Genymotion: Virtualization engine not found - genymotion

Genymotion virtualization engine not found. Plugin aborted.
I'm running Windows 7 64-bit.
Help me fix this error please.

This happens to me and fixed it using this steps
Remove all VMs in Genymotion
Install VirtualBox > 4.3.18 (they fixed some bugs there)
you can refer to this answer for more elaborate solution.
hope it helps.
-cheers / happy codings

If you installed VirtualBox and it still doesn't find virtualization engine, may be you miss installing networking:


Install Processing on a Windows 11 machine?

I've just tried installing Processing (4.0 Beta 5) on two Windows 11 machines. In each case, Windows Defender declared that a virus was found and the program wouldn't run. Can anyone help me understand this and run Processing?
This is easily fixable. First, temporarily shut off Windows Defender. Complete the installation. Re-enable it. Done :) Good luck with Processing!

Hyper-V error when starting docker in windows

I've installed docker on windows 10 machine. When I start it I get error
As it can be seen on the picture below, I have Hyper-V switched on as on in the windows features, so not sure what is wrong. Anyone can advise please?
I am not sure about the issue. I did face same issue on my desktop than I switched from Hyper-V to WSL 2. and it worked. Below link could be useful for you.
Docker for Windows-WSL

Uninstalling intel HAXM on Mac (El Capitan)

I ran into an error after installing VMware Fusion on my mac, that it couldn't find /dev/vmmon. After some digging, I've learned that there are only so many available character devices, and that other software I have has consumed them.
Since I actively use Viscosity and Virtualbox (for the time being), the only other one that I could find I had was Intel HAXM driver.
Instructions online suggest to run a script to uninstall it, however that script did not exist on my laptop.
I unloaded the driver with the command:
sudo kextunload -b
I wanted to determine if there is anything else I need to do, will this driver attempt to reload during boot?
The Intel HAXM docs show that as of 2018, there is an uninstall script:
sudo /Library/Extensions/intelhaxm.kext/Contents/Resources/
I had the same issue, Tim Potter's solution fixed my issue ,
sudo kextunload -b
Cannot find /dev/vmmon (VMware Fusion 8.5.1 on macOS 10.12.1)
I had the same problem.
After a lot of trial and error, and helpful support from VMware I got it to work by
Create another user on the mac
log in as that new user
start fusion
create a new virtual machine (custom, windows7, no actual OS installation)
If machine starts, then vmmon is restored correctly
switch back to your normal user, start fusion and your existing vm
I have not investigated WHY this works, and VMware-support couldnĀ“t tell me either. For now - I do not care. It works, and I can run my vms again.

VirtualBox: "Warning: Connection timeout" when trying to run Laravel Homestead VM or x64 VMs

Trying to solve my problem I did the next:
Added 'Ubuntu_64' to config file.
Switched my WiFi off (saw this solution at Laravel forums) before 'vagrant up' execution.
Enabled GUI.
Rolled the VirtualBox and its extension back (also from Laravel forums).
The VMs which were successfully run with Vagrant are the Debian Wheezy 7.5 x32 built with puphpet and precise32.
As we can see, only x32 VMs could be run on my machine. I don't know why.
Here is my machine info:
OS: Ubuntu 12.04 64
Processor: AMD A8-4500M, 2 cores
Virtualization is enabled in BIOS. See screenshot similar to my BIOS view: screenshot
The latest Vagrant, VirtualBox and VirtualBox Extensions pack are installed
my user is added to virtualbox group
Thanks in advance.
Dude, your question helped me to fix my problem!
I was getting this connection timeout, turned my wifi off and bam! All working fine!
Double check if your ubuntu is really 64 bit.
I got some problems with some linux architectures for AMD in the pest!
There are a few and sometimes they can be a headache.. I think I got this problem with centos, it was i686 instead of simple x64. I don't really know the difference but what you can try doing is:
Instead of adding the homestead box (vagrant box add laravel/homestead)
Why dont you try adding a simple ubuntu-32 machine and then you run vagrant up.
I dont really know if it's going to work, but it's worth trying!
Thanks again for your answer, it really helped me

Virtualbox problems on Windows emulation

I've been experiencing a problem with Virtualbox on my Fedora 13.
When I try to setup virtual machine instance with Windows it just hangs the system with no reaction on keyboard commands with no respond to anything except physical halting. Please help what might be the problem?
which version of the virtualbox are you using, is the latest. Also you could try to re-install the software it may help you. One thing that usually helps is to delete the disk image file that you create for the image or use a different iso file to install your windows iamge.
Try one of those solutions, can't say what is the specific problem with your description
