APNS Invalid token error using Parse - xcode

I have an iOS app in Xcode 7 that used Push Notifications via Parse in development mode. I had to format my Mac’s hard drive and reinstall El Capitan and Xcode. Running my same old code, all my push notifications now get a “APNS Invalid token” error. I’m assuming the error is due to changes on my Mac.
I have revoked and replaced my APN certificate at the Apple Member Center, downloaded the new certificate, put in it my keychain, exported it to a p12, deleted my old certificate at Parse and installed the new p12 file. I also edited and renewed my Provisioning Profile at Apple.
I’m still getting the Invalid token error from Apple. I haven’t changed any other settings so I don’t believe I am trying to use a development token against Apple’s production Push notifications service, or vise-versa.
Can anyone suggest how to correct this? Thanks!

Possibly because Xcode cannot find a correct provisioning profile linked with with your app Bundle identifier and it is relying on its default profile.
In the menu go to: Xcode > Preferences > Accounts
Then click on View Details.. button to see all the provisioning profile associated with your account. Make sure you download them all so that Xcode can find them on your disk. Alternatively you can download your provisioning profiles from member centre on your mac and double click on them so that Xcode loads them internally.

I had to re-enable Push Notifications in the apps Capabilities.


Xcode 13 - Cannot Submit Archive - Errors occurred while locating signing assets

This issue only started after updating to Xcode 13. Never had it under 12.x and no other changes. I am tying to send an Archive to Appstore Connect for a client. I have the "App Manager" role which has always been enough for this activity. However, when trying to send or even validate in Xcode, I receive an error related to "locating signing assets" with the log indicating the following:
2021-10-02 18:18:38 +0000 [MT] Failed to locate signing assets with
errors: (
"Error Domain=DeveloperAPIServiceErrorDomain Code=5 "Communication with Apple failed."
NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=You are not allowed to perform this
operation. Please check with one of your Team Admins, or, if you need
further assistance, please contact Apple Developer Program Support.
NSLocalizedDescription=Communication with Apple failed.}",
"Error Domain=IDEProfileLocatorErrorDomain Code=1 "No profiles for 'com.company.app' were found"
UserInfo={IDEDistributionIssueSeverity=3, NSLocalizedDescription=No
profiles for 'com.company.app' were found,
NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Store
provisioning profiles matching 'com.company.app'.}" )
I have tried to remove my account from Xcode and re-add, but to no effect. Again, I have had the App Manager role forever and never had a problem until upgrading to Xcode 13. I was thinking of having him elevate me to "Administrator" but that really should not be necessary. I also created a new distribution cert through Xcode (no errors there) but that didn't help either.
As an update. I went the manual route and created a profile and chose to select it manually rather than having Xcode handle it automatically. That worked. However, of course it should not have to work that way and I still don't understand why the automatic method is failing.
Anything else I can try?
It seems an Apple issue with the automatic sign-in process with Xcode 13. But maybe it's a wanted behavior for Xcode 13 using cloud base certs instead of the local ones.
Here's my story looking for a solutions for this.
I can confirm that downgrade back to Xcode 12 or switch to the manual signing way all works fine
Someone says that doing that:
Switch "automatically manage signing" in the project or re-select
Team. Make sure the changes appear in the project file:
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = "Apple Development"; CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
May solve the issue, but it didn't work for me.
It seems that Xcode 13
In Xcode 13 or later, Xcode will cloud sign any apps or software for
distribution when you’re using the Xcode Organizer archive and
distribution workflow. Additional permissions are available in App
Store Connect to enable Admins and Developers to sign apps and
software with these certificates.
So I ended up enabling Access to Cloud Managed Distribution Certificate in App Store Connect -> Users and Access for my account, as Jane Doe said in this thread.
And that did solve the issue.
Here are all my references:

