Adding a dependency existing internally as a dependency - maven

My project is a fairly large project consisting of many maven modules (but not microservices). I was trying to do Moving from spring to spring-bom on WAS but seems lot of clashes in versions. So for example one of my modules is using commons-collectionsversion 2.6.0 and my current project is using 3.2.2. I want the same jar to be used across. Since its more of a migration project I cannot do changes in container or repository changes at this time. I should only make sure that all the version are compatible with each other. My plan :
I want to include a dependency which is with in some other dependency
into the current pom as a dependency.
Also I want other jars in this pom (which exists as a dependency) to included the dependency
Is there anyway to do it?

I didn't completely understand your question, but the can help you to define a cross-module dependency version, as long as you place it in the parent-pom file.
and then define the dependency in the relevant module without providing it a version (it will be inherited from the parent-pom's <dependencyManagment> tag:


spring-boot-starter-parent: Can this be included as dependency

I was understanding something in spring boot and to being with, used a very simple snippet, like adding this in pom.xml
As I understand <parent> in this context means that in my pom.xml, there we have a parent pom.xml (saw the pom.xml file for spring-boot-starter-parent) which will have list of dependencies.
The important thing is that it is only pom packaging, and NOT a real jar / binary (please correct if I am wrong)
I saw the following in mvn repository:
<!-- -->
My doubt is:
How can we include it as an dependency , it is just a pom packaging (and not a real jar / war), which acts as central place which holds common dependencies? Is it allowed? I tried adding in my project, but saw errors in STS IDE.
How does this get downloaded? Can we see the contents of this "parent"
First off, you've probably missed the meaning of parent pom in this case.
Spring boot of any specific version (2.2.1 in this case) comes with a bunch of possible integrations with many technologies / libraries. So it provides "default" versions of the libraries to work with because its very hard to check that it compatible with all possible versions of all libraries. You can of course provide your own version but then you should test a compatibility as an application maintainer.
So If you'll checkout the source code of spring-boot-starter-parent pom, you'll see that it provides some plugins and plugin management and more importantly inherits from another pom called spring-boot-dependencies
Note it doesn't add any dependencies to your project. It only defines a dependencyManagement section. This means that once you'll use the dependency in your project (that inherits) from this pom, you don't have to specify a version, only group id and artifact id.
Again, that's because spring boot offers by default very specific versions of thirdparties - the version that it was verified that it's compatible with...
Now as for the second part of the question - indeed it doesn't make sense to include dependency with packaging pom like you've posted, could you please provide a link where exactly you've seen this?
Sometimes when people adopt spring boot in their projects they already have have some parent, so they can't use the inheritance, in this case they can use a very special maven scope "import" and use the dependency on pom treating it as BOM (bill of materials) - frankly a pretty advanced stuff in maven. But spring boot uses this feature for these cases.
The dependency inclusion looks like this:
Note, the `import line. From maven's site: This is meant to allow dependency management information such as versions and excludes be retrieved from a remote POM file.
Here is a tutorial about this topic
#CuriousMind, including the spring-boot-starter-parent as a dependency is like trying to instantiate an interface or Abstract Class in Java. As you noticed, its packaging is pom, meaning it is just a maven artifact to help configure your maven project. Jar and War will contain some java binaries. I think the MVN repository code automatically generate all sample as dependencies..

Transitive Dependency doesn't work properly

I am trying to configure a general POM that will contain some basic dependencies that probably all my projects are going to use.
I made a project with POM.xml,with packaging set to pom and added some basic dependencies.
Then i am trying to add this project as a dependencies using this code in my project:
I expected that NetBeans would automatically start downloading the depedencies of the dependency(transitive depedencies),but it doesn't.This whole thing works fine with inheritance,but i wanna try it without inheritance — just to see it works...What could be the problem?I run install on the general-deps project so that it's available in my local repository.

