where can i find influxdb-java version 2.0 - maven

i find the page: https://github.com/influxdb/influxdb-java, i use influxdb 0.9, the java api is influxdb-java 2.0, in maven.
but i can not find this version. i can find the lastest is 1.5 version. please tell what can i do, how can i find and download this jar. thank you very much.

Or you can use JitPack until it gets published

If you can't find it in maven repos, you can download the release from github: https://github.com/influxdb/influxdb-java/releases/tag/influxdb-java-2.0
Then installing manually on your local maven repo or your nexus/archiva/artifactory.


Storm-crawler and Elasticsearch version

I'm working on getting the latest version of ES (5x) working with Storm-crawler.
I did what was mentioned here, I cloned the repo, mvn clean install to build and then I entered all the mvn commands mentioned here and it all worked.
The thing I'm confused about is when it comes to the pom.xml file, for the version number:
Do I enter 1.5 there or keep it as 1.4? I'm still trying to get get better with Maven and the Java build process and all.
If you are building the project on your local post cloning the repo.
You shall try
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.digitalpebble.stormcrawler -DarchetypeArtifactId=storm-crawler-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=1.5-SNAPSHOT
and then further you can then edit the pom.xml and add the dependency for the Elasticsearch module as -
StormCrawler 1.5 should be released soon and as suggested by #nullpointer you need to change the version to 1.5-SNAPSHOT; the tutorial was based on SC 1.4 which uses ES 2.x
See blog for potential issues when upgrading to ES5.
You have to keep it as 1.4, because this is the latest version of storm-crawler-elasticsearch plugin.

How To Download Spring Framework

I am trying to download spring framework for my java application in this https://projects.spring.io/spring-framework/ site, but the problem is that there is no option for the download.
Can anyone help please.
Just download the latest zip version from https://repo.spring.io/release/org/springframework/spring/ .Then unzip it and add jars from it to your project
Select which modules you need and generate an initial project in https://start.spring.io/
your question is not correct!
because you need a Layer such as Maven or Gradle !
but if you need to spring library . you can download it from this way:
you can use this web site For any framework such as spring:
There is already an answer to your question.
But if you are using maven or gradle (Dependency Management tools), you have the snippets needed to use Spring Framework on the site you provided. Just add these to your dependencies:
dependencies {
compile 'org.springframework:spring-context:4.3.2.RELEASE'
You can download latest version from here.

New Version of Spring-integration-aws in Maven

I am able to find spring-integration-aws of version 0.5.0. Is there a latest release with Spring 4.0 and Spring Integration 4.0 available to be used?
I cannot find it in Maven repo.
Nope. It's really top my priority task from the next several weeks just after the the SpringOne conference.
Meanwhile you can use something like this before the official RELEASE:
From the http://repo.spring.io/snapshot/ repository.

Download latest Junit for Maven

I have Maven and Nexus configured in my project and now I need to get the latest version of JUnit into my Nexus.
If I search Nexus, it shows the latest version available on Maven Central, but how do I download it ?
I don't even know in which repository the existing JUnit lies. I have about 15 repositories in Nexus and I'm not able to really find it.
So, in short:
Where do I find my existing JUnit version in Nexus local and how?
When I do find it and want to upgrade to latest, how to do it?
Just use the search feature. For that to work nicely you will have to have remote index download configured. Once you found it the results will show in which repository it is.
What JUnit version you use will depend on the dependency declared in your build system. E.g. if you use Maven it might look like this
In general I would suggest to read up on Nexus usage and repository manager basics in the free book Repository Management with Nexus and maybe on your build system as well. If it is Maven a good start are the Maven books at http://www.sonatype.com/Support/Books .
Disclaimer: I am co-author of the Nexus book.

spring maven repository issue (blog references but wanting to use newer version)

I have created a maven web project using the below site.
I have performed all the steps given there and executed a simple hello world program. Now, I have to include spring dependencies into my eclipse web project.
In the dependencies tag, I added the above configuration. Now, it is saying as below:
unable to find jars from the repositories (local and as well as remote)
It gave suggestion to execute the command:
mvn install -artifactid=springframework (something like this)
But when I mentioned version as 2.5.6 it's correctly taken. Is it the problem with the version 3.1.2 being unavailable at maven repository? How do I get the latest versions if maven is not working properly for latest versions?
It also gave me the suggestion to go for manual download and put in local repository.
The Maven coordinates changed over time.
OR Try:
I'll just find if there is an all-in-one POM or dependency. But "spring-full" looks 1.2.x only and "spring" 2.5.x. CHECKED: Can't find one I've been using separate modules in all projects for sometime (this is better anyway, fine grained dependencies).
The location you can search is at http://ebr.springsource.com/repository/app/
for 3.1.2 see http://ebr.springsource.com/repository/app/library/version/detail?name=org.springframework.spring&version=3.1.2.RELEASE&searchType=librariesByName&searchQuery=spring
Spring have changed their repository URL and online locations at least 3 times to my knowledge over the past 4 years. So I'd look for current information on their website about setting up a Maven <repositories> config to obtain their JARs. Beware of articles with out of date information :(
Also notice the artifactId is different in the 2 example this is another gotcha issue with spring. The "org.springframework.core" are their EBR and OSGi compliant versions of their software. The "spring-core" is the older pre-OSGi co-ordinates. Find what works for you and don't mix them in the same project. For example I am using "spring-core" because I use 3.2.0.M2 which are Milestone releases. But the production release EBR co-ordinates are the best to use.
Sorry for so many edits... but it has been a minefield even if you understand the heritage of getting Spring Source software.
