I tried using uiimport to load a file to the base workspace.....It worked first time....but after trying again after a while...I wasnt seeing the variable in the base work space.
I used the default variable name which is given by 'uiimport".
This was the command I used:
And two variables where created by default..."data" and "textdata"(which is the header)....but now when i run it is no longer saved in the base workspace
I do not want to assign a variable to the uiimport like so...
K = uiimport(filename)
I do not want to do that because
My dataset has a text header and the data itself, and doing this would assign both "textdata" and "data" to "green" variable
How would I be able to get the dimensions of ONLY the "data" in green and how would I pass only "data"(which is in the green variable in the workspace.."rmbr"...the green variable holds both "data" and "textdata") to another function.
I was able to do all this when the uiimport automatically saved the variables in the base workspace....but somehow now it doesn't.
I would appreciate any help or tips on this matter
One thing to note about UIIMPORT is that it will save variables to the workspace from which it is called. If you call it from the command window, the variables will be saved to the base workspace. However, if you call it from within a function, the variables will be saved in the workspace of the function. This may explain why you are not seeing the variables appear in the base workspace.
One solution would be to do the following, using the function ASSIGNIN:
K = uiimport(filename); %# Load your data into a structure K
assignin('base','green',K.data); %# Get the "data" field from K and assign
%# it to variable "green" in the base
%# workspace
K = uiimport(filename);
to get only numerical data in your green variable.
uiimport returns file data as a structure containing the fields data, textdata, and colheaders. To return only the data field, assign another variable as K.data, or simply reassign K=K.data if you don't want the rest of the information contained by the file.
Is it possible to call a user defined variable within another user defined variable? For example, in the screenshot below I would like to call the variable 'CmsVersion' value in 'ResultsPath'. Right now it is outputting ${CmsVersion} as the folder name and not the variable value.
You cannot, at least not within the bounds of a single User Defined Variables configuration element.
It is possible if you add another User Defined Variables below your original one, this way you will be able to reference the variables define in the above configuration element in the one(s) which is (are) below:
More information: Using User Defined Variables
Variables declared in the same User defined variables config element cannot be reused in the same element. You can move it to Test Plan level as per screenshot below
In your case you will need to do another special handling because you are dealing with a windows folder path. the \ is escape character in JAVA. When you say \${CmsVersion} JAVA is treating \$ as an escape sequence.
I have declared 2 variables CmsVersion correlated within the same config element and CmsVersion1 correlated from Test Plan variable.
Result is as below in Debug Sampler
I'm looping a directory and load all excel files where sheet name is like "Data".
If no sheet is named like "Data", I'm expecting the transformation to abort or throw an error. I have tried to use "switch-case", set default step to "Abort" if the sheet name does not equal to "Data", but this does not work. The work flow would go to both "Abort" and "Data" direction.
So how I achieve this? Just like doing an if else in Kettle? In SSIS, I can manage to use the variable to determine the work direction, but it seems that I could not use variable in Kettle.
I've figured out a solution.
USING Simple Evaluation to check for a variable value.
SET this variable value within the job:
Get sheet name from Microsoft Excel Input
Output this variable at the end of the job using [Set Variable], give it a dummy variable value
Check this variable at the parent transformation, if it equals to specific value, then continue the work flow, else abort
You can't set and read Variables in the same transformation.
In your case, get count of "Data sheets" by "group by" step and next simply call Abort in case of count=0.
I have a TinyDB and in each tag of the TinyDB I have a list.
Each list has 3 items, each indexed as 1, 2 and 3.
I want to change the 3rd item, index 3.
So I have done the following
So I want to now save the change in the TinyDB
and have added a storeValue command as follows.
I figured out how to get the valuetoStore variable. As follows.
I had done this before, and thought it wrong because it still doesn't change the 3rd item in the list. But I've added a notifier to look at it and it's correct. So the "replace list item" isn't working how I thought it should. It isn't replacing the 3rd item with an "n."
Any ideas?
Your second try is almost correct. The only thing is, you should use the replace list item block together with the local variable name instead of retrieving the value again from TinyDB.
So what is the difference to your "solution"? Currently you assign the list to a local variable name. Then you use the replace list item block together with a list, you can't store somewhere (you are loading the list again from TinyDB). And in the end you store variable name (which doesn't have been modified at all) in TinyDB. Therefore the solution is to use the replace list item block together with the local variable name instead of retrieving the value again from TinyDB. Btw. a better name for the local variable name would be list.
Further tips
Also in the definition of the local variable name you should add a block, e.g. an empty string or 0
And if you want simplify a little bit, you can move the definition of the local variable name inside the for each loop. And alternatively of using the for each number loop, for list it's easier to use the for each item in list loop, see also the documentation. The list in your case is TinyDB1.GetTags.