XCode is unable to create a distribution signing identity

I am trying to submit my app to iTunes Connect. I have submitted it before(TestFlight) but at some point my certificates have stopped working. I have tried to renew them with 2 different approaches without any success.
Approach 1: In XCode I get the error that says that the developer profile already has a distribution certificate and suggest me resetting it. Resetting results in the same pop up window so this goes into a loop and does not work.
Approach 2: If I create the certificates and profiles manually in developer portal the archiving process only works if I select the correct identities in the build settings, otherwise the build fails and XCode says that it can not find code signing identities. But I cannot submit the archive because the following error occurs:
I have also tried exporting the .ipa from the archive(to upload it with Application loader) but this does not find the signing identities as well with the same error:
So now I am trying to go the suggested route where XCode is supposed to do all the work for me.(https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1814/_index.html) For a clean slate I have deleted all certificates, key-pairs and provisioning profiles from my mac and developer center.
I have removed all relevant keypairs and certificates from keychain. I have deleted all the provisioning profiles from my mac. I have also deleted all certificates and profiles from the developer site. I have also deleted and re-added the developer account in XCode settings.
I set the project's build settings:
I also set the team in general tab.
Now I guess XCode is supposed to fix my signing issues but after I press fix issues below the team option in general tab
I still go to the reset development/distribution certificate loop.
One thing I notice is that XCode does generate a key-pair to the keychain but not the certificate.
How can I upload my app to iTunes Connect with or without these problems?
Im using XCode 7.2 and this is a Unity3D app.
I have removed all relevant keypairs and certificates from keychain
Okay, but that is what Xcode is complaining about (each time it says "but it is not installed locally" in all the messages you have displayed). You need the private/public certificate pairs in your keychain. If you deleted the private half of the certificates, that is a huge mistake, because you can never restore it (Apple does not have it — it is private). You now will probably have to start all over again by throwing away absolutely everything — all certificates, all provisioning — both locally and at the member center, and beginning from scratch.
This can be done, but it is not trivial, because if you launch Xcode while any remnant remains, Xcode will try to install the certificate back into your keychain. To do it, you would need to delete everything from the keychain, mobile provisions folder, and member center, with Xcode not running.
I managed to upload the package by extracting the .ipa from the archive with
xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportFormat ipa -archivePath {path-to-xcarchive} -exportProvisioningProfile {“profile name”} -exportPath ~/Desktop/MyApp.ipa
and then uploading it with Application Loader.

"Message from debugger: Terminated due to code signing error" when debugging a Mac app?

I'm writing a Mac app in the sandbox, and can't seem to get code signing to work. I've selected "Developer ID" from the Info tab for my target, and I've tried letting Xcode set up my provisioning profile automatically as well as creating the profile myself. The app builds without any errors or warnings, but when I try to "build and run," it gives me the following error:
In console.app, I noticed I was getting the following message:
3/5/15 4:46:37.151 PM taskgated[73]: killed com.nateparrott.Boxcar[pid 27408] because its use of the com.apple.developer.ubiquity-container-identifiers entitlement is not allowed (error code -67050)
It turns out that the default entitlements file in my project included an empty list of iCloud container, which caused the sandbox to think the app needed iCloud permissions (which weren't included in the default provisioning profile). Removing the iCloud entry from the entitlements file solved the problem.
Try to regenerate your certificates from the Dev Center. This happens most of the times when you switch to a new mac or after upgrading to a newer OS X version.
You have downloaded and installed your cert (in Keychain Access) from the portal. If you created the cert today on the same Mac you're trying to run it on this won't be your issue.
Your cert from above is in the provisioning profile you imported into XCode.
You actually imported your provisioning profile into XCode. It should be selectable form your Build Settings drop-down.
The bundle identifier you created in the portal matches what you have designated in your project under the Target Info.
I tried Setting Build Settings->code signing identity to "Mac Developer" and Provisioning Profile to "Automatic". The debugger worked fine after that.
This also can happen when debugging on iOS Simulator, when developing for Mac Catalyst, when ENABLE_HARDENED_RUNTIME set to YES.
Below Xcode configuration helps to avoid this error:
ENABLE_HARDENED_RUNTIME[sdk=iphonesimulator*] = NO
modify targets>Build Setting>code signing identity to your sign development.