Getting Maven to resolve missing dependencies with closest available matches

When I look at my local Maven cache (~/.m2/repository/) I see 10-20 versions of certain artifacts, some of which are being used for only a single specific build (project). I would like to get rid of this duplication (true, they are different versions, but I'd still think a depending project would be able to tolerate a micro or minor version difference) and to somehow ask Maven to resort to the closest available version during dependency resolution, if a specific artifact version is missing in the local repository.
For example, if I have versions 1.0.0, 1.1.2, 1.4.0 and 2.0.0 of a foo:bar artifact in my local cache, I would like Maven to:
use 1.1.2 for a build requiring 1.1.0
use 1.4.0 for a build requiring 1.4.10
use 2.0.0 for a build requiring 2.5.0
without having to manually change the pom of the specific build(s).
I am fairly aware of the risks associated with switching dependency versions without proper analysis, and I'm only asking for a mechanism to be utilized for non-critical builds (such as a tool/library that I just cloned off a VCS, and would like to run and try out), preferably activated only when a particular flag is provided.
Is there something out there, like a Maven extension or plugin (that can be applied on a system-wide scale, and activated on demand with a flag), that can help me achieve my goal?
P.S.: Since the definition of "closest" could be ambiguous (given the fact that Maven may not know which of 1.4.0 and 2.0.0 is closer to 1.5.0 depending on the actual release versions lying between them), it would even be sufficient if I can specify the version on the build command (e.g. mvn package -Dfoo:bar=1.4.0), still without making any manual pom changes. (While this may already be possible for versions that have been specified as <properties> entries, I would like a generic solution where even hard-coded versions in transitive dependencies could be overridden.)
P.P.S.: Please note tht the project(s) that would be built would not have been authored/composed by me, so I don't really have control/authority over their actual pom files. What I'm looking for is a way to override dependency versions in their pom files without doing any manual modifications at source level.
In order to change a transitive dependency, you need to exclude the transitive dependency in your direct dependency, then add a direct dependency in your pom.
For example, if you have a dependency on foo.jar (which depends on xyz.jar version 1.3) and on bar.jar (which depends on xyz.jar version 1.4), you can have these two sections in your pom:
<!-- Define the version(s) that you allow your dependencies to depend on. -->
<!-- Declare your dependencies but don't allow them to suck in their transitive dependencies. -->
This will pick up the most recent version of xyz.jar that it can, and that will be the only version used. When foo and bar use xyz, they'll have the version that you've allowed into your project.
The best thing to do is to use a parent pom (or bom: bill of materials) with a well-defined and well-maintained dependencyManagement section. Stick with a single version of everything, just share that "everything" between all projects. You can override versions in projects if you need to.
If you'd rather define versions in each project, then version ranges will work. For the three examples you gave, you would use things like:
[1.1.0, 1.2)
[1.4.0, 1.5)
(Open to correction here.. I haven't used version ranges in almost 10 years.)
Finally, to get it to use versions that are already available, rather than download the best ones, all you can do is to use a local artifact repository as your central maven repository, and turn off access to maven central and bintray.
Closest thing I found so far:
It can be dropped into ${MAVEN_HOME}/lib/ext and utilized for overriding versions of specific dependencies, e.g. mvn install -Dversion:junit:junit=4.10. While it doesn't offer the suggested "intelligent version derivation" approach, it's a good-enough solution.

Force latest version for maven dependencies

I have the following dependency (only so far) pom.xml
This dependency obviously depends on other "dependencies" via it's pom.xml... when maven finished downloading these dependencies I noticed that it didn't grab the latest version of the Spring stuff (4.0.6.RELEASE)... it grabbed a 3.2.x version.
How can I force maven to grab the latest version of the Spring stuff? Do I need to explicitly modify my pom.xml to include all the dependencies or is there some "magic" I can use for this?
Spring "Bill Of Materials"
Salvation may come from special "bill of materials" POMs supported by Maven and published by Spring. Quoting from Maven "Bill Of Materials" Dependency in their manual:
It is possible to accidentally mix different versions of Spring JARs when using Maven. For example, you may find that a third-party library, or another Spring project, pulls in a transitive dependency to an older release. If you forget to explicitly declare a direct dependency yourself, all sorts of unexpected issues can arise.
To overcome such problems Maven supports the concept of a "bill of materials" (BOM) dependency. You can import the spring-framework-bom in your dependencyManagement section to ensure that all spring dependencies (both direct and transitive) are at the same version.
Would this work for you?
Looking at the spring-data-jpa artifact pom file, we can see that it has a parent called spring-data-parent with current version 1.4.2.RELEASE. It's pom describes dependencies and their versions. Currently spring version is at 3.2.10.RELEASE
One way you can possibly accomplish what you want is to add explicit dependency on spring artifacts. But you would still have to define their versions.

Does Maven need to explicitly specify the dependency that Spring/Hibernate dependented?

I'm new to Maven, I try to use Maven with Spring, Hibernate in my project. After go though the Spring and Hibernate reference, I found that "there is no need to explicitly specify the dependent liberaries in POM.xml file for such Apache commons liberaries".
My questions is that : If my other parts of project refer to Apache commons liberary, such as commons-io, SHOULD I explicit specify this dependency in POM.xml file?
You should define those dependencies in Maven which your project is using. For example, even though some library depends on commons-io but if your code needs this then you should directly define commons-io in your pom.xml
You should not worry about the dependencies of the libraries you have defined in your pom.xml. Maven will do that for you.
Maven is used to avoid the issue of having to run down JAR files that are dependent on other JAR files. Of course you do not HAVE to use maven to do this, but you should. Maven will automatically download the dependent JAR files of the JAR file you require. THe hibernate-entity manager JAR file, for example, has over 100 dependencies and maven does the work for you.
Anyway,even if you do add the commons-io file to the build path/classpath of the maven project,and then update the project configuration, maven will kick it out.
You can provide a lib name on a site like to see what it depends on (e.g. take a look at a section called "This artifact depends on ..." in case of spring-webmvc library). Those dependencies (which your artifact depends on) are called transitive dependencies. You don't have to specify these in your pom.xml as maven will resolve them for you.
For the sake of readability you should only state those dependencies in your module that you rely on directly. You want JUnit to test your software, only declare JUnit; you need hibernate to use ORM, declare hibernate, and so on. Leave the rest to Maven.
And most of the time you should state what you intend to use in the very module you want to use it in. So if you want to use a dependency in more than one module, consider moving it into a dependencyManagement block in a parent pom and referencing it from there in the module you want it in.
parent pom.xml
child pom.xml
This guarantees you version-stability and still allows you to find out what a module uses by only looking in it's pom (and not all over the place).