As already said in the forum, generally I would use a list of lists and store it in only one tag in TinyDB
How to work with Lists by Saj
How to work with Lists and Lists of lists (pdf) by appinventor.org
i am new to matlab. While working through the Matlab GUI, i faced a problem which is as follows..i want to have 2 figure files, with one figure file calling the other. i know that just by calling the name of the 2nd fig file from the first fig file, we can call the 2nd figure. however, i also wish to send some parameters from one fig file to another.here i need to send the arguments and also obtain these parameters so as to do further processing.i havent been able to find a solution to this problem. i would be glad if someone helps me out with this problem. thanking you in advance
There are three ways I found to do this:
Method 1: Use setappdata and getappdata like so:
some_other_var = getappdata(0,'some_var')
You would use setappdata() in the m-file for fig1 to store whatever data you wanted to pass around, and then call getappdata() in another m-file to retrieve it. The argument 0 to the two functions specifies the MATLAB root workspace, which is accessible by your program everywhere (i.e. it is global). As such, when you close your figures that data will still be available. You may want to use rmappdata to remove them.
Method 2: Use guidata:
Assuming you created your GUI with GUIDE, then you have access to a structure called handles which is passed around everywhere and which you can edit, and so you can do this in a GUI callback:
handles.some_var = some_value
Then you can access handles.some_var elsewhere in some other callback (because handles is automatically passed into it for you) in your other m-file:
some_other_var = get(handles.some_var)
Method 3: Use UserData:
Store the variable you want from your first figure:
set(name_of_fig, 'UserData', some_var)
Then to get it from your other one:
some_other_var = get(name_of_fig, 'UserData')
(Disclaimer: My actual knowledge of MATLAB is not all that great, but it helps to be able to find good resources like this and this, and even this from the official docs. What I've written here may be wrong, so you should definitely consult the docs for more help.)
I would do like this (assuming you're using the GUI builder GUIDE).
Let's say that your figures/m-files are named firstFigure.fig/m and secondFigure.fig/m. In the code of firstFigure, just call secondFigure and pass your parameters as arguments:
someNumber = 1;
someText = 'test';
aMatrix = rand(3);
secondFigure(someNumber, someText, aMatrix);
The arguments will be available to secondFigure as a variable varargin in the callback functions
function varargout = secondFigure(varargin)
function secondFigure_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin)
varagin is a cell structure; use cell2mat and char to convert it back:
theNumber = cell2mat(varargin(1));
theText = char(varargin(2));
theTextAgain = cell2mat(varargin(2));
theMatrix = cell2mat(varargin(3));
This may help:
The easiest method is to wrap the parameters in a cell array and send them directly to the GUI constructor. A call with two parameters might look like:
figure2({param1, param2})
Then you can unpack the arguments in the opening function (figure2_OpeningFcn) with code like:
handles.par1 = varargin{1}{1};
handles.par2 = varargin{1}{2};
These lines must be placed somewhere before the line that says guidata(hObject, handles);. Then you can access handles.par1 and handles.par2 directly in all the other callbacks.
I assume you are using GUIDE to generate your GUI. You can find figure2_OpeningFcn in figure2.m which will be located in the same directory as figure2.fig.
Note: you can also return values from a figure, returnvalue = my_figure({my_input}). If you'd like instructions on that too, leave a comment and I'll extend my answer.
I created a GUI and used uiimport to import a dataset into matlab workspace, I would like to pass this imported data to another function in matlab...How do I pass this imported dataset into another function....I tried doing diz...but it couldnt pick diz....it doesnt pick the data on the matlab workspace....any ideas??
[file_input, pathname] = uigetfile( ...
{'*.txt', 'Text (*.txt)'; ...
'*.xls', 'Excel (*.xls)'; ...
'*.*', 'All Files (*.*)'}, ...
'Select files');
M = dlmread(file_input);
X = freed(M);
I think that you need to assign the result of this statement:
to a variable, like this
dataset = uiimport(file_input);
and then pass that to your next function:
M = dlmread(dataset);
This is a very basic feature of Matlab, which suggests to me that you would find it valuable to read some of the on-line help and some of the documentation for Matlab. When you've done that you'll probably find neater and quicker ways of doing this.
EDIT: Well, #Tim, if all else fails RTFM. So I did, and my previous answer is incorrect. What you need to pass to dlmread is the name of the file to read. So, you either use uiimport or dlmread to read the file, but not both. Which one you use depends on what you are trying to do and on the format of the input file. So, go RTFM and I'll do the same. If you are still having trouble, update your question and provide details of the contents of the file.
In your script you have three ways to read the file. Choose one on them depending on your file format. But first I would combine file name with the path:
file_input = fullfile(pathname,file_input);
I wouldn't use UIIMPORT in a script, since user can change way to read the data, and variable name depends on file name and user.
With DLMREAD you can only read numerical data from the file. You can also skip some number of rows or columns with
M = dlmread(file_input,'\t',1,1);
skipping the first row and one column on the left.
Or you can define a range in kind of Excel style. See the DLMREAD documentation for more details.
The filename you pass to DLMREAD must be a string. Don't pass a file handle or any data. You will get "Filename must be a string", if it's not a string. Easy.
FREAD reads data from a binary file. See the documentation if you really have to do it.
There are many other functions to read the data from file. If you still have problems, show us an example of your file format, so we can suggest the best way to read it.