script files *.fsx, select blocks of code and run them interactively - If you are using Visual Studio, this is done using Alt+Enter - other editors use either this or Ctrl+Enter (Xamarin Studio).
Many F# data analysis scripts follow this pattern - you're not really building a project that needs to be compiled and executed as a whole, so running bits of code from script files immediately makes a lot more sense in this context.

Visual Studio not able to run ".lib" file?

I am trying to build a project from the following Source Code (it accompanies a book I am currently reading). Unfortunately, visual studio can not run a library with the name "cyclone_d.lib". I believe this is because visual studio simply can not locate the file. I have spent several hours trying to fix this problem by changing the settings in the linker and project, for example adding Additional Directories, but I have not been able to get any results.
Please let me know how I can fix this problem and compile the code.
Thank You!
Your link to source points only to some Unix-style source files but no VS project files. So I can only guess and give general help.
A VS solution contains one or more projects. Each project has a build target, in most cases a EXE, DLL, or static library LIB. When you have a solution that includes an project with an EXE build target set the option "Set as StartUp Project" at that project in the solution tree.
If you don't have an EXE change your project setup to create a Win32 executable instead a library. For this task the most simple approach is creating a new project (Win32 Console Application or Win32 Project) and add all the source files.

How to compile all CPP file without building the whole project in VS2010

Is it possible that I can just compile all CPP files under a project and without linking etc. the project?
The only way I know to do this is by specify the /c switch when you compile the code. Unfortunately, this option is not available from within the Visual Studio development environment, so you'll need to build your code on the command line by calling cl.exe directly. To make things easy on yourself, use the Visual Studio Command Prompt to do so.
Not sure if it's possible to get MSBuild to do this, the documentation is unclear whether the limitation is Visual Studio itself or if it's a limitation of MSBuild. I haven't actually tried for myself.
Alternatively, you can build individual source files from within the IDE by pressing Ctrl+F7 (at least, assuming the default C++ development settings). If that fails, it's also available as the "Compile" option located in the "Build" menu.
I'm not sure whether this will do what you need, but may be worth a try: create a project for an executable (rather than a library) and include all cpp files in it. Add a main() function that just returns zero. Set the C++ optimisation option to 'optimise references' (/OPT:REF). This may just compile all the cpp files but effectively ignore them during the link stage since none of them are referenced by the application.
You don't say why you need to do this - is it because linking takes a huge amount of time?

Compiling without setting up a project in NetBeans or Visual Studio

In short: is there a way to compile and run single file in NetBeans or Visual Studio without having to setup and tinker with projects?
I'm currently using code::blocks as my IDE. It's fast and very simple: perfect for my needs as a begginner.
I wanted to dive a little deeper and try out a more advanced IDE such as NetBeans or Visual Studio. It appears I have to mess with projects and have a setup that seems overkill for having to compile and run one very simple .c/.cpp source file that contains less than 50-100 lines of code etc.
Is there a way around this?
You always have to setup a project - this is where information about libraries etc is found by the IDE, so it cannot do without. If you just have one file, and not a lot of dependencies you could just stick with a plain editor. Once you want auto completion of functions, refactoring, etc... you have to store the information about what is relevant somewhere, and the some sort of 'project' will become necessary.
