I would like to set the value of an old variable to a new one, like shown down here:
So the variable %NEWLPATH% needs to get the same value as %OLDLPATH%. The code shown above does not seem to work. Can someone help?
Don't use % on the left hand side of an assignment
The % is only needed when retrieving the value of a variable.
Is it possible to call a user defined variable within another user defined variable? For example, in the screenshot below I would like to call the variable 'CmsVersion' value in 'ResultsPath'. Right now it is outputting ${CmsVersion} as the folder name and not the variable value.
You cannot, at least not within the bounds of a single User Defined Variables configuration element.
It is possible if you add another User Defined Variables below your original one, this way you will be able to reference the variables define in the above configuration element in the one(s) which is (are) below:
More information: Using User Defined Variables
Variables declared in the same User defined variables config element cannot be reused in the same element. You can move it to Test Plan level as per screenshot below
In your case you will need to do another special handling because you are dealing with a windows folder path. the \ is escape character in JAVA. When you say \${CmsVersion} JAVA is treating \$ as an escape sequence.
I have declared 2 variables CmsVersion correlated within the same config element and CmsVersion1 correlated from Test Plan variable.
Result is as below in Debug Sampler
Today when I was debugging my JMeter script, I found a problem that confused me a lot.
CSV Data Config element: in CSV, I set variable userId to 1001200
Then run script below, and get different value of "userId" when using ${userId} and vars.get("userId"). I think they should be same value, but it seems not. After run vars.put("userId", "-111"), ${userId} and vars.get("userId") get different values:
so it seems ${} and vars.get() have some difference even though their variable is same, does anyone know the reason?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, you need to follow best practices when scripting and avoid using ${value}
When using JSR 223 elements, it is advised to check Cache compiled script if available property to ensure the script compilation is cached if underlying language supports it. In this case, ensure the script does not use any variable using ${varName} as caching would take only first value of ${varName}. Instead use :
Answer provided by #user7294900 refers to the case when Cache compiled script option is checked. But even if it's not checked, your script will resolve variables defined as ${varName} before execution, while vars.get("varName") is resolved during execution.
Before JMeter is about to run any element (sampler, pre- or post-processor), it will take (every) text field and will resolve any variables, functions or inline code, identified by ${...} to their values available at the time of the evaluation. Thus syntax ${...} converts variable into a constant string and your code (for Groovy or any other execution engine) will look like this:
log.info("***" + "1001200" + "***");
log.info("***" + vars.get("userId") + "***");
vars.put("userId", "-111");
log.info("***" + "1001200" + "***");
log.info("***" + vars.get("userId") + "***");
Thus no matter how you change variable during execution, it won't change since it's no longer a variable. But vars.get("userId") on the other hand, is a function call and will check variable value every single time.
I have assigned a variable ${WH} to 22 and now want to assign ${WH} to another variable called ${W_ID}. I have tried a couple of things, but none of them seem to be working.
None of below working (used in User Defined variable page):
I can't figure out why the value doesn't get stored in W_ID. How can this be done?
You can add JSR223 Sampler language can be Javascript and write:
vars.put("WS_ID", vars.get("WH"))
This will move WH value to WS_ID variable.
There's an issue if you are using multiple User Defined Variables, later assignment can override previous assignment, try to avoid it. The reason can be found in manual:
Note that all the UDV elements in a test plan - no matter where they
are - are processed at the start.
You can use the __groovy() function available since JMeter 3.1.
The relevant Groovy expression which will read ${WH} variable value and save the result into ${W_ID} variable will look something like:
You can put the function anywhere in your script. See Functions and Variables JMeter User Manual chapter for more information.
Can someone help me determine which I should be using?
Here is the situation - I am pulling a value from a column in the Data Table. If there is anything in that column, I set the data to a variable and take an action. If the column is blank, I want to skip that.
I am confused as to which IsWHATEVER statement would be best. For Example:
If IsEmpty(Datatable.Value("M4","Data_Entry"))=False Then
If IsNull(Datatable.Value("M4","Data_Entry"))=False Then
If IsNothing(Datatable.Value("M4","Data_Entry"))=False Then
I've just tried all of your options and found this to be the most correct:
If (DataTable.Value("M4","Global") <> "") Then
Your original options will not work on QTP Datatables as these are for uninitialised objects or variables. However, in QTP as soon as you create a parameter in the Datatable the first value gets initialised as blank (not to be confused with empty).
I agree with shreyansp.. The 3 options are for variables and objects
You could also use the below expression
If len(trim(DataTable.Value("M4","Global"))>0 Then
'Do code here
End If
I tried using uiimport to load a file to the base workspace.....It worked first time....but after trying again after a while...I wasnt seeing the variable in the base work space.
I used the default variable name which is given by 'uiimport".
This was the command I used:
And two variables where created by default..."data" and "textdata"(which is the header)....but now when i run it is no longer saved in the base workspace
I do not want to assign a variable to the uiimport like so...
K = uiimport(filename)
I do not want to do that because
My dataset has a text header and the data itself, and doing this would assign both "textdata" and "data" to "green" variable
How would I be able to get the dimensions of ONLY the "data" in green and how would I pass only "data"(which is in the green variable in the workspace.."rmbr"...the green variable holds both "data" and "textdata") to another function.
I was able to do all this when the uiimport automatically saved the variables in the base workspace....but somehow now it doesn't.
I would appreciate any help or tips on this matter
One thing to note about UIIMPORT is that it will save variables to the workspace from which it is called. If you call it from the command window, the variables will be saved to the base workspace. However, if you call it from within a function, the variables will be saved in the workspace of the function. This may explain why you are not seeing the variables appear in the base workspace.
One solution would be to do the following, using the function ASSIGNIN:
K = uiimport(filename); %# Load your data into a structure K
assignin('base','green',K.data); %# Get the "data" field from K and assign
%# it to variable "green" in the base
%# workspace
K = uiimport(filename);
to get only numerical data in your green variable.
uiimport returns file data as a structure containing the fields data, textdata, and colheaders. To return only the data field, assign another variable as K.data, or simply reassign K=K.data if you don't want the rest of the information contained by the file.