Maven: using a dependency version as a property across different modules - maven

I have got a project with a number of modules in it, now, e.g. I have a module M1 and its version 1.0.0 and in the same project I have got 8 other modules in which I have M1 as a dependency.
The problem is when I make a change in M1, update version to 1.0.1 and upload it to central repo, I have to change that version number 8 times.
I want to use this version number as property, which I have tried to put it as as a prop in parent pom but a maven warning saying its not right to do...
any thoughts? thanks in advance

Don't define the version as a property.
Adjust the <dependencyManagement> section in the parent pom like below:
<!-- eventually more dependencies -->
In the 8 modules which depend on M1, insert:
Take a look at the POM Reference - Dependency Management for further knowledge


Update Maven dependency version in multiple ServiceMix POMs

I am trying to automate process of changing version of a product that has ServiceMix (FuseESB) as an integration module.
Changing the version in each POM is quite easy with the Maven versions plugin:
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=NEW_VERSION -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
However, I am now struggling with updating version in dependencies that are other modules of this product. Particularly, in many Service Units' POM files there are dependencies like these (where OLD_VERSION is the same, older version number):
And I would like to set the version number in those dependencies to "NEW_VERSION".
Do you guys have any ideas?
Just found very simple solution for this - replace dependencies' version with ${project.version} - works for me because in my project the dependencies have the same version as the project itself (they are all artifacts of the same product).

Adding a dependency existing internally as a dependency

My project is a fairly large project consisting of many maven modules (but not microservices). I was trying to do Moving from spring to spring-bom on WAS but seems lot of clashes in versions. So for example one of my modules is using commons-collectionsversion 2.6.0 and my current project is using 3.2.2. I want the same jar to be used across. Since its more of a migration project I cannot do changes in container or repository changes at this time. I should only make sure that all the version are compatible with each other. My plan :
I want to include a dependency which is with in some other dependency
into the current pom as a dependency.
Also I want other jars in this pom (which exists as a dependency) to included the dependency
Is there anyway to do it?
I didn't completely understand your question, but the can help you to define a cross-module dependency version, as long as you place it in the parent-pom file.
and then define the dependency in the relevant module without providing it a version (it will be inherited from the parent-pom's <dependencyManagment> tag:

Cannot find openam-oauth2-common 13.0.0 version

We are upgrading openam to version 13. I've set artifacts version to 13.0.0 but when I start building the service with Maven I get a error message saying:
failure to find org.forgerock.openam:openam-oauth2-common:jar:13.0.0.
We are using forgerock repository:
Question: why the dependency is suddendly not available any longer and how to properly upgrade it?
It appears that the artifact you were using has been refactored, moving from a single project (i.e. a library) to a multi-module project (several modules, several libraries). Hence, although its Maven coordinates have not changed (GAV, GroupId, ArtifactId, Version), the usage (the consumption) of this library has been directly affected because its type has changed (again, from jar to pom).
Version 11.0.0, for example, was a jar, hence you could import it as most of the Maven dependency, via a dependency section.
However, since version 12.0.0, the artifact is a pom defining the following modules:
Hence, what previously would have been:
It cannot be simply upgraded via its version number but must be replaced via several dependencies (you can now narrow down what you actually need):
Most probably version 11.0.0 is provided as a subset of the dependencies above, including them should fix the issue (but you could also investigate later on which one is effectively required by your project, e.g. the last one, oauth2-oidc-test-server, is most probably not required simply looking at its artifactId name, as an immediate guess).

Update pom to use released versions

Trying to find a way to update a pom to use latest versions of a RELEASED dependency instead of SNAPSHOT.
We have a assembly project that assembles an image to be deployed that during development uses SNAPSHOT dependencies.
But now I want to update the dependencies to use the latest released dependencies. Tried using versions:use-latest-releases but it only affects already released versions in the pom.
Any ideas?
EDIT (can not for security reasons post the pom but here's an example)
Given that component a-b-c and g-h-i has been released with version 1.0.1 and 1.1.6 I want to replace their versions in this pom with these version numbers. Basically remove any snapshot dependencies in the pom.
I should add that is to be an automated process with minimal human interaction. For some reason I can only get versions:update-properties to work if versions are already in release state. If I have a snapshot version 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT and want to update it to 0.0.1 it doesn't happen and I have verified the release exists. Same thing with versions:use-latest-relese, and versions:use-releases does nothing at all.
I see two approaches here:
You can create multiple profiles in your maven pom. Best way is to create a profile of "snapshot" and one for "release". Described here: Different dependencies for different build profiles in maven
You can use maven pom properties to define variables for your dependency versions. See here:
Hope that helps!
You can use maven properties in your pom.xml, such as:
and when you want to change the versions, you can use maven-versions-plugin, with the following command, such as:
versions:update-properties -Dproperties=[${release_version}] -DincludeProperties={c-d-f.version}
Note that if you wanna use SNAPSHOTS, you need to add -DallowSnapshots. Read here for more options. And yes, the version needs to exist in the repo, otherwise it will fail. BTW did you use brackets, such as -Dproperties=[0.0.1]? after you read the link I sent you, you will see that this commmand's input is a range, so you must use brackets in order to specify a unique version.

locking snapshot versions when depending on multi-module project

I have a multi-module project (B) that depends on various modules of another multi-module project (A). Each module of (B) might depend on different parts of (A), but they should all use the same version of (A). Current that version is specified as a property in the parent pom of (B).
I would like be able to lock the version used to a specific build (x.y.z-ts-buildnum) from a single command while keeping the version of (B) to use listed only once.
In parent:
In a module:
I tried:
versions:lock-snapshots but that does not seem to lock versions set by properties
versions:update-properties which is for updating property versions but not locking snapshots
Writing a script around resolving the latests snapshot of A's pom from the local repository, but that does not work because each module has it's own timestamp. I could write a script to look at every module, but that's getting close to the amount of work a maven plugin would do.
I would suggest to define the dependencies to your module-A in your parent of the module-b like this:
Within your modules you now only need to write:
which will give you the possibility to change the version of all modules only within a single place. At the root of your module-A.