iCloud set up and provisioning

I am trying to set up iCloud within my iOS application, I have done the following:
Removed all old certs on mac.
Added iCloud to the App in Dev Console - created new container and added to app
Redone the dev provision and downloaded
Installed the provision
Added the iCloud Entitlement to the app
And this is where is all goes wrong...
I can't get the app running again, the app is building but I am getting an error saying:
The entitlements specified in your application’s Code Signing Entitlements file do not match those specified in your provisioning profile.
Any ideas??
UPDATE: I have managed to be able to run the application to get everything programmed and put in place, everything is set up iTunes Connect end, all provisions are valid and sync'd.
Now I am getting errors during validation...
There are 4: Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. Your application bundle's signature contains code signing entitlements that are not supported by iOS. Specifically, key 'com.apple.developer.icloud-container-identifiers' in Payload ------- not supported
Other 3 are similar for other containers!
Maybe it's a late comment, but I post it here in case that somebody is struggling for the same reason.
I encountered this issue on Xcode8 recently when I was trying to archive. Generally, I enabled iCloud with Xcode in following steps:
Enable iCloud inCapabilities panel in my target by setting the toggle to ON.
Check iCloud under my App Identifier in Member Center turns green automatically, and a iCloud container is created automatically with my App Identifier. (Apple's system does this for us.)
Regenerate my certificate with my App Identifier.
Create a new provisioning profile.
Download and install the new certificate and provisioning profile
Select the new provisioning profile in Signing(Release) section in General panel in my target.
Then I got errors like:
Provisioning profile "iCloud Test" doesn't include the com.apple.developer.ubiquity-container-identifiers,
and com.apple.developer.icloud-services entitlements.
Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.1'
Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.1'
At last I found that there were two options in iCloud section under my App Identifier in Member Center. By default, the Compatible with Xcode 5 was selected, but I succeeded by selecting the other option.
If you're just adding iCloud to an app for the first time or want to upgrade to use CloudKit after using an older iCloud container:
Go to the Apple Development Center.
Choose Certificates, IDs & Profiles.
Use the dropdown on the top left to switch between iOS/tvOS/watchOS or macOS
Choose App IDs under the Identifiers section.
Choose your app from the list.
Scroll down to iCloud and make sure it is enabled with a green dot.
If it's not enabled or has a yellow dot, click the button at the bottom of the page to Edit and make sure you've checked iCloud service.
You may also need to create a container under the iCloud Containers section then associate it with this app.
After submitting a report to Apple, it turns out that Apple systems are useless AGAIN!
Ok, so if you are creating a NEW application or you are only just adding iCloud to your application - you will need to make sure the system doesn't pick up or create a iOS8 cloud container!
If it does you need to remove it from your app entitlements file, remove the selected containers in the Apple Developer Console and re-download certs again!
Thanks Apple again!
I got blamed for using pre-released software! I haven't touch Xcode 6 yet!!!
What I did:
- leave only com.apple.developer.icloud-services in entitlements file
- in Capabilities under iCloud marked key value storage and iCloud Documents (cloud kit EMPTY)
- Containers set to specify custom but do not select any of your containers
- This will probably give you RED warning sign under steps but leave it as it is DO NOT FIX
- Regarding provisioning profile Development and Distribution profiles have to have App ID which has iCloud enabled but NOT linked to any container
- In those provisioning profiles set under iCloud OLD version for Xcode 5 etc. not a new one related to iCloud containers
I had an error of "Add iCloud Containers to your App ID".
Automatic signing was unable to resolve an issue with target's entitlements.
I don't even use iCloud Containers, only Key-value storage(keychain).
I also switched in iCloud section under my App Identifier in Member Center from "Compatible with Xcode 5" to "Include CloudKit support (requires Xcode 6)" problem still remains.
So I fixed it like this:
Enable iCloud Capabilities panel in my target by setting the
toggle to ON.
Turn on "Include CloudKit support (requires Xcode 6)" in Member
Center (still got same error).
in Xcode in iCloud Capabilities TURN ON CloudKit (even if you don't
need it) and then turn OFF.
And then problem solved for me!

