iOS Parse Push Notifications in Adhoc exported ipa - parse-platform

I've an application which uses push notification service. When I run app on my iPhone with xCode notifications are received well but when I install app with exported ipa with Itunes notifications aren't received.
What is the problem ?

It sounds like a provisioning profile problem. When you export the .ipa, it uses a particular provisioning profile, and that profile is different for Xcode and for ad-hoc.
To enable push for ad-hoc builds, you can find a detailed list of steps here: Enabling Apple Push Notifications for ad hoc distribution environment

I fixed the problem with creating "Production SSL Certificate" in my push notification identifier.


How to disable notifications from WatchOS target to remove ITMS-90078 warning?

I selected include notification scene when creating a watchOS target app. After finishing development I did not use the notification scenes and deleted:
the related interface controllers from the watch storyboard
the related notification controller from the extensions
the .apns file
After upload I received the following warning information:
ITMS-90078: Missing Push Notification Entitlement - Your app appears to register with the Apple Push Notification service, but the app signature's entitlements do not include the 'aps-environment' entitlement. If your app uses the Apple Push Notification service, make sure your App ID is enabled for Push Notification in the Provisioning Portal, and resubmit after signing your app with a Distribution provisioning profile that includes the 'aps-environment' entitlement. Xcode does not automatically copy the aps-environment entitlement from provisioning profiles at build time. This behavior is intentional. To use this entitlement, either enable Push Notifications in the project editor's Capabilities pane, or manually add the entitlement to your entitlements file. For more information, ...
I use automatically managed signing and an Xcode managed provisioning file.
I have not found other code or settings in the Xcode settings related to notification.
After searching for a while I need some help to eliminate all notification related settings and code from my app to resolve the warning leading to rejection. Thanks for help!

How to enable phone auth firebase, flutter, xcode

I have Flutter Firebase auth configured and it is working perfectly with Android. But with ios, I cannot seem to get it to work.
Am using Xcode and Flutter on MacOS deploying to a physical iphone()14.4) and I have followed the instructions:
Added googleservice-info.plist into project via Xcode.
Under Signing and capabilities in Xcode, Provisioning profile, Team , Bundle identifier, Signing certificate(Apple Development certificate) configured with no errors. Push Notifications(Release) also enabled.
In, under Identities->myapp, I have enabled Push Notifications. I have also created development and production SSL certs inside Push Notifications. Also created key for Apple Push Notifications service (APNs).
In my Firebase project, I have added iOS apps and all the fields are populated. Under Cloud Messaging, in iOS apps, I have uploaded the APN key and both development and Production certs I got from Apple Developer.
I run 'flutter run --release' (I am using a physical iphone(14.4)) because debug mode is not allowed on 14.4. App installs successfully. I am able to navigate pages and even register email/pw with Firebase. But when I do a Firebase phone auth (verifyPhoneNumber), I keep getting an error as indicated by a snackbar error I coded in. Problem is that I cannot get the specific error from the logs since I have deployed using release and flutter logs remain blank.
I don't know what else to do. Please help.
Figured it out. Problem was with URL Types under Info of target Runner. Had to add URL Scheme. For those who has this problem, refer to the below.
iOS uses captcha with Firebase.

My exported .ipa file of push notification app didn't send notification on device when installing via iTunes instead of Xcode build [Development]

I used OneSignal for push notification service.
(Development) I set Provision Profile of push notification service for my app
When I run from Xcode,everything works fine on every device.
But,when I create archive(.ipa) with Debug Scheme and install via iTunes,the device seem to connect to OneSignal Push Notification service.But,can't receive notification from our backend service that was connected to OneSignal.
So,I think there is a problem with APNS
Any help with that?Did I do something wrong.
If there was,please guide me?how to test push notification of iOS Development profile with archive (.ipa)?
The reason why notification didn't come in when I install with my custom .ipa that was create by Xcode archive manager was,it did set default provision profile generated by Xcode for testing on Devices which wasn't include for APNS.
So,in order to make it work when testing development APNS using .ipa files installation via iTunes instead of Xcode build,you need to use your custom provision profile that was created by yours for testing APNS for iOS Development(Not Distribution APNS).
1.Go to Product>Scheme>Edit Scheme and set the Archive Tab to Debug
2.Then connect to your device and tap Product>Archive
3.Then your Xcode will create Archive for your file that you can upload or export as .ipa.Do like these picture
Then it will ask you which provision profile that you gonna use,choose like me at below if u set custom provision profile at your build setting
Then export as .ipa for all compatible devices.And then you can receive notifications like you run from Xcode by installing that .ipa via iTunes
Happy Testing!!!
As you have able to recieve the push notification on every device when you run from the Xcode so it did not problem in APNS or Provision Profile. I thought it might be a problem at OneSignal service.
For checking the push notication please look into the Mac application which created by noodlewerk.
Please download and open it. After that It will ask for provide the .p12 file(which you will get from the keychain) and device token. After that click on the "Push" button which will send you the sample push notification message on respective device.
Hope it will help you.

APNS Invalid token error using Parse

I have an iOS app in Xcode 7 that used Push Notifications via Parse in development mode. I had to format my Mac’s hard drive and reinstall El Capitan and Xcode. Running my same old code, all my push notifications now get a “APNS Invalid token” error. I’m assuming the error is due to changes on my Mac.
I have revoked and replaced my APN certificate at the Apple Member Center, downloaded the new certificate, put in it my keychain, exported it to a p12, deleted my old certificate at Parse and installed the new p12 file. I also edited and renewed my Provisioning Profile at Apple.
I’m still getting the Invalid token error from Apple. I haven’t changed any other settings so I don’t believe I am trying to use a development token against Apple’s production Push notifications service, or vise-versa.
Can anyone suggest how to correct this? Thanks!
Possibly because Xcode cannot find a correct provisioning profile linked with with your app Bundle identifier and it is relying on its default profile.
In the menu go to: Xcode > Preferences > Accounts
Then click on View Details.. button to see all the provisioning profile associated with your account. Make sure you download them all so that Xcode can find them on your disk. Alternatively you can download your provisioning profiles from member centre on your mac and double click on them so that Xcode loads them internally.
I had to re-enable Push Notifications in the apps Capabilities.

iOS Push Notification without adding UDID in provisioning profile for testflight beta

I am using Testflight Beta invitation mail to install app on iOS 8.1 iPhone 6.
App is getting installed however push notifications are not being received.
Do I need to add UDID in provisioning profile for push notifications to work ?
If so, How Push notifications will work for Apple's External Testers on Testflight Beta ?
Because this feature doesnt need to add UDIDs of devices in provisioning profiles.
Do I need to add UDID in provisioning profile for push notifications to work ? If so, How Push notifications will work for Apple's External Testers on Testflight Beta ?
There is no need of linking UDID's to the provisioning profile for Push Notifications under Testflight Beta External Testers.
There would be some other problems releated to push notifications. These can be:
Your certificate (PEM file) is not correct on the server end.
You are using sandboxing.gateway for sending push notifications. Then remove the sandboxing environment for this.
The device notifications settings are on for your app.
The device token you are sending to server is correctly used for sending right push notifications.
Some times push notifications get delayed due to some server issues.
Hope it helps.