Permission Denied when running Mac app after upgrading to XCode 4.4

I had a working Mac application until I updated to XCode 4.4 and Mountain Lion. Now the application still compiles, but when I try to run it I get an error message.
error: failed to launch '/Users/username/James/mac/Browser/trunk/Browser/DerivedData/Browser/Build/Products/Debug/Browser.app/Contents/MacOS/Browser' -- Permission denied*
Can anybody explain why I might be getting this?
I found this on an iPhone 5 (iOS 6.0) newly set up for development. I had to manually launch the app on the phone, and it said "Are you sure you want to launch this app signed by this devloper?" Once I approved that, the "permission denied" went away and it now launches from Xcode.
Unlock the Device
Try simply unlocking your device before running on it. I was stumped by this very same issue. Upon building and running with no changes to OS, environment, code, etc., I was receiving the error.
Similar questions have been asked here and here, but were not helpful in this situation.
This is caused by an entitlement (and, presumably, having the wrong kind of certificate for it).
If you have the sandbox enabled, and try to sign with a Developer ID certificate, your application will crash on launch (as of Lion—I haven't tried this on Mountain Lion).
If you have iCloud enabled, and try to sign with a Developer ID certificate, your application will not launch at all—in Xcode, you'll get the error message in the question, and in Finder, the application will launch ever so briefly and then get SIGKILLed.
Presumably, there is a right kind of certificate with which one can sign an app in order to be able to test with a sandbox and maybe even iCloud that you can obtain if you have a Mac Developer Program membership. A Developer ID certificate is not that kind of cert.
(That solves my problem, anyway. Dennis, what kind of cert were you trying to sign with?)
Open the organizer and make sure you're mac is in developer mode.
Also check your gatekeeper settings.
The device is seeing the app as an "unauthorized app downloaded from the web" for lack of a better description. Go into Settings > Security & Privacy, and at the bottom, allow applications downloaded from Anywhere.
Throwing a few thoughts on the wall:
Are you perhaps building on an external disk? Some drives get special permissions (like the "ignore permissions" checkbox), or maybe have ACLs set in a weird way. Tried building on internal startup disk?
Are you code signing? Have you tried just turning that off, to see if there's a bug in code signing or entitlements? Not the first time a new codesign tool has a bug.
Have you tried using xcode-select and updating any command line tools that are installed to make sure they all match the version of Xcode used?
Do you have any shell script build phases or the likes that might be editing the application after it's been signed, thus breaking the signature?
Have you checked if your hard disk is full or there's a (broken?) symlink somewhere in a path, or a volume name that has been unmounted?
i am sure this is long been figured out, but I have been getting the Permission denied and it turned out I had to add my laptop to the provisioning profile. I had recently reimaged my machine and in doing so the provisioning profile was no longer valid for that machine. It worked fine until i enabled iCloud. That's when the permission denied started.
Check the organizer in XCODE, click on the devices tab and click on your machine on the left. Check to see that the UDID it shows is listed in the devices section in your mac developer portal.
The short answer is when you get this error message, there is no valid development provisioning profile in the built application.
That alone won't solve your problem! There are a number of common causes of this:
You've moved to a new machine and haven't installed the provisioning profile in Xcode. Also see below
You've moved to a new machine and it's not in developer mode OR not added to the provisioning profile
For both of these, let Xcode regenerate it, or do it yourself in the Member centre... You can validate the causes is something to do with your provisioning profile by running Console and filtering on taskgated where you can see which provisioning profile it is trying to use (it will pull the one embedded in the application first, then try to pull from any installed on the Mac).
Make sure you check in your build settings that the right one is being used for Debug builds. Simple steps that normally resolve (XCode 5)
Go to member centre and create a new development profile
Select the app and certificate
Validate that the machine you are using is in the list of machines to be included in the profile, tick the box
Generate the certificate
Download it, and drag it over the Xcode icon in the doc
Go to the Build Settings tab in your target and set the provisioning profile to the one you've just downloaded
You haven't configured your iCloud/APN/GameCenter entitlements correctly.
